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Last updated Feb 28, 2025

User Licenses


The User Licenses template dashboard provides organizational administrators an in-depth view of user license information, both current and historical. This includes details such as total and active licenses as well as type-specific usage, and monthly trends. Administrators can use customizable filters for a detailed analysis. This feature is exclusively available on cloud.
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Two types of filters are available:

  • Date Range: by default it's set to Last 180 Days. You can change the start and end dates to change the time period.
  • License Type: by default it's set to is any value.





Total Number of Licenses - CurrentThe number of current available licenses.Shows the number of currently purchased licenses.
Total Number of Licenses - MaximumThe number of maximum licenses that can be available.Shows how many user licenses are available in total.
Total Number of Utilized Licenses - MaximumThe maximum number of utilized licenses.Shows how many licenses are allocated.
Assignment Type DistributionThe percent of license allocation based on the type distribution. Shows how many licenses are allocated explicitly vs group assignment.
Total Number and Utilized Licenses Distribution - MaximumThe total maximum number and utilized licenses by type. Shows a breakdown of total, allocated and actively used across all license types.
Monthly Activity by License TypeThe monthly activity by license type.Shows the monthly activity trend for each license type. Each number reflects the total number of unique users accessing the license.

Working with the User Licenses Template

The dashboard displays data for all user licenses, but you can customize filters to focus on specific license(s) of interest:

Access and Scope

  • This organization-level dashboard is accessible only to organization administrators.
  • Licensing data is available from April 2024 onwards; historical data prior to this date is not stored.
  • Going forward, historical data will be capped based on retention policies once you reach that threshold.


  • The dashboard is currently read-only; you cannot create copies for experimentation.

Example of a use case scenario

In this scenario, the aim is to display the highest license number to provide a clear understanding of peak license utilization during the chosen time frame.

Total number and utilized licenses

Total Number of Licenses - Maximum and Total Number of Utilized Licenses - Maximum is going to show the peak values for the selected time period.

Let's say we have the following data for January 1, January 2, and January 3:
 Total number of licensesUtilized licenses
January 1

Action Center users: 100

Citizen Developers: 0

Action Center users: 0

Citizen Developers: 0

January 2

Action Center users: 50

Citizen Developers: 50

Action Center users: 50

Citizen Developers: 50

January 3

Action Center users: 75

Citizen Developers: 75

Action Center users: 75

Citizen Developers: 25

If you select the time period of January 1 - January 3, you will see the following numbers for total utilization:
  • Total: 175
  • Utilized: 125
This happens because data across all days is scanned to find the peak number for license type so this means that:
  • Peak for total Action Center is on January 1 and peak for total Citizen Developers is 75, so we will select those two values and show 175 (100+75).
  • Peak for utilized Action Center is on January 3 and peak for utilized Citizen Developers is on January 2, so the sum is 125 (75+ 50).

Breakdown based on allocation

A piechart visualization will breakdown the utilized licenses between group allocation and explicit allocation.
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Breakdown of total and utilized licenses (based on maximum values)

A breakdown chart will display the individual peaks selected for calculating the total in the previous example so that you can see the data across all licenses.

  • Citizen Developers:
    • Total: 75
    • Utilized: 50
  • Action Center:
    • Total: 75
    • Utilized: 75
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Monthly activity/utilization:

Monthly utilization shows the total number of unique roles that accessed the license for a given month irrespective of the license type.

For the month of January, the Query will look like COUNT (UNIQUE Users (Citizen Developer License)) from January 1 to January 31.

The month of January has activity on 3 days:

  • January 1 has license activity from user 1 and user 2.
  • January 2 has license activity from user 2 and user 3.
  • January 21 has license activity from user 3 and user 4.
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The utilization chart for Citizen Developers License will have 4 lines since there are 4 unique users who accessed the license in the month of January.

  • Overview
  • Metrics
  • Working with the User Licenses Template
  • Access and Scope
  • Functionality
  • Example of a use case scenario

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