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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Frequently asked questions

This page lists the most common questions you may have regarding the differences between Integration Service in Automation Cloud and Integration Service in Automation CloudTM Public Sector.

Why is there a difference in the connectors available between Automation Cloud and Automation Cloud Public Sector?

Certain connectors require approval from the vendor to be available in the UiPath Integration Service catalog. While most vendors accept the current UiPath application approvals, some require UiPath to create new applications when publishing for the Public Sector. This process takes time and it is not entirely within our control, therefore these connectors are currently unavailable in the Public Sector offering. However, as UiPath works to obtain the necessary approvals, they will be made available once approved.

Why am I not seeing the license consumption in Automation Cloud Public Sector?

This feature is currently in the implementation process. We are actively working to enable it. Keep an eye out for future release notes to learn when this feature is released. Meanwhile, if you have any questions regarding licensing and consumption of API Calls, reach out to your dedicated account manager for further assistance.

Why don't certain conenctors have the ability to connect to FedRAMP-specific domains or URLs?

Not all applications are FedRAMP-certified. If an application is certified, but lacks a dedicated authentication option on the screen, it's because we are actively working on implementing it. If this requirement is urgent for you, inform your dedicated account manager of your needs, and we'll prioritize accordingly.

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