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Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Automation ROI Comparison


The Automation ROI Comparison template allows you to use data from Automation Hub and Orchestrator to:

  • Discover the most impactful automations in terms of ROI.
  • Keep track of the soft benefits in the ROI measurement.
  • Iterate on the ROI measurement method to make it relevant to your organization.

Note: In order to have data populating the Automation ROI Comparison dashboard, you must first go into Automation Hub and link the Automation Hub ideas to the Orchestrator Packages, as part of the Execution Assessment available in each live idea. For more information on Execution Assessment, check the Automation Hub User Guide.


In addition to the steps needed to enable Insights connection, the following roles and permissions are needed to use Automation ROI Comparison:

  • Viewer or Designer and ROI Editor role in Insights
  • Packages - View permission at tenant level in Orchestrator


Ideas to Automations
  • Number of live ideas
  • Number of live processes
Number of live Automation Hub ideas that are mapped to one or several Orchestrator packages.
Volumes AutomatedNumber of volumes automatedSum of all the pro-rated actual, respectively estimated automated volumes (transactions) for all the ideas which are mapped to Orchestrator packages.
Hours SavedTime saved using automations (in hours)Sum of all the pro-rated actual, respectively estimated time savings for all the ideas which are mapped to Orchestrator packages.
Cost SavingsMoney saved (in dollars)Sum of all the pro-rated actual, respectively estimated cost savings for all the ideas which are mapped to Orchestrator packages.
Top 10 Automation Ideas by Actual Hours SavedAutomations with top time-saving results (in hours)Most impactful automation ideas, by actual hours saved.
Top 10 Automation Ideas by Actual Cost SavingsAutomations with top cost-saving results (in dollars)Most impactful automation ideas, by actual cost savings
Hours Saved by Business AreaTime saved in each business area (in hours)The pro-rated estimated savings, actual savings, and the gap between the result and the forecast, measured in hours saved, grouped by the Business Area.
Cost Savings by Business AreaCost saved in each business area (in dollars)The pro-rated estimated savings, actual savings, and the gap between the result and the forecast, measured in currency, grouped by the Business Area.
Top 5 Automation Ideas by Hours Saved Estimation PrecisionAutomations with top time-saving results in estimation precisionAutomation ideas which have the Pro-rated Estimated benefits in hours saved closest to the Actual Hours Saved, measured as a %.
Top 5 Automation Ideas by Smallest Gap in Hours SavedAutomations with the smallest gap in top time-saving resultsAutomation ideas which have the Pro-rated Estimated benefits in hours saved closest to the Actual Hours Saved, measured in absolute value.
Savings by Automation Idea
  • Idea Name
  • Yearly Target Hours Saved
  • Pro-rated Target Hours Saved
  • Actual Hours Saved
  • Gap in Hours Saved
  • Yearly Target Cost Savings
  • Pro-rated Target Cost Savings
  • Actual Cost Savings
  • Gap in Cost Savings
In-depth view of the yearly estimated savings, actual savings, pro-rated estimated savings, and the gap between the result and the forecast.

Customizing Automation Hub Dashboards

You can copy the Automation Hub ROI Comparison template to My Dashboard where you can configure filters and modify or rearrange tiles (see Create dashboard).

  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Metrics
  • Customizing Automation Hub Dashboards

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