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Automation Hub User Guide
License Allocation and Management
Once integrated with Automation Cloud, the Automation Hub licensing structure will be adapted to match the Automation Cloud setup.
Please check the About Licensing page for more details about Automation Cloud licenses.
This is how the license structure will function:
- Your Automation Cloud account has different licensing quantity parameters for each service that can be attached to the platform.
- Based on those quantity parameters, you can add one or multiple services to your Automation Cloud account.
- As Automation Hub is also a service on Automation Cloud, you are able to add as many Automation Hub services as the quantity in the license indicates.
- For Trial Licenses, the default quantity for the Automation Hub service license is 2.
- This means that you can add Automation Hub on 2 different tenants from Automation Cloud.
- For Enterprise Licenses, the default quantity will be discussed and agreed between the Customer and UiPath when the Automation Hub service is purchased.
When you select the Automation Hub service for a tenant and enable it one service license is marked as consumed. Note that no other license is consumed when you complete the provisioning in Automation Hub.
The license is freed up if:
- the tenant is disabled;
- the tenant is deleted;
- the Automation Hub service is unticked from an existing tenant.
Please check the Distributing Your Licenses page for more details about Automation Cloud licenses management.
To check the number of Automation Hub licenses used please check one of the below pages:
- Access the Automation Cloud Home page.
- Scroll till you see the License Allocation space.
- Access the Robots & Services tab.
The number of licenses used for Automation Hub tenants is displayed in a distinct section.