- Release notes
- Getting started
- For administrators
- Designing automations
- Creating an automation from an idea
- Creating a project
- How to start an automation
- Managing project files and folders
- Connecting automations to your accounts
- Configuring activities
- Managing the activities in a project
- Passing values between activities
- Iterating through items
- Managing the data in a project
- Configuring a project to use your data
- Using file and folder resources
- Debugging banner notification after extension upgrade to Manifest V3
- Autopilot Recorder for UI Automation
- Running and testing your projects
- Managing automations
- App projects

Studio Web User Guide
Debugging banner notification after extension upgrade to Manifest V3
The debugger banner appears because the chrome.debugger API is used to load the UI Automation selection screen code in the target tab.
This banner is a security feature designed by Chrome to inform you when a debugger is active. You can safely close the banner by clicking the Cancel button. This action does not affect the functionality of the extension.
Even if dismissed, the debugging banner reappears every time you start an interactive selection via the Indicate target on screen or Edit target activity options or when selecting a browser tab for the Use Browser activity.
Install the extension via group policy
- for Chrome:
- for Edge:
Start the browser with the silent debugger switch
Example for Chrome:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"