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Automation Hub User Guide
Platform Setup
This is the module where the assigned System Admin sets up the organization of the platform for each Automation Hub tenant.
The below options are available:
Following the company’s profile, create a solid organizational structure to be used for all the automations and ideas that will be shared. The System Admin is responsible for configuring a structure for Automation Categories aligned with the structure of the company.
You can define and manage the Categories based on the specific organization set-up. Furthermore, you can choose to edit these in the web editor or download the CSV version in order to apply the edits offline and upload it back.
Connected with the Automation Area, this feature helps you define and manage the IT Application Inventory. The System Admin is responsible for creating an itemized list of applications used within each Automation Area as configured in the Automation Area.
Upload and manage company-specific document templates to be used to document the Automations in a consistent and accurate way. The Documentation repository allows you to maintain consistency across your automation efforts by organizing documentation in a uniform way. Automation Hub includes a set of pre-defined templates that allow you to standardize your documentation still you can add your own documentation according to your company's standards.
To identify suitable candidates for automation, shared ideas go through an evaluation process consisting of different levels of assessments.
Check Customize assessments chapter to find out more!
The below categories allow you to configure the cost associated with the RPA implementation:
- RPA Software Vendor
- One Time Costs-Implementation People Costs
- Running Costs-RPA Software Costs
- Other Running Costs
By clicking the Currency drop-down list, you can select the currency used to display prices and costs. This currency is applied to the entire automation program.
Within the Open API page you have access to the details that help you generate and manage the token used in order to manipulate the Automation Hub data through API calls.
We encourage you to also review the entire Automation Hub API Guide as it provides all the details you need to start using the Automation Hub APIs in a fast and compelling way. The guide is built to support the Swagger documentation, by providing relevant and easy to follow examples.
If you prefer to work with Postman, a small collection is available at this link, which can be imported by clicking the Run in Postman button.
The following API requests are currently available:
Automation IdeaPOST
Automation Idea through the Employee-driven flowPOST
Automation Idea through the Coe-driven flowPOST
Phase and Status for Automation IdeaGET
Automation PipelineGET
App InventoryGET
CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis)GET
Add UserPOST
Edit User