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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Write Range


Writes the data from a DataTable variable in a spreadsheet starting with the cell indicated in the StartingCell field. If the starting cell is not specified, the data is written starting from the A1 cell. If the sheet does not exist, a new one is created with the value specified in the SheetName property. All cells within the specified range are overwritten, and changes are immediately saved. The activity can only be used in the Excel Application Scope or Use Excel File activities.
Note: In UiPath.Excel.Activities v2.8.5, and later releases, an error is thrown if you use this activity to write to a range that contains hidden rows or columns.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • SheetName - The name of the sheet where the target range for writing is located.. By default, this is filled in with Sheet1. Only string variables and strings are supported.
  • StartingCell - The starting cell for writing the data. Only string variables and strings are supported.
  • DataTable - The data you want to write to the specified range, provided as a DataTable variable. Only DataTable variables are supported.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • AddHeaders - If selected, column headers are also written to the specified range. By default, this checkbox is not selected.

Example of using the Write Range activity

You can download a demonstration of how to use Write Range alongside other activities from Filter and Delete Rows in Excel Files.

  • Properties
  • Example of using the Write Range activity

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