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Automation Hub User Guide
October 2020
Build number: 2020.10.1
The new Citizen Developer Framework available in Automation Hub enables an easy and centralized way of managing and growing a solid community of Citizen Developers. This includes a separate flow that enhances for automations to be submitted, reviewed, and published towards the team's general consumption by users assigned with specialized roles.
For rolling out this new flow in your Automation Hub instance, a user with System Admin rights needs to assign Citizen Developer specific roles to the Citizen Developers from their organization. These users will then be involved in the automation submission flow. Depending on the assigned role, users can submit automations, review them in different stages, and make them available for large consumption. Please check the Understanding the Citizen Developer Flow from our User Guide to find out more details.
Localization in German and French: Starting today our German and French customers can benefit from a localized experience in Automation Hub. This allows them to access all the platform's content and resources in either English, German, or French. The option to switch the language preference is available under the My Profile icon.
To make the ideas and automations workflow easier to follow and manage, the Automation Pipeline is restructured and now includes, aside from the existing views, the following new views:
- Review - displaying ideas and automations in Idea, Assessment, Business Review, and Technical Review phases
- Implementation - displaying ideas and automations in Analysis, Solution Design, Development, Testing phases, or the ones in Qualification - Approved.
Live - displaying ideas and automations in Live phase.
Please note that the Assessment Pipeline view is decommissioned as it is no longer relevant to the new structure. Moreover, all the Automation Pipeline views except Decision Pipeline are adapted to the new Citizen Development flow and include the following new columns and filters:
- New columns: Idea Source, Potential Benefit, Published, Interests and Requests.
- New filter options: Idea Source.
- To keep consistency between the values of the indicators displayed in the Automation Profile - About page, Cost Benefit Analysis page, and Automation Pipeline table, the Automation Profile page now includes in the View mode a second box named Updated in the Cost Benefit Analysis page that reflects the updated values of the indicators according to the edits done in the Cost Benefit Analysis page. This information is displayed only after the Cost Benefit Analysis page has been edited and saved at least one time.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > Decision Pipeline - Action column and Automation Profile page: the Approve action available for ideas in Qualification phase > Awaiting Review and On Hold statuses, is renamed to Approve for CoE.
- Idea Profile Page: the Upvote option is renamed to Interested.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People: the search option available in the CSV parsing intermediary page displayed after uploading a CSV file is enhanced with the new department search criteria.
- Admin Console > Platform Setup > Categories: the limit for defining a category is increased to 100 characters.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > all views: the Automation Name filter is no longer available. The filter option available for the Idea Source column enables this functionality from now on.
- Idea Profile > Collaborators > Manage Roles and Permissions view > Add Collaborator form: the email search criteria was not working when trying to search for a user account.
- No email was sent to users assigned as Project Managers to automation ideas.
- Workspace > Automation Pipeline > all views: inconsistencies were noticed between the alignment of the available filters.
- Idea Profile > Detailed Assessment: the information displayed for the Benefit (FTEs) was inaccurate.
Build number: 2020.9.4
UiPath Automation Hub has a new mechanism for interacting with the platform through API calls. The Open API feature allows Automation Hub users to access and manipulate their tenant data programmatically. Based on the user feedback, as well as the structure of the platform, we've focused on delivering the following API requests:
Automation IdeaPOST
Automation Idea through the Employee-driven flowPOST
Automation Idea through the Coe-driven flowPOST
Phase and Status for Automation ideaGET
Automation PipelineGET
App InventoryGET
CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis)GET
Add UserPOST
Edit User
The Automation Hub API Guide provides all the details you need to start using the Automation Hub APIs in a fast and compelling way. The guide is built to support the Swagger documentation, by providing relevant and easy to follow examples.
If you prefer to work with Postman, a small collection is available at this link, which can be imported by clicking the Run in Postman button.
- Dashboards > Planning Report or Cost Report > Subtotal row: the total number of Automations was inaccurate as it included only automations with data added in their Cost Benefit Analysis.
- Admin Console > Manage Components: after a component was archived the Actions menu was not updated and it did not include the option to Delete the component.
- Explore > People > User card: the assigned role was displayed on the card.
- Users were not able to see any components if an automation area was defined in their account's Roles section.
- Admin Console > People: the page crashed when trying to upload a CSV containing users for whom the roles were added in an incorrect format.
- Submit an Employee-driven idea form: the review the automation page displayed at the end of the form was missing the questions to be reviewed.
- Automation profile page > Cost Benefit Analysis: when the baseline is set up an error message specifying that the baseline is not complete was displayed.
- Admin Console > Manage Users > People: the app crashed after several consecutive updates were made in the roles section of a user account.
Build number: 2020.9.3
- The Automation Profile page is enhanced with the new Development Type field. This allows users to choose from a drop-down list the source of development for each of the ideas. The information selected for this field is displayed in a distinct column in the Automation Pipeline > All and Decision Pipeline tables.
- A new Launch Date field is available in the editable mode of the Cost Benefit Analysis page from the Automation Profile allowing users to add the accurate date when an automation idea was launched. The value of this field is editable and is displayed in the view mode of the Cost Benefit Analysis page of the Automation Profile as well as in the Dashboards > Planning Report and Cost Report.
- The subtotal number of items displayed per page and value and the total number of items present in the table and the value are made available when reviewing the Dashboards > Cost Report page.
- The help text displayed when accessing the Admin Console > Account > Settings page > Update Executable files option is enhanced in order to provide more details about the referenced file types.
- Automation Pipeline > Last Modified sorting criteria and Explore > Automations > Recently Updated sorting filter: the information was not updated in case changes have been applied in the Cost Benefit Analysis section of an Automation Profile.
- Automation Pipeline: users assigned with Idea Approver role were able to archive ideas.
- Explore > Components: the comment field was not available for users who did not previously downloaded the component.
- Automation Hub > Japanese version: the subject was not translated to Japanese for the welcome and account information confirmation emails sent after creating a tenant or adding a user.
- User Profile > Email Settings: users with the Program Manager role did not have access to the Automation Ideas Management section.
- User Profile > Email Settings: the name of the section referring to personal activity related to components was incorrect.
- After a user was added as a Project Manager to an automation idea, they did not receive the notification nor the e-mail informing them about the assignment.