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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Excel Process Scope


Opens or reuses Excel processes, loads the Excel project settings, and applies them to the associated Excel file. This activity simplifies Excel process management by enabling you to configure how an Excel process is launched and how existing processes are managed.

Some of the use cases are:

  • Enables or disables macros.
  • Handles conflict resolutions between Excel files.
  • Allows the termination of existing Excel processes to avoid conflicts.
  • Manages process modes (whether to open a new process, reuse an existing one, or prompt the user).

We recommend placing a Use Excel File activity inside an Excel Process Scope activity to open Excel documents with certain settings already applied.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Display alerts - If selected, Excel can display alerts and messages. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains the following options: Same as project, False, and True.
  • Existing processes action - The action to be executed if other Excel processes are running. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains the following options:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings.
    • None - No action is taken in relation to the existing processes on the machine.
    • Force kill - Closes any open Excel processes without any attempt to save the file.
  • File conflict resolution - The action to be executed if Excel file conflicts are detected between Excel processes. For example, an Excel file is already open in another Excel process. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains the following options:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings.
    • None - No action is taken.
    • Close without saving - Closes any Excel files that are in conflict, and does not save pending changes.
    • Prompt user - Shows the user a prompt which requests that files must be closed.
    • Throw exception - Raises an exception that can either be handled in a Try Catch activity, or cause the workflow to terminate.
  • Launch method - Determines whether an Excel process is launched via COM APIs or as full process. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains three options, as follows:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings.
    • Automation - Excel is started by the automation APIs. This is faster, but not all add-ins load, so it can cause problems if the workbook relies on an add-in to function correctly.
    • Application - Excel is started as if a user manually opened it, which ensures that all aspects of Excel, such as add-ins, load.
  • Launch timeout - The time to wait for Excel to start in seconds, if launched as a full process. The default value is 20 seconds.
  • Macro settings - Specifies the macro level for the current Excel file. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains the following options:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings.
    • EnableAll - All macros are enabled and can be run.
    • DisableAll - All macros are disabled in the specified Excel file. No macros can be run.
    • Use Excel's settings - Reads the current Excel Macro settings.
  • Process mode - Determines how the Excel Process Scope activity manages Excel processes:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings. This is the default value.
    • Always create new - Always creates a new Excel process to load all of the associated files.
    • Attended user - Enforces that there is only one Excel process on the machine. If it finds more than one Excel process, it prompts the user.
    • Reuse if exists - Searches for any open Excel processes when you first execute the Use Excel File activity to verify if a file is already open. If it finds an open file, it associates that process with Excel Process Scope. In the event that it finds another open file, it applies the File conflict resolution setting.
    • Only if exists - Searches for any open Excel processes when you first execute the Use Excel File activity to verify if a file is already open. If it finds an open file, it associates that process with Excel Process Scope. If it does not find any open files, it throws an exception.
  • Show Excel window - If selected, Excel windows appear during the automation. The default value is Same as project. The drop-down contains the following options:

    • Same as project - Applies the same settings as in the Project Settings.
    • False - The project in the background opens Excel files with their windows hidden.
    • True - The project opens Excel files with their windows visible to the user.
Important: To avoid errors, do not simultaneously use the following properties with the specified options: Existing processes action with Force kill and Process mode with Only if exists.
  • Properties

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