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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Automation Program

This page is set up as the home page, displayed after successfully logging in, and contains all the submissions created within the company tenant, regardless of their idea source, except the ones in Rejected, Duplicate, Archived status or automations in Business Review - Awaiting Review. For each submission, a profile card is displayed, providing summarized information about it.

Explore Automation Program page displays automations collected from all submission paths (Submit an Employee-driven idea, Submitting a CoE-driven Idea, Submit an Automation, Process Mining or Task Mining).


You can use Search to find specific automation ideas. Type any text or keyword to search by Automation name, Automation ID, and description.


To find the list of automations you're interested in, and you can filter by the following criteria:

  • Category

    • Business Area
    • Category
    • Sub-Category

Each Business Area can have from 1 to 4 levels of sub-categories, depending on how the admin has set up the structure in the Platform Setup module.

If you define common names for multiple sub-categories that belong to different business areas, you will notice multiple categories with the same name when filtering. Each of them must be selected in the filter if you want to display all ideas belonging to those categories.

Our suggestion is to avoid naming multiple sub-categories with the same name as this could create confusion when using the filter. See below a short example of how the Categories could be structured.

  • Application

  • Submission Path

Depending on the automation ideas you want to see on the Automation Program page, you can filter by one or more submission paths.

  • Submitter's Business Unit

  • Phase

By default, all automations are displayed regardless of their current phase (except those in Rejected, Duplicate, or Archived status). The list can be filtered using the Filter button, and you can select the desired Phase and available Status.

To narrow down the list even more to the automations that are available for use, select the Live phase and In Production status from the Phase and Status filter options.

Requesting an Existing Automation

Click on the Request button from the automation profile page to express your intention in using the automation in your day-to-day work. As soon as you click Request, a pop-up containing a Thank you message is displayed. Next, an email is sent, and a task is generated for the Technical Reviewers to provide the automation you requested.

To find citizen developer automations that are not yet live, filter by Submission Path = Citizen Developer and select all phases and statuses except Live - In Production.

You will get a list with all the automations that have been approved in the Business Review phase. If any of these automations present interest for you, click on the Interested button to express your interest in using the automation in your day-to-day work when it becomes available.

Upcoming changes - Preview


This page is subject to change. The below information can change or have updates in the upcoming period until the effective June release.

Based on the collected customer feedback and to also match the upcoming Idea Flow Customization feature architecture, below is a summary of the changes to the Automation Profile Page with the upcoming May release:

  • The bottom bar actions related to idea lifecycle will be removed (e.g. Approve, Reject, Put on hold, Mark as duplicate). Users with rights to advance an idea will use the Phase & Status transitions available in the Automation Profile View mode, selecting the same actions: Approve, Reject, Put on hold etc.
  • You will be able to change the phase and status of an idea from the Automation Profile View mode. The Phase & status field will no longer be available in Edit mode.

The Automation Profile header will be reorganized:

  • By default, it displays the Automation name, Submitter name, Phase & status, and Business Area.
  • The actions related to integrations remain in the Automation Profile View mode, and are moved to the header, under the Actions dropdown list (e.g. Jira connection, Start development in Studio, Publish to Store etc.).
  • The Date Submitted, Idea type, Development type and Priority fields are grouped in a new section named ‘Basic information’, displayed by default in the sidebar of the automation profile.

Impact of the above changes in Customize assessments > Overview assessment:

  • The header section will include the Submitter and the Phase and Status fields.
  • The new Basic information section includes Date Submitted, Idea type, Development type, and Priority.
  • The Idea Source field will be renamed to Idea type. It will continue to reflect the type of idea flow the user has selected when filling in the submission form.

About page - Edit mode:

  • The Phase and Status field is no longer displayed in edit mode.
  • The Submit assessment action will be decommissioned. Users with rights to submit the Detailed assessment must fill in the assessment, save it, and then update the status from View mode to Qualification—Awaiting Review.
  • Start development action will be decommissioned. Users with rights to proceed with the development will have the option to change the Phase and Status from View mode to Development – In Progress.
  • The header will no longer be visible in edit mode.
  • Users with rights to edit the About page can no longer see the other profile pages (Cost Benefit Analysis, Documentation, Components, Collaborators, Change Requests, History) when editing the About page. You could not access these profile pages in the Edit mode, and there was no reason to show them.

Changes to the Submit idea form:

  • The Submit idea button remains the starting point for all submission forms, but instead of having a dropdown list with maximum 4 options. As per the user’s permissions, it will take users to a unique form where they need to first select the category (business area) for the idea to be submitted. Based on the selection, the system loads the list with available idea flows (e.g. Employee-driven idea, CoE driven idea, Citizen Developer automation, Change request). If today you have one single option for submitting an idea, in the new list of idea types you will continue to see only that option.
  • After analyzing and rethinking the way Idea Flow Customization information is structured on categories, going forward, the idea flows can be created on a specific category, and for each idea flow an admin user can decide what assessments are to be used.

Changes brought to assessments per category:

  • Since assessments are no longer tied to a category, the idea flows are connected to a category instead, the Customize assessments page is being revamped:
    • The location of the page remains the same: under Platform setup.
    • The Categories left navigation bar will be removed.
    • Assessments can still be created or edited on this page, being saved at tenant level (not under a specific category).
    • The option to set an assessment version live is removed. You will set which assessment version is used in each flow at the level of the idea flow.
    • Next to each assessment version, the system will show the number of idea flows that use that version.

New page - Customize Idea Flows:

  • A new page will be created under Platform setup: Customize Idea Flows.
  • The existing idea flows will be listed in this new page: Employee-driven idea, CoE driven idea, Citizen Developer automation, Change request, Task Mining idea, Process Mining idea.
  • The flows will be structured according to categories:
    • The 6 existing idea flows are created under All categories.
    • If a customer has assessments per category created, each assessment gets migrated under its specific flow built on a specific business area.
    • No answers to existing automation ideas are impacted.
  • On the long term, admin users will be able to create new idea flows on this page and customize the phases, statuses, approvers, approval points, and notifications sent out during the idea’s lifecycle.
  • These capabilities are part of the Idea Flow Customization feature, to be launched in Private Preview later this year.

  • Searching
  • Filtering
  • Requesting an Existing Automation
  • Upcoming changes - Preview

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