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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025

About Form Designer Controls

When you drag and drop a component or when you click the Edit icon of a form component, the configuration wizard opens. Depending on the type of form component, certain wizard tabs are available, to customize it. All tabs available and their general properties in the UiPath Form Designer are described below.



The title of the component.

Label Position

The position of the label for a field.


The text that appears below the input field.


Adds a tooltip icon to the side of the field. Input the text of the tooltip.


Hide a component in the Form Renderer.

Hide Label

Hide the label of a component.


Disable a field in the form.


The text that appears when the field is empty.


The text that shows before a field.


The text that shows after a field.

Table View

When checked, shows the value within the table view of the submissions.

Input Mask

An input mask provides a predefined format. For a phone-number field, the default input mask is (999) 999-9999.

Input mask elements are:

  • 9 - numeric
  • a- alphabetical
  • ***** - alphanumeric


Default Value

The value of the field before users interacting with it. The default value overrides the placeholder text.

Multiple Values

When checked, multiple values can be added to the field. The Add Another Button becomes visible in the field.


The section where you type the content of a component.


The moment.js format you use for saving this field. For example, HH:mm:ss.

Redraw On

Redraw this component if another component in the form changes. Choose the event when the component should redraw from the dropdown list. The default events to choose are Any Change and Submit.



When checked, this field is required to have a value.

Validate On

Determines when this component triggers front-end validation. Choose an event from the dropdown list: Change or Blur.

Minimum Length

The minimum length requirement this field must meet.

Maximum Length

The maximum length requirement this field must meet.

Minimum Word Length

The minimum amount of words that can be added to this component.

Maximum Word Length

The maximum amount of words that can be added to this field.

Regular Expression Pattern

This is the regular expression pattern that the component must pass, before the form can be submitted.

Error Label

The label that displays when a validation error message shows.

Custom Error Message

A customized error message to be displayed if an error occurs.

Field Key

Property Name

The name of this component in the Workflow Fields Collection.


The Conditional tab in the Form Designer allows you to place conditions on components in your form, in order to hide or display them.

The Conditional tab has a Simple section.

The Simple section of the Conditional tab allows you to hide or display a component, based on the value of another component.

The Simple section consists of three fields:

  1. This component should Display - from this dropdown list, choose:

    • True if you want to condition when the component displays.
    • False if you want to condition when the component hides.
  2. When the form component - from this dropdown list, choose a component in the form to act as a condition.
  3. Has the value - type in the value that conditions the component when to display or hide.

Check out the tutorial about creating simple conditions from the Form.Activities guide.


The Logic tab of the Form Designer allows you to create conditions and advanced logic scripts that can change the state or the behavior of the selected form component.

Using advanced logic, you can dynamically change the controls, looks, and feel of a form component.

A form logic consists of two parts: the trigger and the action.


The logic trigger is the condition upon which the action takes place. For example, you may want to display a specific form field only when a checkbox option is selected. In this case, the checkbox option is the trigger, and displaying the form field is the action.

There are four types of logic triggers:

Trigger type




You define one triggering form component and value.


You provide a JavaScript logic for a form component or form data.

Use the JavaScript syntax to create complex logic, such as loop or dynamic behavior.

JSON Logic

You provide a JSON logic for a form component or form data.

Recommended in cases where JavaScript is not permitted.

Cannot support loops or dynamic behaviors.


You define a component event, which once emitted by the corresponding component, triggers the desired action.


The logic action is the form component behavior that should happen based on the logic conditions you set (i.e., the trigger). For example, you may want to activate a button for users of a specific age. In this case, the age range is the trigger, and activating the button is the action.

There are four types of logic actions:

Action type




The trigger changes one of the available component properties, such as Tooltip, Description, CSS class, etc.

The available properties depend on the type of the triggering component.


The trigger changes the value of the corresponding component.

The action must be defined using JavaScript syntax.

Merge Component Schema

The trigger changes the component schema parameters found in the component JSON.

To see the schema parameters you can change, hover over the corresponding component and click Edit JSON.

You can change multiple parameters within one action.

Custom Action

You define a custom action using JavaScript syntax, in the same you would define the JavaScript trigger type.



The Templates tab is specific to the Edit Grid component only. The Footer template allows you to customize the grid using JavaScript. You can modify the look of the footer.

Footer Template

This is the Lodash Template used to render the footer of the Edit Grid component.

There are two variables available:

  • value - the array of row data
  • components - the array of components in the grid


The File tab is specific to the File component only. The File tab allows you to customize a File component, through specific settings and properties.

These are the properties available in the File tab

  • Directory - places all the files uploaded in this component, in the directory specified. The string must end with /.
  • Upload Only - allows users only to upload files. The download option will be unavailable, when checked.
  • File Types - allows you to specify the file types, in order to classify the types of files that the user uploads. Recommended when a user uploads multiple types of files and you want the user to specify the type of each file uploaded.
  • File Pattern - allows you to specify file extensions that will be allowed to upload. Other file extensions that are not specified, won't be uploaded.
  • File Minimum Size - sets the minimum size for the uploaded file.
  • File Maximum Size - sets the maximum size for the uploaded file.

    To learn more on how to specify file patterns and sizes, see this GitHub link.

  • Display
  • Data
  • Validation
  • Field Key
  • Conditional
  • Logic
  • Templates
  • File

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