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Automation Hub User Guide
Jira Integration
If UiPath Automation Hub is the place where you can centrally manage your automation opportunities pipeline, then Jira is most probably the place where your developers will track the underlying tasks used in the automation development lifecycle.
By linking Automation Hub ideas to Jira tickets, you'll get a clearer picture of the development progress for your automations.
The Authentication between Automation Hub and Jira leverages the existing Jira Cloud Connector from the UiPath Integration Service.
Automation Hub users with permissions to Manage Jira Integration can set-up and enable it so that users can link or create a Jira ticket straight from an automation idea.
The Jira Integration must be enabled and configured by an Automation Hub user with permissions to manage the integration, before rolling it out to the rest of the users.
In this tab, the user needs to first input a Jira workspace before being able to perform the configuration.
Admins need to have the Manage Jira Integration permission assigned.
Account Owner and System admin Roles have the permission assigned by default.
Follow the steps below to start the configuration:
1. Start by connecting to your Jira workspace
- From Admin Console > Platform Setup, select Jira Integration.
In the Authentication section, you'll be required to start by adding your Jira workspace URL and selecting Connect.
The Jira workspace URL needs to respect the following format:https://[yourworskpace].atlassian.net
2. Authenticate with Jira.
- Select Open authenticator.
- UiPath Integration Service opens in a new window from where you can select Add connection.
Learn more about how to use connectors in Connections page .
A new Connect to Jira window appears where the Site URL and Scope should be prefilled. Select Connect.
The Atlassian webpage opens, where you need to confirm the Uipath - Jira integration. Select Accept.
Note:If you aren't already logged in to Jira, it'll ask you to log in first and then resume with Uipath - Jira integration.
The connection the admin configures at the Integration Service level cannot be reused for the rest of users that'll use the integration. All users will have to own an existing connection to use the integration.
You're redirected to the initial Jira Connection page within Automation Hub where, below Open authentication button you need to select Confirm, for the integration connection to be successful.
At this point, your connection to Jira is in place and you can move on to the next steps.
3. Configure the issue type and project name - By using the dropdown for each box, you can select the Project Name and Issue type, that'll be used when a Jira ticket is created from an automation idea. Select Confirm.
The dropdown values are fetched from the Jira Workspace you are connected to.
4. Select an existing issue as a template -
Now it's required to add the Issue link, representing the Jira ticket template for your project. Prefilled sections from this ticket are always added to the user created tickets. Add the Jira ticket URL and select Validate.
The template issue will be validated before saving to make sure that:
- It is from the same project as the one defined in the previous step.
- The issue type matches the one defined in the previous step.
- The issue exists in the connected Jira Workspace.
The format of the URL is correct: https://yourworskpace.atlassian.net/browse/YOURPROJECTKEY-1111
Example of Jira Issue Template configuration:
- You start from an existing ticket from your Jira Project https://yourworskpace.atlassian.net/browse/KEY-1111 .
- The issue is of type Task and contains the basic Jira Fields and an additional custom field called Validation needed.
- The ticket is saved in the Automation Hub configuration.
In the Field Mapping tab, you can do the following configuration:
- Idea title maps to Jira Summary.
- Idea description maps to Jira Description.
- You can opt to map the Validation needed Jira field to a field in Automation Hub or you can hardcode in the template to always have a certain value - for example Yes.
- On final touch can be to add also a hardcoded label AUTOMATION_HUB_IDEA in the Jira Issue template.
By using this configuration, the Jira tickets created from Automation Hub will have the following configuration:
- Summary and Description fetched from the Automation Hub correspondent fields.
- Custom field Validation needed hardcoded to Yes for all issues.
Labels hardcoded to AUTOMATION_HUB_IDEA for all issues.
Once the tickets is created, it will follow the workflow defined in Jira for that Issue Type.
5. The last step in the connection flow shows you that the connection is now enabled.
In the Field Mapping tab, you can map Automation Hub fields to Jira fields. By doing this, you will configure the way tickets are created by users with permission to trigger the Jira Issue creation from Automation Hub.
When a mapping is done, that means that the values from the Automation Hub field will be used to fill in the correspondent mapped Jira Field.
By default, two Jira fields are mapped after a successful Jira Connection:
Jira Field |
Automation Hub Field |
Summary |
Automation Name |
A plain text field |
Description |
A new field map can be added by:
- Select +Add mapping.
- Under Jira field, select the new row created, and from the dropdown, select the desired available field.
- Under the Automation Hub field, select the desired available field from the dropdown.
The rows in the mapping table are automatically saved.
To delete a row, go to the three dot menu on the right hand side of the row and select Delete.
Example of mapping:
- You have a Jira field called Business reason.
- You also have a field in Automation Hub called Business reason (the names don't have to match) that you have defined in one of your assessments.
- In the Field Mapping tab, you map the two together.
- When a user will select to Create a new Jira ticket from Automation Hub, the Business Reason field in Jira will receive the value from the Business Reason field from the Automation Hub idea.
If the field is null or doesn't exist in the Automation Profile of the Idea, the creation will be done, but the correspondent Jira field will have null values.
By deleting the Jira Connection, all the data from the Authentiucation form is cleared.
- From Admin Console > Platform Setup, select Jira Integration.
- Select Delete Connection.
The Reset connection button can be used to reset the Jira Admin Authentication form before the connection is saved.