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Automation Suite on EKS/AKS Installation Guide

Last updated Nov 21, 2024

Step 5: Updating the migrated product connection strings

Downloading uipathctl

To download uipathctl, see Downloading the installation packages.

Generating the configuration file

To generate the input.json configuration file, take one of the following steps:

  • Option A: Generate the latest input.json file:
    uipathctl manifest get-revision | Out-File -Encoding ascii input.jsonuipathctl manifest get-revision | Out-File -Encoding ascii input.json
  • Option B: List all the past input.json files and determine which one you want to choose:
    uipathctl manifest list-revisionsuipathctl manifest list-revisions

Replacing the connection string and starting the installation

  1. Move the versions.json file to the same directory as input.json. You can get versions.json from the Automation Suite installation folder.
  2. Provide the new connection strings for the installed products.
    • To provide the restored connection string to the Orchestrator service, add or update sql_connection_str under orchestrator in the input.json file:
      "orchestrator": {
        "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchesrator connection string>",   (added line)
        "enabled": true
      }"orchestrator": {
        "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchesrator connection string>",   (added line)
        "enabled": true
    • If Test Automation tables are placed inside the standalone Orchestrator database, you can also add the same connection string for Test Automation feature inside the input.json file:

      "orchestrator": {
        "testautomation": {
          "enabled": true,
          "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchestrator connection string>"
        "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchestrator connection string>",   (added line)
        "enabled": true
      }"orchestrator": {
        "testautomation": {
          "enabled": true,
          "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchestrator connection string>"
        "sql_connection_str": "<restored orchestrator connection string>",   (added line)
        "enabled": true
    • To provide the restored connection string to the Insights service, add or update sql_connection_str under insights in the input.json file.
      "insights": {   
         "sql_connection_str": "<restored connection string>",   (added line)
         "enabled": true }"insights": {   
         "sql_connection_str": "<restored connection string>",   (added line)
         "enabled": true }
  3. Update the input.json file by running the installer.
    • To migrate Orchestrator only, run the following command:
      uipathctl manifest apply input.json --only orchestrator --versions versions.jsonuipathctl manifest apply input.json --only orchestrator --versions versions.json
    • To migrate Insights only, run the following command:
      uipathctl manifest apply input.json --only insights --versions versions.jsonuipathctl manifest apply input.json --only insights --versions versions.json
    If you run the command on Windows, replace uipathctl with .\uipathctl.exe in the command.
  4. Remap the organization IDs in the Insights tables.

    For more details, see Remapping the organization IDs.

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