- Release notes
- Getting started
- For administrators
- Designing automations
- Creating an automation from an idea
- Creating a project
- How to start an automation
- Managing project files and folders
- Connecting automations to your accounts
- Configuring activities
- Managing the activities in a project
- Passing values between activities
- Iterating through items
- Managing the data in a project
- Configuring a project to use your data
- Using file and folder resources
- Running and testing your projects
- Managing automations
- App projects

Studio Web User Guide
Debugging app projects
Debugging app projects works in the same way as debugging other Studio Web projects.
If the app or any of its automations have errors, the test buttons will be greyed out until these errors are resolved. Apps and workflows with errors have a small red dot next to their names in the Project Explorer.
After selecting a test option, Studio Web will automatically build the app and the automation code behind it. After a short while, the app will open in a separate browser tab, and you can test its functionality.
If the app does not open automatically, a tooltip opens.
While the app is running, you can switch back to the Studio Web designer. Notice that the app project is now running in debug mode. You can now click and interact with the automations triggered by the app events and view their progress in the Output panel.
You can also set breakpoints on activities to see how automations are executed.
When a breakpoint is triggered in an automation, the app will pause execution with the message Paused in WorkflowName.xaml. You then have the option to stop or continue running the app.
Opening the Watches panel shows you the values of the variables up to the point where the execution reached the paused activity.
Select the Continue button from the top ribbon to continue running the entire workflow, or Next step to advance to the next step in your automation. Select Stop to end the debugging process and return to your app project.