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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Google Drive events

The Google Drive connector supports the following predefined events: File Created, File Moved to Trash, File Updated, Folder Created, Folder Moved to Trash.

The Google Drive connector also supports New record created, Existing record deleted, and Existing record updated events on the File and Folder objects.

When a document is deleted, a prompt to choose between Go to Docs Screen or Take out of trash is displayed. If you select Go to Docs Screen, the document is displayed for a split second, before the user is redirected to the home screen. Due to this phenomenon, there are two DELETED events triggered (one for the actual deletion and one for viewing the document for a split second). This cannot be avoided as it is vendor behavior.
Google is incrementing the document version, which causes additional events even though there is no actual update performed. One possible cause for this version update can be the user just viewing of the document. This is the vendor behavior; users will see additional events even when there is no actual update.

Event polling is performed every 5 minutes, by default. The polling interval is configurable. For details, refer to the Triggers documentation.

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