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Task Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Steps and actions

A Step contains a number of actions made in order to complete the task. The action represents a certain activity, such as a click, documented using a screenshot that underlines the action and the place where this was made.

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The trace diagram is composed of a number of steps linked between a Start node and an End action. For each step the following information is displayed:

  • the step name. By default, the name of the newly created step is 'Untitled step'.
  • the number of actions made to complete it.
  • the time it took to capture the actions.

Step name

The default name of the step is updated automatically after capturing the actions for it with the name of the application window where the step was captured. For instance, Google Chrome or Outlook Mail.

Follow these steps to change the name.

  1. Locate the step for which you want to change the name.

  2. Select the name and enter the new name.

Change the step name


Viewing step information

Follow the step below to view the step details.

Select the step.

The actions are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen in the Step Editor.

If you select a step from an Auto-Merged trace, the specific actions for each individual trace that are combined to create the merged trace are listed. Select a trace to view the actions.

For each action, the following information is displayed:

  • the title,

  • the action category (Mouse click, Text entry, or Hotkey),

  • the duration of the action,

  • the captured screenshot,

  • annotations to the action such as a description.

Captured voice input

Voice input captured by the recording users is converted into a recording containing a summary for each step based on the actions performed and the voice input provided for the step.

When you select a step in the trace, the summary for that step is displayed as a decoded text in the step information panel. The following illustration shows an example summary from a decoded voice input.

You can play back the voice recording for the trace via the audio play bar in the task graph. When you select the audio play bar, it extends, showing you the parts of the recording that contain voice input.
docs image
During the playback of the recording, the related steps are highlighted in the trace, and the decoded voice input summary for the step is displayed. The following illustration shows an example of a recording playback.


The summary icon in the play bar enables you to show or hide the description.

You can download the recording as an .mp4 file. If you export the trace as a Process description document, the decoded voice input summary is added to the description of the steps in the document. This will help you to easily create a summary to provide valuable information to your business users. Refer to Download for more information on exporting traces.


When you merge a trace, the decoded summaries and the audio capture will be no longer available.

Adding more actions to a step

To add more actions to a step or modify the captured actions follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Add image as action icon between two actions. A popup dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the image you want to add as an action to the step and select Open.
  3. Add a title and a description to the action. Refer toAdding a title and a description to an action for details.

Note: Editing of the captured trace steps affects the auto merge capability. Adding a step or decision with branches manually to the automatically captured trace, makes the trace unavailable for the auto merge.


Adding a title and a description to an action

To give more information about an action, you can add a Title and Description by selecting the fields below the image.

Opening the context menu of an action

The context menu enables you to perform various actions on images. Follow these steps to open the context menu of an action.

  1. Select the Step from the trace. The Step Editor panel is displayed.

  2. In the Step Editor, hover over the image of the action you want to delete. A context menu icon icon is displayed.

  3. Select the Context menu icon icon to open the context menu.

Context menu

Editing an action

Follow these steps to edit an action.

  1. Select the Step from the trace. The Step Editor panel is displayed.

  2. In the Step Editor, locate the action you want to edit and open the context menu.

  3. Select Edit image.

The Action editor is displayed.

Action editor
Refer to Action editor for more information.

You can also double-click on an action to open the Action editor.

Downloading an action image

You can download an image from an action and, for example, re-use it in another action.

Follow these steps to download the image of an action.

  1. Locate the image you want to download and open the context menu.

  2. Select Download.

The image is downloaded to your computer.

Deleting an action

Follow these steps to delete an action.

  1. Locate the action you want to delete and open the context menu.

  2. Select Delete.

The action is now deleted.


When the deletion is saved to the trace, you cannot access the action anymore.

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