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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Automation Profile Page

Within the Automation Profile page you have access to following information describing the automation:

  • About;

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis;

  • Documentation;

  • Components;

  • Collaborators;

  • Change requests;

  • History.


Find general information about the submission displayed in the following sections:

  • Overview: a short description of the task/process.
  • Auto-generated ID: the auto-generated unique ID of the automation idea from the database, that can be used in API calls or other purposes.
  • Tags: a tag can be added to any automation idea. Once created, it will remain in the list and the user can select it again for other ideas. This helps group or create links between different ideas or automations.
  • Useful Links: links can be added to useful materials or documents needed for the automations or ideas. (available only for ideas from Process Mining and Task Mining)
  • High Level Assessment: general information about the task/process collected from the submitter of the employee-driven ideas.
  • Detailed Assessment: advanced information about the task/process, used to compute the estimated benefits and the ease of implementation collected from the Process Owner or the submitter of the CoE-driven ideas.
  • Citizen Developer Assessment: general information about the task/process and pre and post automation data collected from the submitter of the citizen developer automations.
  • Benefits: description of the expected benefits, pre-implementation, as well as actual benefits, post-implementation.
  • Challenges: description of the difficulties expected and the ones encountered during the implementation.
  • Lessons Learned: knowledge useful for future implementation.
  • Media: images and videos associated with this process.
  • Similar Automations: automation ideas identified as being similar to the current one.
  • Questions/Comments section: space where interested users or collaborators can leave comments and/or questions.
  • Assessment Score: section showing the indicators and benefits computed for the automation ideas collected via the employee-driven, CoE-driven or Process Mining path.
  • Idea Score: section showing a value representing the idea's suitability and readiness. For more details check: Submit an Idea.

    For more details about how this information is calculated check Detailed Assessment Algorithm page:

  • Potential Benefit: the automation potential benefit expressed per employee and across company computed for the citizen developer automations collected via the Share an automation form.

  • The Benefits, Challenges, Lessons Learned, Media, and Similar Automations sections are displayed in View mode only if there is information added in their corresponding fields. For details check the About Information
  • The Detailed Assessment section is not displayed for automation ideas in the Idea phase. This section becomes available once the assessment is launched.
  • The Automation ID field enables the Process Owner, Project Manager, and all the collaborators who have editing rights in the About section to add an (alpha-)numerical ID for each idea.
  • Users have by default editing rights for the About section of the ideas that they have shared.

Cost Benefit Analysis

This section is displayed for submissions with employee-driven, CoE-driven or Process Mining idea source starting with the Assessment phase and is visible only to the Project Manager, System Admin, Program Manager and to the collaborators assigned with editing rights for this section in the Collaborators page of the automation.

It provides information in the following three sections:

  • Automation Potential & Ease of Implementation: comparison between the Automation Potential and the Ease of Implementation values computed by the algorithm and the values of these two indicators as provided by the technical experts in the edit mode of Cost Benefits Analysis page.
  • Estimated Costs & Benefits: the costs of the process before it is automated in comparison with the estimated post-automation costs and net benefits.

    • Est. Net Benefit Year 1: Cost per year for the process AS IS (computed in the Detailed assessment) - Cost with humans performing the manual process for the transactions that could not be automated - Implementation people cost - Running costs/year.
    • Est. Net Benefit Year 2: Cost per year for the process AS IS (computed in the Detailed assessment) - Cost with humans performing the manual process for the transactions that could not be automated - Running costs/year. The running cost/year = RPA software costs + Other Software costs + Support team + Infrastructure + Other costs.
  • Project Plan: comparison between the baseline cycle time of each implementation phase and the actual duration of each phase reflected in the Actual & New Estimate table as the implementation progresses.

Once all this information is captured it can be used to provide visibility to your stakeholders for each automation idea that is implemented.

If you click Edit the page becomes editable allowing you to Perform the Cost Benefit Analysis.


Find the files and links added by the Submitter and the collaborators with editing rights on the Documentation page. This information can be accessed by all users.

The page is split into two sections:

  1. Automation Files

    Find the documentation cards for the files and URLs uploaded by the submitter and collaborators. When clicking a documentation card, the system behaves differently, depending on the type of information it contains:

    • For files that have been uploaded - a message requesting you to confirm the download of the file on your computer is displayed.
    • For URLs - the URL is opened in a new tab.

      Users with editing rights for the Documentation page can add additional documentation by using the following options:

    • the Create New Process Document with Task Capture card. Click Create to launch Task Capture and document in an easy way the processes described in the idea you are reviewing.
    • the Add Filebutton.
  2. Automation Templates

Access the below documentation types:

  • Process Definition Document (PDD),
  • Solution Design Document (SDD)
  • Development Specification Document (DSD).

    When clicking a documentation card, the system displays a message requesting you to confirm the download of the file on your computer.


Note: This option may not be displayed if the Company Admin decides to switch it off from the Settings page. For details please check Updating the Settings.

Find a gallery containing the cards of all the components added to the automation profile.

The Add Component button is available only for the Process Owner, Project Manager, and the collaborators with editing rights in the Components section and allows them to add components to the Automation Profile.


Displays the list of collaborators assigned to the Automation Profile. Each collaborator's profile is presented as a user card.

The Process Owner and Project Manager have an additional card available: Manage Roles & Permissions. By clicking this card, the list of collaborators added to the automation is opened in Edit mode allowing them to add and manage the automation idea collaborator list.

Change Requests

Displays all the change requests created from the idea or automation, ordered by the submission date.

You can click on a card to open the Change Request Profile Page. The + Change request button is available for the Account owner, System Admin, or Program Manager, and the collaborators who have the Submit a change request for an idea or automation permission.

  • About
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Documentation
  • Components
  • Collaborators
  • Change Requests

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