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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Exploring notifications

You can manage your notifications using the My Notification view from the Notifications settings page.

Viewing and accessing notifications

You can access notifications through the Notifications panel only.

To access the Notifications panel, go to the top navigation bar and select the bell Bell icon icon. The Notifications panel displays notifications ordered by date, in descending order. The Notifications panel displays notifications from newest to oldest.

To access a specific notification, select the desired notification frame.

Filtering notifications

While you're in the Notifications panel, you can further filter the notifications, so you can view certain notifications first. To filter the notifications that you receive in the Notifications panel:

  1. Open the Notifications panel.
  2. Select the Service dropdown and then select the service for which you want to view notifications.
  3. Select the Severity dropdown and then select the severity of the notifications that you want to view.

Viewing and accessing email notifications

When an event that you are subscribed to takes place, an email notification is generated and sent to the email address that you used to create your account. To access the email notifications, check out the inbox of the email address where you know the notifications will be sent.

You can get the following information from the email:
  • Read general information about the event that took place.
  • Navigate to the corresponding service and tenant where the event took place.

To receive email notifications, you need to enable the Enable email notifications option option from the Preferences menu.

With Actionable notifications you can quickly complete simple tasks directly from your inbox, without having to log in to Action Center:
  • Approve an action
  • Reject an action
  • Add comments to an action

You can also select View full task in Action Center to access all the task details in Action Center.

To have Actionable notifications, you need to enable this option when you Create App Task.

Enabling email notifications

To enable email notifications, you must configure a custom SMTP server. Visit Configuring email notifications using custom email settings to configure a custom SMTP server for your organization.

Displaying only unread notifications

To display unread notifications, select the Unread only checkbox in the Notifications panel.

Configuring default subscriptions

In the Manage notification view, there is a Default user group. You can edit the group to change the default notification subscriptions. Here's how to configure the default subscriptions for all the users inside your organization, including for external AD groups.
  1. In the organization Preferences, go to the Notification settings page.
  2. Change the view from My Notification to Manage Notification.
  3. Select the Edit edit icon inline with the Default user group.
  4. Go to a service tab (Actions, for example), and choose the default events all users should be subscribed to. Also choose to hide or unhide some or all events for users in the organization.
    1. Select the visible visible icon next to an event to hide or unhide it from the users in the external group.
    2. Select the checkboxes under Mandatory. This subscribes users to an event, without the possibility of changing this setting.
    3. Select the checkboxes under Automation CloudTM Public Sector and Email to choose the default events the users are subscribed to.

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