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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Import Your Pipeline

By accessing the Import Pipeline page, the tenant's System Admin as well as other users with roles that have the permission to access the option can migrate automation ideas that were recorded in other software solutions into Automation Hub in order to create and maintain one centralized pipeline.

To access it go to Admin Console > Platform Setup > Import Pipeline.

When accessing the Import Pipeline page for the first time you can find the following:

  • The Set Up section containing the Download CSV Template and Upload CSV buttons allowing you to download the Automation Hub specific CSV template, completing it with the details for your ideas, and uploading it back to Automation Hub.
  • The Notes sections providing additional explanations in order to help you easily import your ideas.

To start importing your ideas to Automation Hub follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Download CSV Template to download the CSV template. This template contains the Automation Hub specific structure and fields.

    Note: The downloaded template CSV always reflects the assessment customized at the level of All Categories even when you have a High Level assessment per category defined. If needed, in edit mode from the automation profile page, you can change the assessment version.
  2. Apply the updates.

    To be able to upload the CSV back to Automation Hub please follow the below rules:

    • Keep the header as downloaded.

    • Use only the accepted separator for the CSV format which is the comma.

    • The asterisk symbol ( * ) marks mandatory fields.

    • The second row of the template contains the correct way to add your information as well as useful tips. Please read them carefully before uploading your data.

      For the template to successfully sync, the following mandatory fields must be completed with information.

Template Mandatory Column


Automation Name

Automation ideas are inserted here. It's a mandatory field with a maximum of 100 characters,

alpha-numeric, foreign language characters

and few special characters accepted: -, # , ( , ) , _

Submitter's Email Address (Mandatory field)

The user must insert the submitters' emails, the one registered in their Automation Hub account and available on the Assign Roles page. The user must have the "Active" or "Pending" status in Assign Roles page.


The user needs to add details and description about the Automation Idea that will be imported.

Category 1

The user needs to add an Area that exists in the

Automation Hub Categories on the first level,

e.g., Finance&Accounting, Legal, HR.

The decisions have straight forward rules

The user needs to select one of the following options:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Disagree or Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • I Don’t Know

The input data is accessed digitally

The user needs to select one of the following options:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Disagree or Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • I Don’t Know

The data is highly formatted

The user needs to select one of the following options:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Disagree or Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • I Don’t Know

This process has no expected changes in the next 6 months

The user needs to select one of the following options:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Disagree or Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • I Don’t Know

Are any of these process documents available?

The user needs to select multiple answers (separated by commas) from the following options:

  • Detailed Work Instructions
  • Standard Operating Procedure
  • Task/Process maps/flowcharts
  • Input Files
  • Output Files
  • Misc. Files
  • There are no files affiliated with this process
  • I don't know
  • Start adding your idea information in row 3 column A.

  • Make sure to add in the Categories columns (G->K) the exact names of the categories already defined in the Categories list from Platform Setup > Categories. We recommend copying the categories from the Categories CSV list that can be downloaded from Platform Setup > Categories.

  • If the “Phase” and “Status” fields are left empty these will be automatically filled with “Idea” and “Awaiting Review”. Please note that the Phase and Status you input need to be the same ones already established for the Automation Hub platform. Please check them . Other phases and status or different formats of the one mentioned are not accepted.

3. Upload the updated CSV file by clicking the Upload CSV button available in the Set Up section as well as on top of the table in case you decide to hide the Set Up section.

Note: Migrating existing data from a CSV file into a new Automation Hub Instance does not trigger email notifications for ideas already submitted.

4. Check out the details for the newly added ideas on the preview page.

  • To apply updates to the information, select the corresponding field by clicking it and enter the new information in the pop-up box.

  • Click Sync Updates in order to store the changes in the database or Cancel to discard the changes.

Important: If the uploaded CSV contains missing or inconsistent information, a warning icon and a tooltip containing details about the error are displayed. You need to update all the fields marked as such to sync the CSV file.

The email address of the submitter and PO is case-sensitive. Uploading a file with one of those items generates an error.

Note: When using the Automation Hub in another language, the CSV template remains in English and answers added in the CSV in a different language are not recognized by the system.

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