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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Manage Access

This is the page where user accounts are added and managed by the System Admin.

The following options are available:

Assign Roles

The Assign Roles page displays all the users added to the tenant in a tabular view. The user accounts can have the following statuses:

  • Active: the user that has successfully completed the registration process and is now connected to Automation Hub.
  • Pending: the user for whom an account was created and who has been invited to join the Automation Hub tenant but has not yet completed the registration process thus cannot connect to the platform.
  • Not Invited: the user for whom an account was created but was not yet invited to join Automation Hub.
  • Inactive: the user who can no longer connect to Automation Hub, because their access was revoked.

To make the user list update process easier you have the option to:

  • Download CSV containing a list of all the user accounts or just the table template;
  • Working with a CSV file in order to perform mass updates to your user list or add new users;

For each user account, you have the option to:

  • View its details,
  • Edit,
  • Inactivate,
  • Delete.
Let's say you want to give access to everyone in Automation Hub. Below you'll find out how can you do it.
  • In Automation Hub, go to Admin > Manage Access > Assign roles.
  • Go to the Groups tab.
  • Add Group and select Everyone and check that Standard User is selected as the role.
  • Select Save and that's it!
Adding multiple people and give them a specific right in Automation Hub.
  • In Automation Suite go to Admin > User & Groups.
  • Go to Groups tab.
  • Create a new Group and add all the users you want to that group, let's say Legal.
  • Now you can use that group in Automation Hub and give it Idea Approver for the Legal Category.
  • Every time you add a user into that group it will also get the role in Automation Hub.
If you have Azure Active Directory (AAD) enabled, just use AAD groups directly in Automation Hub instead of creating them in Automation Cloud.


The Roles module allows you to manage and add User Roles as well as Collaborator Roles through the following submodules:


Roles allow you to distribute the responsibility within your team by offering the possibility to provide suitable access to the Automation Hub sections and functionalities depending on each team member's expertise. The default roles available vary from the ones focusing on administrative responsibilities (managing the users, doing the platform setup), some in charge of managing the automation pipeline, as well as technical roles covering the reusable components repository.

Note: There is no limit number regarding roles that can be assigned to users, but there can be only one Account Owner.

Within this submodule, you can view the platform's default roles and the list of permissions corresponding to each of them. You also have the option to add new roles that are specific for your organization.

  • All the default roles are uneditable because they are connected to the way Automation Hub works.
  • In case newly created roles have been assigned to a user, the Disable and Delete options are no longer available.

Collaborator Roles

Collaborator Roles allow you to create for each automation and idea a specific team that collaborates on developing the idea and pushes it through the various phases. This is the page where you define and edit the different rights for each collaborator role."

Within this submodule, you can view and add roles that can be assigned to collaborators at the profile level. Furthermore, the edit option is available for some of the default roles and all the roles created by you. By toggling the Make this role assignable button, you can choose to make the current role assignable to users in the Assign Roles page.

If the setting is ON, you can assign this role to users in the Assign Roles page and then select the role in the Collaborators page of any idea for those users.

When setting if OFF, pre-assignation in Assign Roles page is not required.

All users with the permission Manage the User Roles can edit this setting.

  • By default, it's OFF for Process Owner, Citizen Developer.
  • By default, it's ON for all other collaborator roles.

Please check out the Collaborator Roles Matrix page to view which are the default roles that can be edited.

  • Assign Roles
  • Roles
  • Roles
  • Collaborator Roles

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