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Automation Hub User Guide
January 2020
Build number: 2020.1.1
Average Automation Cost is a newly added dashboard providing a view of what is the average yearly cost of implementation, broken down by cost type, and by ease of implementation.
Automation Pipeline: Newest Submitted is a new sort option that can be used to order the table data from the most recent to the oldest automation submitted.
Explore Automations > Filter: multiple selection is available for Automation Hierarchy and Phase filter items.
“Average Employee Full Cost/Year” field available in both Automation Profile Page > Detailed Assessment and CoE-driven ideas forms, is now marked as optional.
Submit employee-driven idea > Question 9: Process Owner search has been optimized. This will decrease the search time especially for tenants with numerous users.
The content from the FAQs section is revised and updated.
The User Guide link can be accessed from the dropdown of the Additional resources option marked with a question mark (?) icon. The section is available in the upper right corner of the page.
Automation Profile Page > Cost Benefit Analysis: new messages are displayed in case the graphs are not generated. The helper texts have also been improved.
Automation Profile Page > Components tab: a loading spinner is displayed in case large files are added.
Oldest Submitted option is available in the Workspace > My Ideas and My Team > Sort drop-down.
Last Modified and Oldest Modified options are available in the Workspace > Following > Sort drop-down.
- Cost Setup > One Time costs – Implementation People Costs: when disabling or deleting a role from User Roles the costs from this section were not disabled.
- My Tasks > Title column: the automations and components names were not fully displayed.
- Dashboards > Automation Program Performance: the number of automations from 2019 was incorrectly displayed in the 2020 Pipeline Evolution chart.
- Newly added automation areas were not instantly displayed under the Explore Automations > Filter.
- There was no character limit for the Name Version and Release notes fields from the Upload Component form > Component upload modal.
- There was no character limit for the free text fields from the Admin Console > Cost Setup.