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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025

Hiding a field dynamically

Trigger type: Simple Action type: Property
This advanced logic hides a form field (i.e., the Child field) when the user inputs "hide" in another form field (i.e., Parent field).
  1. Open or create a Form file in Studio.
  2. Add two Text Field components.
  3. Name one of the text field components as Parent field, and the other one as Child field. Pay attention to their Property Names, as you use those in your advanced logic.
  4. Go to the Logic tab of the Child field component.
  5. Add a logic and name it "hide input".
  6. Select the Simple trigger type.
    1. From the When the form component dropdown menu, select Parent field ({parentField_property_name}).
    2. In the Has the value field, enter "hide".
      The above configuration detects if the user input the string "hide" in the parent field and triggers the action to hide the child field.
  7. Add an action and name it "hide".
  8. Select the Property action type.
    1. From the Component Property dropdown menu, select Hidden.
    2. From the Set State dropdown menu, select True.
  9. Save the action and the logic.
  10. Save the component.
At runtime, if the business user inputs "hide" in the parent field, the child field becomes hidden.

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