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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025


APIs allow you to access and interact with the services offered in the Manage Packages menu. You can use these APIs when you design coded automations. Visit Coded Automations to learn about coded automations and how to design them using APIs.
Note: Using Go to Definition (F12) allows you to access the definition of UiPath APIs for a certain service. We recommend relying only on the directly exposed APIs when you implement coded automations. Other APIs that are not directly exposed with a service are subject to change without prior notification.


APIs often have overloads, which means they provide multiple versions of the same method with different parameter options. Overloads allow you to customize the behavior of the API based on your specific requirements. For example, a UI Automation API may have an overload that accepts a timeout parameter to specify the maximum time to wait for a UI element to appear before ending execution.

By using the APIs with their respective overloads, you can easily achieve your desired automation logic and behavior.

Testing APIs

Note: Verify APIs do not support taking screenshots on macOS and Linux operating systems.
AddressGenerates a valid address, based on the random country and city that you provide.
AddTestDataQueueItemAdds a DataRow to a specified TestDataQueue.
AttachDocumentAttach documents to your test execution results to have proof of the outcome.
BulkAddTestDataQueueItemsAdd a data table to a specified test data queue.
DeleteTestDataQueueItemsDelete specified test data queue items.
GetTestDataQueueItemExtracts a DataRow from a specified TestDataQueue.
GetTestDataQueueItemsExtracts data rows from a specified TestDataQueue.
GivenNameGenerates a random first name.
LastNameGenerates a random last name.
RandomDateGenerates a random date between two dates.
RandomNumberGenerates a random integer with a given length.
RandomStringGenerates a random string with a given length and case.
RandomValuePicks a random line in range of 0 - 2 billions from a 1-column list.
VerifyAreEqualVerifies if two expressions are equal.
VerifyAreNotEqualVerifies if two expressions are not equal.
VerifyContainsVerifies if the first expression contains the second expression.
VerifyDocumentsEquivalenceVerifies if two documents are equivalent using multiple comparison options.
VerifyExpressionVerifies the truth value of a given expression.
VerifyExpressionWithOperatorVerifies an expression by asserting it in relation to a given expression with an operator.
VerifyIsGreaterVerifies that the first expression is greater than the second expression.
VerifyIsGreaterOrEqualVerifies that the first expression is greater than or equal to the second expression.
VerifyIsLessVerifies that the first expression is less than the second expression.
VerifyIsLessOrEqualVerifies that the first expression is less than or equal to the second expression.
VerifyIsRegexMatchVerifies if the first expression is a regex match to the second expression.
VerifyRangeVerifies if an expression is located or not within a given range.
VerifyTextEquivalenceVerifies if two texts are equivalent using multiple comparison options.

Using APIs

Use the following format, to call an API from the corresponding service: service.API. For example, system.GetAsset.
  • Overloads
  • Testing APIs
  • Using APIs

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