- Release notes
- Getting started
- For administrators
- Designing automations
- Creating an automation from an idea
- Creating a project
- How to start an automation
- Managing project files and folders
- Connecting automations to your accounts
- Configuring activities
- Managing the activities in a project
- Passing values between activities
- Iterating through items
- Managing the data in a project
- Configuring a project to use your data
- Using file and folder resources
- Running and testing your projects
- Managing automations
- App projects
- Apps in Studio Web
- Set an external context using query parameters
- Use arrays to populate Dropdown, Multiselect dropdown, and Radio Button controls
- Use tabular controls with Data Service entities in app projects
- App activities

Studio Web User Guide
Use tabular controls with Data Service entities in app projects
You can query or edit Data Service entities in tabular controls, such as the Custom List, Dropdown, Edit Grid, Multiselect Dropdown, and Table controls. Use the Data source property of the respective tabular control to create a workflow and bind it to your entity. Then, use events to define automations to perform other operations on your entity.
This procedure is applicable to all tabular controls, and uses the Query Entity Records activity.
Add a tabular control, for example, Edit Grid, to your app:
Create a new app, or open an existing one.
In the left-hand side panel, select Toolbox.
In the Display controls section, select Edit Grid and drag it into your app.
Configure the Data source of the Edit Grid control:
In the Properties panel, select Create workflow. The project canvas opens and the system automatically adds a Query Entity Records activity to the workflow.
In the dropdown Entity field, select the entity you wish to query.
If you are using the Dropdown control, you also need to configure the Column property of the control using the name of the entity field you want to display in the control.
This procedure is applicable only to Edit Grid, and uses the Update Entity Records activity.
Before beginning this procedure, make sure you completed the previous steps:
You added an Edit Grid control to your app.
You configured the Edit Grid data source using a Query Entity Records activity.
Build an automation to update your Data Service entity:
In the Properties panel, select Events.
Under Row modified, select Define automation. The project canvas opens.
Add an Update Entity Record activity from the Data Service activity package.
In the dropdown Entity field, select the entity you want to update records for.
Configure the activity:
In the Record Id field, select the Resources button, then Expression editor.
Add the following expression:
. -
Configure additional fields as necessary. For example, if your entity contains a field called Name, select the Resources button next to the Name field and add the following expression: