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Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Real-time Processes

There are four filters available from where you can specify the time range, folder name, process name and machine name.

To use any of the filters, select the needed filter and pick one of the options available from the drop-down list. Select Refresh and the requested data is displayed. A time-stamp also shows you when data was last updated.

The Job success rate is where you can see information about the jobs ran, success rate and average processing time.

You can check the timeline of your jobs and the time an event has happened from the Completed jobs and Uncompleted jobs are the sections.

Processes with the most failures is the section where you can find out what processes failed the most and how many times.

Jobs failures by reason shows the numbers of errors of an specific job and the reason of failure. You can select a job failure/queue item to see a pop-up with more details in the jobs/queue items failure by reason.

For an in-depth view you can group them by Machine, Process and Robot name. This adds a new column in the current table from where you can sort the results alphabetically. This is useful when you need to breakdown the job failures even more.

For example, if you want to find out on what machines most of the errors happen, you can select to Group by: Machine and you'll see the Machine Names in the table. Or, if you want to know what procesess fails, select Group by: Process, and the Process Name is shown in the table in order to troubleshoot your job failures if needed.

In the Process details table, you have an in-depth view of processes and you can sort them by different criteria as: running, pending, suspended, resumed, successful, stopped, faulted, average duration, median and 90th percentile.

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