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Automation Suite installation guide

Last updated Feb 24, 2025

RabbitMQ pod stuck in CrashLoopBackOff


This issue causes the RabbitMQ pod to be stuck in CrashLoopBackOff, with the log of the failing pod showing wal_checksum_validation_failure as a reason.

To get a list of all pods, run the following command:

kubectl -n rabbitmq get podskubectl -n rabbitmq get pods

To get the logs of a pod, run the following command:

kubectl -n rabbitmq logs <CrashLoopBackOff-Pod-Name>kubectl -n rabbitmq logs <CrashLoopBackOff-Pod-Name>


To fix the issue, take the following steps:

  1. Find the number of RabbitMQ replicas:

    rabbitmqReplicas=$(kubectl -n rabbitmq get rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -o json | jq -r '.spec.replicas')rabbitmqReplicas=$(kubectl -n rabbitmq get rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -o json | jq -r '.spec.replicas')
  2. Scale down the RabbitMQ replicas:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq patch rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\": 0}}" --type=mergekubectl -n rabbitmq patch rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\": 0}}" --type=merge
    kubectl -n rabbitmq scale sts rabbitmq-server --replicas=0kubectl -n rabbitmq scale sts rabbitmq-server --replicas=0
  3. Wait until all RabbitMQ pods are terminated:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq get podkubectl -n rabbitmq get pod
  4. Check for pending volume snapshots:

    kubectl get volumesnapshot -n rabbitmq  <crashloopbackupoff_pod_pvc_name> | grep falsekubectl get volumesnapshot -n rabbitmq  <crashloopbackupoff_pod_pvc_name> | grep false
  5. If any pending volume snapshot exists, delete it:

    kubectl delete volumesnapshot -n rabbitmq <pending_volume_snapshot_name>kubectl delete volumesnapshot -n rabbitmq <pending_volume_snapshot_name>
  6. Find and delete the PVC of the RabbitMQ pod that is stuck in the CrashLoopBackOff state:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq get pvckubectl -n rabbitmq get pvc
    kubectl -n rabbitmq delete pvc <crashloopbackupoff_pod_pvc_name>kubectl -n rabbitmq delete pvc <crashloopbackupoff_pod_pvc_name>
  7. Scale up the RabbitMQ replicas:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq patch rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\": $rabbitmqReplicas}}" --type=mergekubectl -n rabbitmq patch rabbitmqcluster rabbitmq -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\": $rabbitmqReplicas}}" --type=merge
  8. Check if all RabbitMQ pods are healthy:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq get podkubectl -n rabbitmq get pod
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