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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025



Use the following lists to view all the cross-platform activities included in the Microsoft 365 activity package, under each category:

These activities are also available in Studio Windows projects.

Note: These activities use Integration Service connections.

Using cross-platform activities

The activities in the cross-platform category are designed for cross-platform projects in Studio Web and Studio Desktop.

Connect to your Microsoft 365 account

When you add an activity that interacts with an online application using an Integration Service connector, you must select the connection for the account to use in that activity.

Microsoft 365 activities use the following connectors:

Depending on whether or not connections are already set up in the Integration Service for the connector, one of the following may occur:

  • No connection exists - You are prompted to add a connection in the activity. From the connection drop-down, select Add new connection to start the authentication process and enable the required permissions. For more information, see the Integration Service documentation for the connector you want to use.
  • Connections already exist - Select a connection from the connection drop-down in the activity. The connection that is set as default is automatically selected. To add a new connection, select Add new connection from the drop-down.
  • A connection is selected but is invalid - If a connection is selected, but no additional properties are available in the activity, this indicates the connection is broken. From the connection drop-down, select Manage connections to go to the Integration Service and fix the connection.

Iterate through items with For Each activities

The For Each activities (For Each File or Folder, For Each Event, For Each Email, For Each Row in Workbook, For Each Sheet in Workbook, and For Each List Item) execute an activity or a series of activities for each file, event, file or folder, email, or item in a specified Outlook 365, OneDrive, or SharePoint location.

Inside the body of a For Each activity, you can use a variable called CurrentItem, which refers to each item in the contained collection.
Add the activities to repeat inside the Body section of the For Each activity. When you configure these activities, indicate that you want to process each item in the iteration by selecting the CurrentItem variable for that item:
  • CurrentEvent in the body of For Each Event
  • CurrentItem in the body of For Each File or Folder
  • CurrentEmail in the body of For Each Email
  • CurrentSheet in the body of For Each Sheet in Spreadsheet
  • CurrentRow in the body of For Each Row in Spreadsheet
  • CurrentItem in the body or For Each List Item

Calendar activities

The Microsoft 365 Calendar cross-platform activities provide methods to manage your calendar events.

Set start and end dates and times

Activities such as Create Event or Update Event let you choose the start and end date and time of that particular event. To set a start or end date and time, click the calendar icon next to the field to open the calendar widget and select the date and time. Alternatively, click the Plus button menu to use a variable. In Studio Web, you can also use one of the predefined snippets (Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, StartOfNextWeek, StartOfNextMonth, Now).

Excel activities

The Microsoft 365 Excel cross-platform activities provide methods to create, extract, and insert data into Excel cells, ranges, worksheets, and workbooks.

Range types

Activities such as Read Range, Write Range, and For Each Row in Workbook allow you use data from a specified range of cells in a workbook or worksheet.

There are several types of ranges that you can use: Range (named ranges whose scope is limited to a given worksheet), Table (Excel tables), Sheet (entire sheets), and Global Range (named ranges that are available for use throughout the workbook), or Default (which includes all the previous types and allows you to manually enter a custom range, e.g., Sheet1!A1:B6).

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