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Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Setting up Azure Event Hub

You can set up real-time data export by leveraging Azure Event Hub.

If you are using Azure Event Hub, you can connect to the following monitoring tools:

To configure real-time data export, you need to configure an integration with Azure Event Hub.

  • Azure Event Hubs account
  • Real-time data export is enabled on the tenant
  1. Go to the Automation Cloud™ homepage.
  2. Go to the Admin page.
  3. From the tenants list, select the tenant in which you want to enable real-time data export.
  4. Select Services.

  5. Click on the three-dot icon from the Insights tile.
  6. Select Real-time Data Export Configuration from the drop-down list.

  7. Switch on the toggle button.
  8. Select Azure Event Hubs from the Storage Type drop-down list.
  9. Provide the Azure Event Hub connection string.
    Note: The connection string must be for a specific Azure Event Hub, but it can't be a namespace connection string.
    An example of a connection string is: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxx;EntityPath=xx

  10. Click Save.

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