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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Customize Assessments

Assessments can be customized to better match the target audience and obtain relevant indicators for the automation program which helps you in making informed decisions.

Note: System Admin and roles that have the Customize Assessments permission assigned can modify assessments.

The following assessment types can be customized:

  • Overview assessment ​(part of all submission forms).
  • High-level assessment (part of Share an idea form).
  • Detailed Assessment (part of Share a CoE-driven idea form).
  • Citizen Developer Assessment​ (part of the Share an automation form).
  • Change request assessment (part of Share a change request form).
  • Execution Assessment (available for automation ideas in Live phase).
  • Miscellaneous assessment​ (includes the Benefits, Challenges, Lessons Learned, Media, and Similar Automations questions that are part of all automation profiles).

The steps, rules, and information in this article, apply to all of the above assessments.

More info can also be found in Assessment types and creation option section.

After accessing the Customize assessments page from Admin Console > Platform Setup, you can:

  • Create a new custom assessment per a specific category.
  • See the current live assessment, followed by a list of assessments, part of the Version history - you'll be able to create and save multiple assessment versions;
  • Customize - start the customization process of the assessment that is currently live;
  • Preview - check the preview of the assessment form as it is currently published to the users.
  • Mass Update - update in bulk the assessment version across multiple or all automation profiles.
  • Take offline - remove the assessment from being live which means that it is no longer visible in the submission form, and instead the assessment of the parent category is loaded. This action is not available for the assessments set live at the All categories level since one assessment needs to be active at all times at global level.

Download and upload assessment

You can easily reuse the customized assessments in just a few steps by using Download and Uploadoptions.

  • Download - this lets you download the current assessment and save it locally in .aha format (a specific format file generated by Automation Hub). Later, the downloaded file can be uploaded to the same tenant, another tenant from the same organization, or from a different one.
  • Upload - This allows you to select a file from the local machine and upload it as an existing template. The assessment name and version are auto-populated with the name and number of the uploaded assessment. This can be edited later on the customization page. Only .aha files are accepted for upload. It's recommended to upload the same assessment type. Uploading a different type, generates an error message informing you that the uploaded file corresponds to a different type of assessment.

Upload is not available for Overview Assessment. While creating a new assessment for this type, the upload action is greyed out and you can only Copy existing or Default Assessment.

Customize an assessment version

After selecting an assessment version, you can:

Create a New Section

Select the Create new section action available above the left navigation menu to create a new section. A new empty section is added at the bottom of the existing sections and it's mandatory to fill in the section name and have at least one question to save the assessment.

Below is an overview of the visibility settings for a section.



Hide everywhere

hide the section throughout the platform and disable all questions.

Hide from submission forms

display the section only in the Automation Profile.

The section won't appear in the submission form.

Hide before Live phase

display the section only in the Live phase.

The section won't appear in the submission form or in any of the phases from Idea to Testing.

Visible in profile sidebar

display the section in the Automation profile in the right sidebar The section is no longer shown in the table.

Visible before publishing to Store

to display the section in the Before you publish sidebar that's available for non-Citizen Developer ideas in the Live phase when clicking on Publish.

Delete section

completely delete the section and all the questions within it.

Display Questions as Table

change the toggle state, which lets you add questions,KPI and default questions and KPIs in the form of a table with a certain number of columns and a second row as a designated area for answers. Users filling the assessment can add as many rows as needed.

Questions and KPIs part of tabular section aren't reflected in Automation Pipeline.

Note: A maximum number of 40 sections is accepted in the entire form.
Tip: You can create table sections and have a KPI use the values from question that are part of a table.

When customising assessments you can mark any section as a Show as table:

  • You can define questions or KPI inside these sections as you would normally.
  • KPI's that reference a variable that's in the same section will calculate at the row level.
  • When using a KPI outside of Table section you need to aggregate the values using function like sum, avg, min, max.

Add a New Question

You can create additional questions either at the end or in between the existing questions.

Click on the New Question button to add the necessary details.




Mandatory field for any question added, limited to 150 characters.


A description can be added for each question, limited to 750 characters.

The text in the description is visible as a tooltip, next to the question title.

Variable name

Mandatory field for any question added.

Accepts only CAPITAL LETTERS and “_” symbol, limit of minimum 3 and maximum 50 characters.

Set a custom name for the question that will be used in the formulas. The system will also use this name to identify the Automation Pipeline column where the answers for this question will be displayed by grouping questions with the same variable in the same column.

Answer Options

A minimum of 2 and maximum of 40 answer options should be defined for any single choice or multiple choice question;

Limited to 300 characters.

You can add, remove or reorder answers.

Question Type

The following question types are available:

  • Free text (selected by default when a new question is added)
  • Free text with formatting
  • Number (no decimal, one decimal or two decimal points)
  • Percentage
  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Date

KPIs impacted

You can select if the question should impact the calculation of the KPIs selected from the dropdown list and also edit the mathematical formula used.

Each KPI can be edited via KPI formula editor.


The following options are available:

  • Required
  • Can Impact KPI
  • Show a comments section
  • Pre-fill answers


The following settings are available:

  • Hide everywhere: the question is hidden everywhere in the platform but can still impact the indicators computed.
  • Hide from submission forms: the question is displayed only in the Automation Profile and won't appear in the submission form.
  • Hide from About page: the question is not displayed in the About page.
  • Hide before Live phase: the question is displayed only in the Live phase and the question won't appear in the submission form or in any of the phases from Idea to Testing.
  • Hide from Automation Pipeline the question is not displayed in the Automation Pipeline - Columns list;


  • Table: displays the question, comments, and answers in a table format (next to each other).
  • Inline: displays the question, its answers, and comments vertically in the page.

Sensitive information

  • View sensitive information from general assessments (Overview Assessment and Misc Assessment)
  • View sensitive information from Detailed assessment
  • View sensitive information from Citizen Developer assessment

If there's no option selected from the list, then the question is displayed to all users who have rights to view or edit the assessment.

If at least one option option from the list is selected, the question will be visible in the View mode of the Automation Profile only to users with the selected permissions assigned. A user who can submit or edit an assessment will see all the questions from the assessment, regardless if they have the sensitive permission assigned or not.

  • A maximum number of 150 questions and KPIs is accepted in any assessment form.
  • A maximum number of 40 answers is accepted for each question.

Question Types

Questions can be of different types as follows:

Question type


Specific settings

Free text

Text field limited up to 500 characters.

It cannot impact the KPI since the answers are not quantifiable.

Free text with formatting

Text field limited up to 10000 characters.

It cannot impact the KPI since the answers are not quantifiable.

Number (no decimal points)

Only positive integer numbers accepted

  • Unit becomes available.
  • A dropdown list with pre-defined units as: minutes, hours, days, hours/day, hours/year, days/year, currency. By default: no unit is selected.
  • The unit selected is displayed in the input field after the numerical value (e.g. 100 minutes), with the exception of currency where the unit is displayed before the number (e.g. $1000).

Number (1 decimal point)

Only positive float, 1 decimal accepted.

  • Unit becomes available.
  • A dropdown list with pre-defined units as: minutes, hours, days, hours/day, hours/year, days/year, currency. By default: no unit is selected.
  • Example of answer for this question type: 45.6 hours/day.

Number (2 decimal points)

Only positive float, 2 decimals accepted.

  • Unit becomes available.
  • A dropdown list with pre-defined units as: minutes, hours, days, hours/day, hours/year, days/year, currency. By default: no unit is selected.
  • Example of answer for this question type: 45.67 minutes.

Ranged number

Integer positive numbers from 0 to the Max number range selected.

The Max number range has the following options available: 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250.

  • Only one answer can be selected.

  • Unit does not apply to this question type.

  • Add branching logic does not apply to this question type.


Only positive integers are accepted.

Note: When using percentage question type in a formula the variable name needs to be divided by 100.

Single Choice

Users can select only one answer for this question type. Up to 40 answers can be defined to choose the answer from.


Multiple Choice

Users can select multiple answers for this question type.

Max selectable answers: a dropdown with 40 options. You can select which is the maximum number of answers that can be selected for this question when filling in an assessment.

Equation type: you can choose which rule will be applied for the selected answers when using this question in a KPI formula:

  • Maximum answer score
  • Minimum answer score
  • Sum of answer scores
  • Sum of answer scores is the default selection for Equation type.


Users can select a date from a displayed calendar. It can be a date from the past, present, or future.

It cannot impact the KPI since the answers are not quantifiable.

The pre-fill answer isn't available.

Orchestrator package

Can be added in any assessment when there is a need to link an automation idea with one or multiple packages from Orchestrator

It cannot impact the KPI since the answers are not quantifiable.

The pre-fill answer isn't available.

Question Settings

The settings available for each question are detailed as follows:

Setting name



The question will be mandatory for submitting the Assessment form.

Can impact KPI

The question can be part of a KPI's formula. Select the corresponding KPI from the KPIs impacted list.

Show comments section

Enables users to add a comment when answering the question. The comments are limited to 750 characters.

Pre-fill answers

Enables admin users to add a value in the pre-filled answer field. When filling in the Assessment, you'll see that value pre-populated in that question’s answer box, and decide whether to modify it or not.

Remove a question

Click on the Delete Question button to remove a question from the assessment.Once the customized assessment is saved, you cannot recover the deleted question. If you might need a question later, you can choose to hide it for now from the assessment by selecting the Hidden everywhere option from the visibility settings list. You can also recover the default questions if deleted as described in Restore default UiPath questions or KPIs.

Note: A question or KPI that's used in at least one KPI cannot be deleted. It needs to be removed from the formula and then you can delete it.

Branching Logic

System admins can add branching logic for questions to create a custom path through the assessment form based on a user's answers. With branching logic, users can be presented with a relevant set of questions based on the answer they select for the question defined as the start of a branching path. In this way, users are seeing a short assessment, and based on the answers they give, additional questions are visible for the detailed assessment.

Note: Branching logic is only available for questions of type single choice and multiple choice questions.

Adding branching logic to a question:

  1. Select an assessment from any business line, regardless of the assessment type or version history.
  2. After selecting Customize, choose a question that has question type: Single choice or Multiple choice.
  3. Next to the answer you want to enable more questions, select Add Branch Paths icon
  4. In the pop-up, select one or multiple sections or one or multiple questions to be displayed when that answer is selected by the user submitting the assessment.


Selecting a section automatically selects all questions within that section. Even if some of the questions in the section are de-selected, as long as a section title is checked in the 'Show sections' dropdown the whole section appears in the assessment.

To have only specific questions available, the section needs to be unchecked.

To delete a Branch Path, unselect the sections or questions picked in the previous step and select Save.

  • Questions that are part of a branching logic are displaying a blue banner with a message informing you that the question is hidden until the answer with the branch path is selected. The banner also includes the option to remove the branching logic created at the answer level.
  • Sections where all the questions are part of a branching logic are displaying a blue banner above the section title with a message informing you that the section is hidden until the answer with the branching path option is selected on the branching logic question.

Branching logic rules

  • All the sections and their questions defined in the assessment customization, are ordered in the same way in which they were arranged in the assessment, even if branching logic was added.
  • When loading an assessment with branching logic questions all sections and questions of the assessment except those that are part of branching paths are shown. Depending on the answer provided to a question with branching logic enabled, the corresponding section or question is loaded.
  • If a section or question chosen in the branching logic pop-up has any of the three settings checked Hide everywhere,Hide from submission forms,Hide before Live phase, that section or question is hidden as per the setting selected, even if the branching condition is met.
  • The same Branch Path can be selected for two or multiple different questions, and the user must answer all of them, for the extra questions to appear in the assessment.
  • Adding branching logic to an assessment doesn't force you to save it as a new version, you can choose whether to update the current assessment version or to save it as a new one. An updated assessment version with branching logic, automatically updates the submitted ideas to have the hidden questions added with Branch Paths.

Add a New Custom KPI

You can create a new custom KPI.

Select the New KPI button to add the necessary details.



KPI title

Mandatory field for any KPI added, limited to 150 characters.


Description can be added for each KPI, limited to 750 characters.

Variable Name

Mandatory field accepting only CAPITAL LETTERS and “_” symbol, limit of minimum 3 and maximum 50 characters.

Set a custom name for the KPI that will be used in the formulas. The system will also use this name to identify the Automation Pipeline column for this KPI.

  • Don't re-use variables between different assessment types
  • Don't re-use variables of any of the default/existing questions, as they could have extra hard-coded implementation in our UI that could create issues.


Allows you to build an indicator formula using math operators and referencing the variables of questions and KPIs. We recommend using basic math operators like `+ - * / ( ). More advanced functions are also supported as described in KPI formula editor section.

Validation rules should be considered when creating a formula. See Formula validation rules.

Questions & KPIs

Open a dropdown list part of the KPI's formula, containing:

  • questions with question type = Numerical or Percentage
  • questions with question type = (Single Choice or Multiple Choice) IF they have scores defined for each answer option.
  • all KPIs (default or custom)

Only the questions and KPIs of the edited assessment version are displayed in this dropdown. You cannot use variables of questions or KPIs that belong to a different assessment type or to a different assessment version.

KPI Type

Select one of the available types:

Number (no decimals, one decimal or two decimal points), Percentage or Chart.

  • Unit becomes available for a KPI of type Number.
  • A dropdown list with pre-defined units as: minutes, hours, days, hours/day, hours/year, days/year, currency. By default, no unit is selected.
  • The unit will be displayed in the input field after the numerical value (e.g. 100 minutes), except for currency where the unit is displayed before the number (e.g. $1000).

For a KPI of type Percentage make sure to multiply the equation by 100 such that the output result will be between 0 and 100.

Line Chart

  • Chart title - Section where you can name the KPI chart, as it will be visible in the assessment section, from the customization page.
  • Chart subtitle - Section where you can name of the chart, as it will be visible in the Assessment KPIs section within Automation Profile page.
  • The Xand Yaxis can be customized by selecting one of the available questions and KPIs of type Numberor Percentagefrom the existing assessment version and questions marked as Can impact KPI available in the dropdown list for each axis.

The Axisand Intersectionrange have the same pre-set options and are displayed in a dropdown, from where you can select the one you need.

The current available values are:

  • 0:100
  • 0:1000
  • 0:10000
  • 0:100000
  • 0:1000000

Sensitive information

  • View sensitive information from general assessments (Overview Assessment and Misc Assessment)
  • View sensitive information from Detailed assessment
  • View sensitive information from Citizen Developer assessment

If there's no option selected from the list, then the question is displayed to all users who have rights to view or edit the assessment.

If at least one option from the list is selected, the question will be visible in the View mode of the Automation Profile only to users with the selected permissions assigned. A user who can submit or edit an assessment will see all the questions from the assessment, regardless if they have the sensitive permission assigned or not.


  • Hide everywhere: with this setting applied, the KPI is not displayed anywhere in the platform but can still impact the indicators computed.
  • Hide from submission forms: when the setting is selected, the KPI will be displayed only in the Automation Profile and it won't appear in the submission form.
  • Hide from About page: when the setting is selected, the KPI won't be displayed in the About page.
  • Hide before Live phase: when the setting is selected, the KPI will be displayed only in the Live phase, it won't appear in the submission form or in any of the phases from Idea to Testing.
  • Hide from Automation Pipeline: when the setting is selected, the KPI will not be displayed in the Automation Pipeline - Columns list;

KPIs impacted

  • You can select if the KPI that you are editing should impact the calculation of another KPI. If the case, open the dropdown list and choose which KPI's formula will be adjusted with the variable of the KPI that you are editing.
  • Each KPI can be edited via KPI formula editor.

KPI Formula Editor

The formula editor field is available at the level of each KPI when:

  • editing an existing KPI.
  • creating a new KPI.
  • selecting a KPI from the KPIs impacted dropdown.

Automation Hub Supported Operations









x + y

Left to right

4 + 5



Unary plus


Right to left





x - y

Left to right

3 - 7



Unary minus


Right to left





x * y

Left to right

2 * 3




x / y

Left to right

2 / 6









Addition with Percentage

x + y%

Left to right

100 + 3%



Subtraction with Percentage

x - y%

Left to right

100 - 3%


% mod


x % y

Left to right

8 % 3




x ^ y

Right to left

2 ^ 3





Left to right




Bitwise and

x & y

Left to right

5 & 3



Bitwise not


Right to left




Bitwise or

x | y

Left to right

5 | 3



Bitwise xor

x ^| y

Left to right

5 ^| 2



Logical and

x and y

Left to right

true and false



Logical not

not y

Right to left

not true



Logical or

x or y

Left to right

true or false



Logical xor

x xor y

Left to right

true xor true


? :

Conditional expression

x ? y : z

Right to left

15 > 100 ? 1 : -1




x == y

Left to right

2 == 4 - 2




x != y

Left to right

2 != 3




x < y

Left to right

2 < 3




x > y

Left to right

2 > 3




x <= y

Left to right

4 <= 3




x >= y

Left to right

2 + 4 >= 6




















A formula is composed using variables and simple math operations + - * / ( ). Start typing the first letter of the variable that you want to add and a list of suggestions will be available to select from.

No need to add "=" at the beginning of the formula; you can start directly with the name of a variable or a function.

Variables are case sensitive, only capital letters are accepted, while functions need to be written in lower case.

Formula Validation Rules

There are some validation rules when creating a formula, as described below:




Invalid end of expression

If you enter in the formula editor some operators with no factors after them, then the changes cannot be saved.


Invalid start of expression

If you enter in the formula editor the * / operators with no factors before them, then then the changes cannot be saved.


Undefined symbols

If you enter in the formula editor some other symbols besides the allowed math operators and numbers, then then the changes cannot be saved.


Formula should not contain a KPI that is based on the one that is being calculated

If you enter a factor that is computed using the KPI for which you are editing the formula, an error message is displayed.

a= b+c, where b= a*5

Add a New Reference

The reference option lets you add to the current assessment a question or a KPI that was defined previously in another assessment type. The main purpose of adding a reference is to use it in the formula of a KPI defined in the current assessment.

  • A reference added to a section has the Hide everywhere setting checked by default in Visibility settings, as this question type shouldn't be visible to business users filling in the assessment.
  • A new version of the assessment must be saved if a reference question is added or removed.

You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. Select New Reference button.
  2. From the right side panel, select Referenced variable from other assessment.
  3. In the new dropdown list, questions are shown from all the assessments available (in Assessment type - Question format). Select the needed question.


    Questions can be imported from Assessments that are defined before the current one in the Customize assessments page.

    E.g. If you're customizing a Detailed Assessment, questions can be imported only from Overview and High Level Assessment and aren't available from Citizen Developer Assessment or Misc Assessment.

    The Overview Assessment doesn't have the reference question option, because there are no other assessments before it from which questions can be referred.

  4. The Reference and Variable name fields are filled in automatically and can be used in a KPI formula.

Restore Default UiPath Questions or KPIs

You can restore any default question or KPI (including their formulas) from the five default assessments proposed by UiPath Automation Hub.

This can be done by searching for a specific question/KPI or selecting it from the list within the specific question group and adding it to the current assessment.

Reorder Sections and Questions

Sections and questions can be reordered such that you can prioritize the list in the form. To reposition, identify the four dotted icon displayed on the left side of the section/question and drag&drop to the desired location. Questions can be repositioned only within their parent section.

Modify Existing Questions

All questions from the UiPath default assessments can be customized with a few exceptions:

  • Automation Name, Category (from About section) and Basic information section questions cannot be deleted from the Overview assessment as these are essential in saving an automation idea.

  • All existing questions can be deleted from the Detailed Assessment, except for Automation Potential and Ease of implementation. These are essential for the functionality of Automation Hub.
  • Applications Used section part of the Detailed Assessment and part of the Citizen Developer assessment can be hidden but not deleted or customized. Being a custom made section, it can no longer be linked to the Application Inventory if reverted or recreated.

Version History

Admins can set an assessment as live from the Live dropdown. For example, when setting a different version live for the Detailed Assessment then:

  • Share a COE driven idea form and CoE ideas in draft reflects the assessment version that's currently set as live. Resuming a draft shows an information message saying that the Questionnaire has been updated!
  • Employee-driven ideas in Draft and in Idea phase will have the assessment currently set as live once they progress into the Assessment phase.
  • Ideas which are in the assessment or later phase aren't impacted when you select a new version to go live.

Similar behavior applies to all assessment types, the difference relies in the type of form that each assessment is displayed in when ideas are shared, as explained in the Introduction.

Admins can create multiple versions of the assessments for any assessment type.

The version history displays a list of all assessments created.

By default, all users have at least one Assessment version (the built-in UiPath version). In case custom questions have been already defined at the level of the tenant, you have from the start two versions of assessment: Default Assessment and Default Assessment with custom questions.


If a High Level assessment was published 5 times with 5 different customizations, the new unified system update (2022.3.1) created 5 assessment versions, only if there have been ideas linked to that version. Therefore, users with such scenarios can now find custom questions added to the High level assessment as duplicated in the Automation Pipeline.

To fix this, the system admin user must make sure that the duplicated questions have the same variable name, update each assessment version after modifying the variable name and then perform a ‘Mass update’ for each version such that the system refreshes the data. (e.g. Mass update of ideas from version 1.0 to the same version 1.0)

In the Version history section, for each assessment type, you can see details about the version name, version number, ideas using that version of the assessment, when it was last saved, and specific version notes.

Version history also helps you filter ideas by assessment versions in Automation Pipeline, such that you can identify which ideas are submitted on a certain assessment version.

Note: When a certain assessment version is set live, the submission form will reflect that new assessment version for all users. Automation ideas that are in Draft or in Idea phase will also contain the live assessment once they progress into the Assessment phase. Existing automations ideas already assessed using previous versions are not affected. They'll continue to follow the structure of the assessment that was used to assess them.

Edit Version Details

When editing version details of an assessment, consider the below requirements:

  • Version name: limit of 50 characters, accepts letters and numbers and any foreign language characters.
  • Version number - use the following numeric format: e.g: 2.1, 3.0.

Save the Assessment

When you've finished customizing your assessment, select:

Preview to see how the assessment form will look like with the changes made. This lets you test the assessment before being live, by filling in the required details to calculate the KPIs in real-time.

Save button in the right bottom corner of the page:

  • Save as a new version - A new version can be manually created at any time, after editing an existing version. However, this will be the only option available in case you have done major changes to the initial assessment and the assessment version that is being edited has at least one idea linked to it. Major changes can be one of the following:

    • A question that impacts at least one KPI was modified in terms of answers removed, answer scores modified, the variable name changed, question type changed, or question was deleted.
    • New question(s) or KPI(s) were added that impact at least one KPI.
    • A KPI's variable name changed.
    • An existing KPI’s formula was modified.
    • Any other action that would require a recalculation of KPIs for existing automation profiles.
  • Update existing version - available if changes are made to a version that is used by 0 ideas or when only text changes have been applied or free text questions added to the assessment or any other actions that do not require recalculations.

Cancel - to discard any changes made.

Archive and Delete

The archive feature lets you archive an assessment that's no longer live and with no ideas linked to it. After archiving an assessment, it can't be undone and the version won't be available in the automation profile when a user wants to update the assessment.

If you try to archive an assessment version that has at least one idea linked to it, you'll get an informational message saying the assessment is still used in ideas and can't be archived.

Once a version is archived, it won't be displayed in the list of versions available in each automation profile for users with permissions to change the version.

The archived assessment will still be visible at the bottom of the Version history page marked as Archived and only with the delete button available.

The delete feature can be used only on archived assessment versions. Once a version is deleted, it'll be removed from the Version history page, with no option to undo the action.

Mass Update

Mass update enables System Admin users to perform changes in bulk regarding the version of assessment used in each automation profile. You can:

  • Update all existing ideas linked to any assessment version to a specific assessment version.
  • Update all existing ideas linked to a specific assessment version to another assessment version of your choice.

Follow these steps to perform a mass update.




Select a category for which you want to perform a mass update from the categories list at the left, or select All categories.


Select the appropriate assessment type. For example Detailed Assessment.




In the Mass update automation profiles dialog, select the assessment version for which you want to perform a mass update, or select the Select All option button if you want to update all ideas on the selected category.


Select the version to which you want to update the ideas to from the What version would you like to update these to? drop-down list.


Click on Confirm to perform the mass update.

A progress bar is displayed that indicated the progress of the mass update.


Click on Close to return to the Customize assessments page.

A progress bar is displayed that indicated the progress of the mass update.

  • When a mass update is performed, the system maintains in the Automation Profile the answers to the questions that are common in the two versions. The system does not retrieve answers from other older versions that might have contained the same questions.
  • When formulas of KPIs are adjusted in the version that ideas are updated to, the system performs recalculations of all the KPIs where answers are available. If answers are missing for certain questions, then the pre-filled answers are used in the formulas. For cases where answers are missing and the pre-filled answers are not defined, the KPI will not be computed.

Impact on Existing Automation Profiles

Publishing a customized version of the Assessment impacts the existing Automation Profiles as described below:

  • In View Mode, the assessment version is shown and in Edit Mode, users with rights to change the assessment version can select another version from the dropdown list available next to 'Assessment' title and apply it to that automation profile. That version will load on the page, the answers to the common questions will be maintained, and the new mandatory questions will require an answer.
  • When a new version of the Assessment is set live, the automation profiles of employee-driven ideas in Idea phase will contain the live assessment once they progress into the Assessment phase. The automation profiles of existing ideas that have been assessed using different versions are not affected. They will continue to follow the structure of the Assessment that was used to assess them.

Impact on the Cost Benefit Analysis Page When Customizing the Detailed Assessment

In the table below you can find out what fields can't be computed in the Cost Benefit Analysis page if specific questions are deleted from the Detailed Assessment:

Deleted Detailed Assessment question

Unable to compute in CBA

  • Frequency
  • Activity volume average (per selected frequency)
  • Volumes /year
  • Volumes / month
  • Volumes Per Year
  • Running Cost/Transaction
  • Number of employees performing the task
  • Users
  • Total Full-Time Equivalent/Full-Time Robot (Automated (Robot) column)
  • RPA Software Costs - # Licenses
  • Average processing time per transaction
  • AHT employee per transaction
  • Total processing time
  • Total Hours/Year
  • Average employee full cost per year
  • FTEs required
  • Running Cost/Year
  • Running Cost/Month
  • Running Cost/Transaction
Note: A pop-up with a warning about the impact on the Cost Benefit Analysis page is shown when delete is clicked for any of the questions listed in the table above.

Impact on Automation Pipeline

Automation Pipeline tables will be enhanced with new columns corresponding to each new custom question or KPI created in any of the five assessments. Columns with data from questions and KPI's, default ones or custom, are listed in alphabetical order.


If you want to slightly modify the title of an existing question or change its type while still keeping the answers in the same Automation Pipeline column, then you need to make sure not to change the variable name of the question.

  • Questions and KPIs part of tabular section are not reflected in Automation Pipeline.

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