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Task Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 3, 2025


Errors and warnings

An error refers to an issue that might affect a proper working of Task Mining or the Task Mining recorder. To ensure a proper working of the application, you must resolve the errors before you continue. A warning refers to a potential problem that does not affect the working of Task Mining or the Task Mining recorder immediately. It is strongly advised to resolve any warnings to prevent any potential future problems.

There are different error messages defined for when the user status is Error.

  • The RI errors indicate that something is wrong with the initial recording process that creates captured data.
  • The TCW errors indicate that something went wrong while uploading data.

Below is an overview of errors and warnings that may occur when using Task Mining or the Task Mining recorder. It is intended to provide guidance with the most common issues. If you encounter any issues that are not covered here, feel free to reach out to UiPath® Customer Support for help.


Make sure to attach the recording application logs when submitting the UiPath Customer Support ticket. Refer to Recording application logs for more information on how to obtain the log files.

Error RI0000 - Unknown error

Indicates that an unexpected error has occurred during the recording process. This can be due to a variety of issues such as a problem in the software, a problem with the hardware, or an issue with the user's input or actions.

Possible resolution

Try restarting the Task Mining recorder. If the error still occurs, contact UiPath Customer Support for help.

Error RI0003 - Start recording failed

Indicates that the recorder failed to start recording. This can be due to:
  • missing (deleted) recorder system files.

    Possible resolution

    Try reinstalling the Task Mining recorder. If the error still occurs, contact UiPath Customer Support for help.

  • not enough disk space.

    Possible resolution

    Make sure there is enough free disk space. Also check Error RI0004.
  • insufficient user permissions.

    Possible resolution

    Contact your IT department for help.

Error RI0004 - Not enough disk space

Indicates that there is not enough disk space on the user's computer to save the recorded actions.

Possible resolution

Make sure there is enough free disk space. Also check Hardware and software requirements for the recorder client. There are several options to free disk space, such as:

  1. Empty your Recycle bin.

  2. Uninstall unnecessary applications.

  3. Delete temporary files.

  4. Move files to an external hard drive.

  5. Use disk cleanup tools, like Disk Cleanup on Windows, to clean up unnecessary files on your hard drive.


Make sure to back up important data before cleaning up your disk drive.

Error RI0005 - Upload failed

Indicates that the captured data could not be uploaded.

Possible resolution

  • Make sure that the network connection is stable.

  • Try to sign out and then sign in again.

  • As an Administrator, make sure you have access to the environment that is used.

  • As an Administrator, make sure that Unassisted Task Mining is enabled for the tenant. Also check Unassisted Task Mining not available.

Error RI0006 - Recorder fails to process recorded actions

Indicates that the recorder encounters a problem when trying to process the actions that have been recorded. This can be due to:

  • not enough disk space.

    Possible resolution

    Make sure there is enough free disk space. Also check Error RI0004.
  • insufficient user permissions.

    Possible resolution

    Contact your IT department for help.

  • an error occurred when writing captured actions, for example, caused by third-party software that is blocking access to the drive.

    Possible resolution

    Contact UiPath Customer Support for help.

Error RI0007 - Project not found

Indicates that the project for which you want to record data does not exist or no longer exists.

Possible resolution

  • Contact your Project Administrator.

Error RI0008 - Project was deleted

Indicates that the project for which you want to record data was deleted. You cannot record data for a deleted project.

Possible resolution

  • Contact your Project Administrator.

Error RI0009 - Project was archived

Indicates that the project for which the data should be recorded was archived. You cannot record data for an archived project.

Possible resolution

  • Contact your Project Administrator.

Error RI0010 - User not found

Indicates that the the user who is invited to record data for the project is not or no longer assigned to the project.

Possible resolution

  • Contact your Project Administrator.

Error TCW0010 - Consent required

Indicates that the upload stopped because consent from the recording user was not received.

Possible resolution

  • Contact your Project Administrator.


Check the Data collection policies to make sure the Show consent dialog for users option is enabled.

Error TCW0023 - Number of actions recorded exceeds limit

Indicates that the number of actions recorded has exceeded the maximum number of actions that can be uploaded.

Error TCW0026 - User has no roles for the project

Indicates that the data cannot be uploaded because the recording user has no roles assigned for the project and therefore is not allowed to upload data.

Possible resolution

Check with the Project administrator if the user is assigned to any project with correct roles.

Error TCW0053 - User not invited or was removed from the project

Indicates that the user who is invited to record data for the project is not or no longer assigned to the project and therefore is not allowed to upload data.

Possible resolution

Check with the Project administrator if the user is assigned to any project with correct roles.

Error TCW0056 - User not in recording state

Indicates that the data cannot be upload because the user who is invited to record data for the project is currently not recording. This could be because the user did not start, or has stopped the recording function. It could also be due to an error in the recorder.

Possible resolution

Try restarting the Task Mining recorder. If the error still occurs, contact UiPath Customer Support for help.

Error TCW0062 - Recorder stopped

Indicates that the data cannot be uploaded because the recorder has stopped. This could be due to an error in the recorder.

Possible resolution

Try restarting the Task Mining recorder. If the error still occurs, contact UiPath Customer Support for help.

Warning ARI0001 - Low disk space

Indicates that the user's computer has low disk space, which may cause issues with saving recorded actions. It is strongly recommended to free up disk space to prevent the recorder from stopping due to insufficient space.

Warning AUP0001 - Slow actions processing rate

Indicates that the number of uploaded actions is lower than expected. This could likely be due to connectivity issues.

Skipped Files

Files skipped in analysis: This error informs that some applications are corrupted or couldn't be captured properly. It is recommended to try again or if this error occurs to more than 5 files, to contact the support team.

Recorder client collision

If you run the Unassisted Task Mining recorder in parallel with other recording software, (third-party software, such as AutoHotKey) you may experience a decline in user experience quality.

Application data

Recording application logs

The recording application log files provide information about user’s interactions with the Web, the Recorder, and contain system specifications.

The recording application logs are accessible from the recording application via the Preferences -> Help section. Refer to Recorder settings for details.
Preferences Help section
You can use the Save logs option to archive all the logs into a single .zip file. A dialog box opens and you can select where to save the file.
When sharing the logs for an investigation with UiPath® Customer Support, it is recommended to archive the entire logs folder and attach it to the support ticket.
To find logs from the Windows File Explorer, go the following location: %AppData%\UiPath Task Mining\logs.

Unassisted Task Mining not available

If Unassisted Task Mining is not available while there are AI Units in your account, you can solve the issue by creating a new tenant and enabling Task Mining.

If you prefer to continue working in your existing tenant, you should enable the Document Understanding service before using Unassisted Task Mining.

Refer to Managing Tenants for a detailed description on creating tenants. Refer to Managing Services for more information on how to enable a service in Automation CloudTM.

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