- Release notes
- Getting started
- For administrators
- Designing automations
- Creating an automation from an idea
- Creating a project
- How to start an automation
- Managing project files and folders
- Connecting automations to your accounts
- Configuring activities
- Managing the activities in a project
- Passing values between activities
- Iterating through items
- Managing the data in a project
- Configuring a project to use your data
- Using file and folder resources
- Running and testing your projects
- Managing automations
- App projects

Studio Web User Guide
Managing the activities in a project
Every activity you add to a project has a default name. It is important to give your activities unique names that indicate what their purpose is and makes them easy to identify in your workflow.
To rename an activity, click the name displayed
in the activity title bar or select Actions
Using Autopilot™ activity summarization capabilities, you can create meaningful names which clearly describe what an activity or sequence is doing. This feature is particularly useful for improving the readability of large workflows, which can be hard to review or maintain.
To improve the clarity and consistency of activity names, Autopilot takes into account the elements that define the activity, including its description, arguments, properties, input values, and its corresponding category name and description. In the case of sequences, Autopilot creates a single-sentence summary from all the descriptions of the activities included in the sequence.

To move an activity inside your project, click and hold the activity icon displayed on left side of the activity title bar, then drag the activity and drop it in the desired location. Alternatively, you can cut the activity and then paste it somewhere else in your workflow.
To cut or copy an activity, select Actions
> Cut or
To insert the activity you copied or cut in another location, do one of the following:
- On the activity
after which you want to insert it, select Actions
> Paste.
- Click the Add activity button where you want to insert the activity. An option to insert the activity is displayed at the top of the add activity window.
Collapsing activities helps save space on your project canvas, making it easier to navigate, especially in larger projects. You can keep activities expanded when you need to configure them, and then collapse them after you are done. As soon as you add a new activity, Studio Web automatically collapses the previous activity in the workflow.
To collapse / expand an activity, click anywhere in the empty space in
the activity title bar, or select Actions
> Collapse
or Expand.
When working in container activities, you can collapse and expand the Body block by clicking the button on the right side.
Annotations enhance projects by providing additional details about activities, aiding both yourself and collaborators in better understanding specific aspects when revisiting the project.
To add an annotation to an activity, select Actions
> Add
annotation, and then use the text box displayed under
the title bar. After you add an annotation, you can edit it at any
time. If you want to remove an annotation from an activity, select
> Delete
annotation. Annotations are visible at the top of each
activity. The annotation icon is displayed in the title bar of
collapsed activities that contain an annotation.
Annotations can also be used to access Autopilot™ for Studio workflow generation features.
Disabling an activity lets you run your project without executing that activity, which can help you identify troubleshoot errors. For example, you may want to disable activities that aren't fully configured, activities with errors, or activities that do not behave as expected.
To disable an activity, select Actions
> Disable.
When an activity is disabled, it is placed inside a disabled
activity container. You can still configure it, but, unless you
enable it again, the activity won't be executed when you run the
project. To re-enable an activity, select Actions
> Enable on
the disabled activity container.
To break down large projects into smaller components, you can extract an activity or a sequence as a workflow. This creates a new workflow containing the targeted activity or sequence. An Invoke Workflow File activity is created in place of the extracted activity. Input and output variables used in the activity are automatically converted to In and Out arguments.
To extract an activity as a workflow, select Actions
Extract as Workflow. In the New Workflow window, type
in the name of the workflow, choose the location where to store it
inside the project, and select Create. If the extracted
workflow has the same name as an existing workflow, the extracted
workflow keeps the name of the existing workflow followed by an
incremental number.
To remove an activity, select it and press the Delete key, or
select Actions
To open the activity documentation on the UiPath®
documentation portal, select Actions
> Help or
press F1 on your keyboard.
A breakpoint purposely pauses the project execution on an activity which may cause execution issues. When you run the project, execution pauses before that activity runs which can help you identify and fix issues in your projects.
To add a breakpoint to an activity, select Actions
> Add
When a breakpoint is set on an activity, the icon is displayed to the
left of the activity's title bar.
To remove a breakpoint from an activity, select Actions
> Remove
If an activity has an incomplete or invalid configuration, the icon is displayed on
the right side of each property with errors, and the property name
and outline are colored in red. An error icon is also displayed on
the right side of the title bar of the activity and of all of its
parent activities.
Hover over the error icons to view more information about the cause of the error and possible solutions.
Selecting the Fix button lets Autopilot™ automatically attempt to fix the error, generating a valid expression in the Expression Editor that you can save or discard. If the expression cannot be fixed, an error message informs you that you need to manually change the expression in the Expression Editor.
- Renaming an activity
- Moving an activity
- Cutting, copying, and pasting an activity
- Expanding or collapsing an activity
- Adding an annotation to an activity
- Disabling or enabling an activity
- Extracting an activity as a new workflow
- Removing an activity
- Accessing the documentation for an activity
- Adding a breakpoint on an activity
- Identifying errors in an activity