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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Release Notes

Browse the release notes by clicking on the desired version in the table of contents on the right.


Release date: January 30, 2025

Bug fixes

  • An error occurred when you attempted to assign a variable of type ExtendedFolderDto.


Release date: January 13, 2025


We republished this package with a new valid certificate.


Release date: December 17, 2024


The Automation Ops RT-OUT-001 (Email Blocklist) runtime rule now allows you to customize the error message to be received when trying to send an email to blocked addresses. For details, see Settings for Robot Policies.


Release date: 15 November 2024


For IMAP, POP3, and SMTP activities, you can now disable the default Integration Service connection. When added to a Windows or Cross-platform project, each activity includes a Use Integration Service field. To use the classic authentication method, set this field to False, and provide the server, port, email, and password in the Properties panel.

Bug fixes

  • The Mail activities were mistakenly listed under the App Integration section in the Activities panel.


Release date: October 31, 2024

Bug fixes

  • The Send Email activity failed when used inside the Use Outlook 365 scope activity.


Release date: October 23, 2024

IMAP, POP3, and SMTP activities support Cross-platform projects and Integration Service connections

This release introduces support for Cross-platform projects and Integration Service connections in IMAP, POP3, and SMTP activities. This means you no longer need to configure any authentication details inside the activity. Create a connection in Integration Service to the Mail connector, and the authentication is handled through this connection.

Starting with this version, when you add a new IMAP, POP3, or SMTP activity to a Windows or Cross-platform project, the authentication fields are hidden, and the Connection field is displayed instead. Activities that have been configured using standard authentication remain unchanged. Activities copied from one project to another also retain their configured authentication.

You can migrate IMAP, POP3, and SMTP activities from a Windows or Windows - Legacy project to a cross-platform project with a simple copy-paste action.

New IMAP activity

We also added a new activity to the package: Delete IMAP Email. It will be available only in cross-platform and Windows projects.


Release date: 12 August 2024

Bug fixes

  • This release brings updates to some dependencies for security reasons.


Release date: 9 July 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused compiling projects with the Use Desktop Outlook App activity to fail. The issue occurred when building a project when Outlook was not installed and configured on the compilation machine.


Release date: 3 June 2024

Bug fixes

  • We downgraded the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency from 7.4.1 to 6.34.0 for compatibility with other activity packages.


Release date: 13 March 2024

Bug fixes

  • The Send Email activity failed when used with the latest Studio Community version (2024.2).


Release date: 29 January 2024

New Features and Improvements

Coded workflows support

If you prefer to code when building automations, you can now achieve this using coded automations and UiPath services! The Mail activities package now includes APIs that enable you to create automations for Outlook, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP using code.

Visit Mail APIs to browse through the available APIs and Coded Automations to learn more about coded automations in UiPath Studio.

Bug Fixes

  • A Specified cast is not valid error occurred when the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity processed a recalled email.
  • A Specified folder does not exist occurred when trying to retrieve emails from a shared mailbox using the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity.
  • When you copied and pasted a Send Email activity inside a project, the HTML editor for the Body property was the same in the different instances of the activity and you could not add different content to the body of the activities.


Release date: 25 September 2023

New Features and Improvements

  • All Microsoft Exchange Server and IBM Notes activities are now available in Windows projects, enabling you to create new Windows projects and migrate existing Windows - Legacy projects that contain these activities to the Windows compatibility.


Release date: 24 July 2023

This release includes minor bug fixes.


Release date: 16 June 2023

Bug Fixes


Release date: 30 May 2023

New Features and Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • The Get IMAP Mail Messages activity failed to retrieve some email attachments from Gmail.
  • The Save Attachments activity sometimes didn't identify attachments correctly, causing a Value cannot be null exception to be thrown.
  • When using the Send Outlook Mail Message activity to send an email with images inside the body to SAP Shared Service Framework, the images were not displayed in the target application.


Release date: 11 April 2023

New Features and Improvements

  • You can now select connections from shared folders when you choose the account in Use Outlook 365 and Use Gmail activities configured to use the Integration Service.
  • If the Use Desktop Outlook App activity is used in a project, this information is now included in the published package, and is then displayed in Orchestrator. This feature requires Studio 2023.4 or later.

Bug Fixes

  • Mail activities didn’t retrieve attachments to Outlook emails. This issue occurred in version 1.18.1 of the Mail activities package.


Release date: 7 December 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Several accessibility issues have been fixed.
  • If the Send SMTP Mail Messsage activity was used to send an email with attachments, an error occurred when subsequent activities tried to access the files attached to the email. The issue only occurred in certain versions of Studio and the Mail activities package.


Release date: 27 October 2022

New Features and Improvements


Known Issues

  • IBM Notes and Exchange activities are not available in Studio projects that use .NET 5.
  • Due to the change to Graph API, there may exist undocumented differences in behavior of Exchange Mail activities in Studio projects that use .NET 5.
  • When using the For Each Email activity with the Use Outlook 365 activity on .NET 5 projects some filters are not supported.

Bug Fixes


Release date: 31 May 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Several accessibility issues have been fixed.


Release date: 9 May 2022

New Features and Improvements

New Activities


Breaking Changes

  • The Mail activities under the category are no longer available in cross-platform projects.

Known Issues

  • IBM Notes and Exchange activities are not available in Studio projects that use .NET 5.
  • Due to change to Graph API, there may exist undocumented differences in behavior of Exchange Mail activities in Studio projects that use .NET 5.

Bug Fixes

  • Inline attachments were being removed and added as regular attachments when forwarding an email using the Send Exchange Mail Message activity.
  • Inline attachments were not being retrieved in some cases when using the Get IMAP Mail Messages activity.
  • The HTML Editor has been updated to correctly insert an image in the body of an email in .NET 5 cross-platform projects.
  • Email attachments could not be retrieved from certain iPhone mail apps when the Save Attachments activity was used together with Get POP3 Mail Message and Get IMAP Mail Messages activities.
  • Email attachments were not being retrieved correctly from emails sent from WinMentor platform.
  • Unexpected validation errors were being generated in file path fields of mail activities used in C# projects.
  • The Save Email Attachments activity was failing to filter attachments when two or more Save Email Attachments activities were used consecutively.


Release date: 12 November 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Use Gmail activity to allow entering a Client Secret with a length of 35 characters.
  • An issue has been fixed that caused Save Mail Message activity to fail when the resulted file is in the project’s root folder.
  • An issue has been fixed that caused Save Mail Message activity to fail when used in a .NET 5 Windows project.


Release date: 27 October 2021

New Features and Improvements

The StudioX design experience comes to Studio

  • Starting with Studio v2021.10, the design experience that was previously available only in StudioX is also available in the Studio profile:

    • The are now available by default in the Activities panel under Integrations > Gmail and Outlook.
    • When you configure mail activities inside the Use Outlook 365, Use Gmail, or Use Desktop Outlook App scope activities, you can now browse the accounts and select data that matches the type of a property directly from the Plusdocs image menu of each property, without having to manually enter expressions. You can indicate Outlook folders, Gmail labels, the email selected in the Outlook desktop app when the project is executed, the current mail in an iteration, or message fields such as Subject, Body, Body as HTML, Bcc, Cc, To, From, Date (as text), and Priority.

Support for Integration Service Connections

  • You can now easily authenticate to Outlook 365 and Gmail by using connections from the new Integration service in UiPath Automation Cloud.

    When the Integration service is enabled in your tenant, the Use Outlook 365 and Use Gmail activities enable you to quickly authenticate by creating a connection or selecting an existing connection from the service. To enable the use of the Integration service for managing the connection, select the Use Connections option in the Properties panel of the activities. If you select the global setting Default to managed connections in the Studio settings, the Use Connections option is selected by default in all the activities that support it. The global setting is selected by default if the Integration service is available in the Orchestrator tenant that Studio is connected to.

Runtime Governance

  • Organizations can now use Robot governance policies deployed from Automation Ops to specify email addresses where automations are not allowed to send emails at runtime. The new Robot policy available in Automation Ops starting with Robot v2021.10 includes the Email Blocklist Runtime Analyzer rule that enables you to define email addresses or domains that Mail activities which can send emails are prohibited from using as recipients. The rule supports the use of regular expressions for defining patterns for email addresses to block.

New Activities


  • This activities package now supports .NET 5 projects. For more information about setting the project compatibility, see About Automation Projects.
  • Desktop Outlook activities can now run in Picture in Picture mode while Microsoft Outlook is open when using UiPath Robot version 2021.10 or higher.
  • The For Each Email activity has been updated with a new option:

    • Include subfolders - Select this option if you want to expand the iteration to include all subfolders of the selected mail folder. This option is not selected by default.

Known Issues

  • IBM Notes and Exchange activities are not available in Studio projects that use .NET 5.
  • Due to change to the Graph API, there may exist undocumented differences in behavior of Exchange Mail activities in Studio projects that use .NET 5.

Bug Fixes

  • Emails sent using the Send Email activity added inside the Use Outlook 365) or Send Exchange Mail Message activities now appear as expected in the Sent Items share mailbox folder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Exchange Mail activities to prompt the user for credentials each time the activity ran when used with Office 365 Interactive authentication.
  • An update was made to make the Save Outlook Mail messages activity visible again in Studio.
  • An issue has been fixed where mail date filters didn't work correctly when the Windows regional settings were set to English (India).
  • The Send Outlook Mail Message activity has been updated to correctly handle inline attachments when the email message is forwarded.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented several Mail activities to move, archive and delete messages when used with a shared mailbox.
  • An issue has been fixed that sometimes caused the Send SMTP Email Message activity to throw an SMTP authentication error.


Release date: 2 June 2021

What’s New

New Activities

  • Save Outlook Mail Message - Saves an Outlook mail message to the specified folder.

    Please note that this was incorrectly included in the 1.10.4 release notes.


Release date: 26 April 2021

What’s New

New Activities


  • The Get Outlook Mail Messages activity has received the following updates:

    • The ability to filter by mail message IDs.
    • The ability to order mail messages by date.
    • The activity now retrieves Non-Delivery Reports and invite emails as well.
    • The MailMessage object now exposes the Categories field.
  • The Get IMAP Mail Messages activity has received the following updates:

    • The ability to filter mail messages using filter expressions.
    • The ability to order mail messages by date.
    • The activity now retrieves Non-Delivery Reports and invite emails as well.
  • You can now specify the reply-to addresses, importance, and sensitivity of an email when using the Send Outlook Mail Message activity using the following options:

    • ReplyTo - The email addresses used when replying.
    • Importance - The importance of the email.
    • Sensitivity - How sensitive the email is.
  • The Get Exchange Mail Messages activity has received the following updates:

    • The ability to filter by mail message IDs and filter expressions.
    • The ability to order mail messages by date.
    • The activity now retrieves Non-Delivery Reports and invite emails as well.
    • The MailMessage object now exposes the Categories field.

StudioX Activities


  • The following activities have been updated with a new option for the Body property, called HTML:

  • When working with Mail activities, you can now retrieve the body of an email as HTML by selecting Body as HTML from the Plusdocs image menu.
  • You can now specify the reply-to address, importance, and sensitivity of an email when using the Send Email activity using the following options:

    • Reply to - Email address used when replying.
    • Importance - The importance of the email.
    • Sensitivity - How sensitive the email is.
  • You can now use shared mailboxes in automations involving Outlook 365 and the Outlook Desktop app. For Outlook desktop, select the shared mailbox to use from the Account drop-down in the Use Outlook Desktop App activity. For Outlook 365, enter the address of the shared mailbox in the Shared mailbox to use field that is available in the Use Outlook 365 activity.
  • You can now choose to overwrite existing files when saving email attachments with the Save Email Attachments activity by selecting the Overwrite existing option.
  • You can now save multiple attachment types using the Save Email Attachments activity in StudioX by adding multiple file extensions in the Filter by file name field. Example: “.xls|.pdf”.
  • You can now also filter by category and date when using the Additional Filters feature in the For Each Email activity.
  • Non-Delivery Report (NDR) support has been added to the following mail activities:

  • Invites are now supported when using Mail activities.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue for the Get Outlook Mail Message activity that in some cases would prevent attachments from being added to the email.
  • An issue has been fixed for the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity that in some cases prevented the sender email address from being retrieved for a specific email message.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Get IMAP Mail Messages activity to fail when reading certain emails.
  • Fixed an issue for the Get IMAP Mail Messages activity that in some cases prevented the sender email address from being retrieved for some email messages.
  • An issue has been fixed for the Get Exchange Mail Messages that prevented the activity from working with public folders.


Release date: 2 June 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Use Outlook 365 activity to take too long to complete when retrieving emails using the For Each Email activity.
  • All SMTP Mail activities now work when a value is set in the SecurePassword property.


Release Date: 27 January 2021

New Features and Improvements

StudioX Activities

The Send Calendar Invite activity has received the following updates:

  • The Description property has been updated to allow the use of a Word document as input in addition to the current plain text option.
  • The Attachments property has been added, offering the ability to attach files to a calendar event.

Bug Fixes

An issue has been fixed where in some cases the Get Outlook Mail Messages and Get IMAP Mail Messages activities would not retrieve the sender email when working through multiple emails.


Release Date: 12 October 2020

New Features and Improvements

All the Exchange activities in this pack have three new properties added, enabling you to connect to the Exchange Server you are using by any of the authentication methods, thus expanding the possibilities of automation.

This activity pack has now been upgraded and is fully compatible with the C# Studio feature. For more information about C# support, see About Automation Projects.

The amount of packages you can find on UiPath activity feeds is humongous, and it grows with each passing day. This can prove to be a nuisance when searching for a package with a more common name, for example. We felt your pain and decided to do something about this. From now on, all UiPath official activity packs can be easily filtered in the Package Manager so you’ll be able to reach your favorite package in no time!

StudioX Activities

Automate Gmail and Outlook 365

Mail automation capabilities have been expanded with the addition of Gmail and Outlook 365 support. All you need to do is define the account to use by adding a Use Outlook 365 or Use Gmail activity, and then add activities to automate inside it. All existing activities that previously worked with the desktop version of Outlook have been updated to also support Gmail and Outlook 365.

Mail Improvements

A new filtering option is available for the For Each Email activity that enables you to only iterate through emails with attachments.

The Date (as text) email field can now be selected from the Plus menu of input fields for activities added inside Use Desktop Outlook App. You can use the date of the email selected in Outlook or that of the current email when iterating through Outlook emails.

Bug Fixes

  • If you execute a project with Outlook desktop activities when Microsoft Outlook and Studio are not running with the same privileges, the error message that is displayed now informs you that you must run the applications with the same privileges (either both as administrator or both not as administrator).
  • Outlook folder names with Japanese characters are now displayed correctly in the Move to field of the Move Email activity. Characters in this field are no longer encoded, apart from \ and %. If you enter folder names in the Text Builder and the names contain the characters \ or %, the characters must be URL-encoded (%5C and %25 respectively).

Known Issues

  • If the Word document you select to use as the body of an email in a Send Email, Forward Email, or Reply to Email activity contains pictures, some of the pictures may not appear in the body of the email that is sent.
  • If a picture fails to appear in the email body, try one of the following workarounds:

    • Open the Word document, remove the picture, and then add the picture again.
    • Change the extension of the Word document to .zip, extract the archive, open the file document.xml located in the folder word, search for the attribute r:link, and remove it (for example, r:link="rId11"). Save the file, then zip the extracted files again and change the extension back to .docx.


Release Date: 29 June 2020

Bug Fixes

  • If you execute a project with activities designed for the StudioX profile when Microsoft Outlook and Studio are not running with the same privileges, the error message that is displayed now informs you that you must run the applications with the same privileges (either both as administrator or both not as administrator).


Release Date: 8 May 2020

New Features and Improvements

This release brings new activities and enhancements to the existing activities designed for the StudioX profile.


Release Date: 11 November 2019

New Features and Improvements

We have further increased language support by adding Turkish, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish (Latin America), and Spanish (Spain) to the list of languages present in the UiPath Platform.

We have added activities designed especially for the preview version of StudioX this release, which is why you'll see the minor version incremented. To check them out, you can see the StudioX Mail Automation documentation.


Release Date: 26 August 2019


Three new languages, German, South Korean, and Portuguese are available for the UiPath.Cognitive.Activities package.

Bug Fixes

  • The Send SMTP Mail Message activity threw an error when TLS was enabled in the SMTP server. This has been fixed by updating some internal dependencies.


Release Date: 12 July 2019


We want to reach out to the entire world and make automation a language everyone can speak. So, starting with this release, the entire platform is available in Chinese.

Note: Chinese can only be used in this pack when installed in Studio v2019.4.4 or v2019.7 or above.


Release Date: 21 May 2019


All of the Lotus Notes activities are now correctly renamed to IBM Notes.


Release Date: 25 April 2019

New Features and Improvements

We're proud to say we have added Lotus Notes to the list of email clients we support! This means we've developed four new activities which can handle your inbox with ease. These activities are:

  • Delete Lotus Notes Mail Message
  • Send Lotus Notes Mail Message
  • Move Lotus Notes Mail Message
  • Get Lotus Notes Mail Messages

Also, we understood the need to be able to reply to a mail in Outlook, so we have created the Reply To Outlook Mail Message activity, which helps you do just this.


Release Date: 10 January 2019


This new year brings two more languages in the entire UiPath Platform - French and Russian. Since we layed down the foundations of localization in our previous release, we are continuing our efforts in bringing you a more immersive experience and lowering the language barrier bit by bit.


Release Date: 17 October 2018


The moment is finally here - the entire UiPath Platform has been localized, so that you can have a truly immersive experience, from install to design and execution. Now, besides English, you can access everything, including our online documentation, in Japanese.

Bug Fixes

  • When forwarding mails with the Send SMTP Mail Message activity, mails were not sent to the target recipient.
  • When Microsoft Outlook stopped responding, the Get Outlook Mail Messages, Move Outlook Mail Message, and Send Outlook Mail Message activities caused the Robot to freeze.
  • In some cases, the Send SMTP Mail Message activity failed to authenticate and threw an error.
  • Fixed an issue that did not allow users to send mails with the address of other users in their domain by using the From and Name properties in the Send Exchange Mail Message activity.
  • Get Exchange Mail Messages was unable to retrieve emails from a shared account from a folder different than Inbox.

Known Issues

  • When sending mails with the Send Outlook Mail Message activity, inline attachments are sent as normal attachments.
  • The Send Outlook Mail Message activity can only save messages as drafts in the first Drafts folder found in Microsoft Outlook when the IsDraft check box is selected.
  • The Get Outlook Mail Messages activity's ability to retrieve mails depends on how often Microsoft Outlook is configured to synchronize.


Release Date: 27 December 2017

New Features and Improvements

This release features a new property, SharedMailbox, for the Get Exchange Mail Messages activity. Also, new VB.NET expressions have been added to extract the content of a mail message in more ways, whether we're talking raw text or HTML. Lastly, several issues regarding attachments and other minor features have been fixed, as can be seen below:

  • The SharedMailbox property has been added to the Get Exchange Mail Messages activity. This property enables mail messages to be retrieved from a shared mailbox linked to an Exchange user account.
  • If an email is retrieved as a System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object, its text content can be accessed by using the item.headers("PlainText") VB.NET expression. Also, the HTML content can be accessed by using the item.headers("HtmlBody") VB.NET expression. This only works with POP3, IMAP, and Outlook mail messages.

Bug Fixes

  • The Delete activity can now be used to delete message attachments right after the Send Exchange Mail Message activity.
  • Enabling the IsDraft property in the Send Outlook Mail Message activity now fills in the E-mail address field of the draft mail that is created. Thus, the mail can be sent without issues after being created.
  • Email attachments are now properly identified by the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity even if they are placed after the signature.
  • The Send SMTP Mail Message activity now correctly displays attachment filenames that contain Japanese characters.
  • The Send Outlook Mail Message activity can now forward an email that contains attachments without throwing an error.

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