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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Callout how-to guides

This page includes guides and resources that can help you learn how to create automations using the activities in this package. You can employ these tutorials in the context of Trigger-based attended automation.


Step-by-step guides on how to create automations from scratch. Each tutorial includes a project that you can download and open in UiPath Studio.

TutorialDescriptionActivitiesImage preview
Building your first calloutBuild your first callouts, inside the context of the Trigger-based Attended Automation solution. The tutorial consists of guiding a user through the website, to search the weather for the place where they're currently in. Show Callout
Figure 1. Callout welcoming you to

Figure 2. Callout prompting you to search for the weather of a location

Design forms using custom HTMLCreate and display a simple form using an HTML file. This form displays a short message, two buttons, and the live date and time when the user interacts with the form.

You can apply these steps to create custom HTML callout files, too.

Show Callout, Form trigger activity, Close form
Figure 3. The result of a form created using HTML

Creating a guided product tourCreate a guided product tour, as part of the digital adoption attended scenario. This tutorial, in particular, shows how to create a guided tour for the Wikipedia website. Form trigger activity, Show Callout, Show Form
Figure 4. Callout displayed to offer a guided tour within an application

Creating and displaying a simple calloutCreate and display a callout for 10 seconds, whenever a certain UI element appears during the automation. Run Local Triggers, Use Application/Browser, Application Event Trigger activity, Show Callout, Close Form, Stop Local Triggers,
Figure 5. Animated image showing the callout next to the Windy logo

Creating and displaying a countdown calloutCreate and display a callout for 10 seconds, while showing the countdown for it, whenever a certain UI element appears during the automation. Run Local Triggers, Use Application/Browser, Application Event Trigger activity, Show Callout, Close Form, Set Form Values, Global Variable Changed Trigger, Stop Local Triggers
Figure 6. Animated image showing a callout displaying a timer

Video tutorials

Designing validation for existing appsDesign validations using callouts, forms, and triggers, for a smooth user experience while using the UiDouble sample application. Form trigger activity, Show Callout, Show Form
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