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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 11, 2025


This page explains how to fix issues you might encounter when using connections.

Client Request Failed: Failed to receive access token


This error is caused by invalid credentials or details provided by the customer.


Make sure all the populated/given credentials are valid.

The connection failed to create, please close this browser tab and try again


This error is caused by invalid scopes or app permissions.


Check whether all scopes/permissions are provided as expected.

Connection is currently inactive, please click fix connection


It is possible that a connection might expire due to OAuth token expiry or a refresh issue.


Select Fix connection and redo the connection creation flow. To fix a connection, select your connection's corresponding More button in the right side of the interface and select Fix connection.

Error Code: 400 Message: Cannot delete connection with one or more triggers assigned


When trying to delete a connection, you might encounter the following message: Error Code: 400 Message: Cannot delete connection with one or more triggers assigned.


You cannot delete the instance when you have a trigger enabled on it. Delete the trigger before deleting the instance.

The user does not have Connections.View permissions on the connection folder.


Connections in Integration Service appear to be successful (Status: Connected), but unattended jobs fail with the following error message: "The user does not have Connections.View permissions on the connection folder."


The robot needs access to the connection used in the process.

For a robot to run a job using a connector from Integration Service, the following are required:

  • The connection and the robot intended to run the job must be in the same Orchestrator folder.
  • The robot must be assigned a role that has Folder View permissions for the Connections item. For more information, refer to the Orchestrator User Guide.

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