  • Release notes
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Orchestrator release notes

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 21, 2025

June 2023

28 June 2023

Tenant name no longer needed when consuming cloud API

The X-UIPATH-TenantName header is no longer necessary when consuming cloud API. The tenant is now automatically identified based on the cloud Orchestrator URL.

Deprecation of reports endpoints

Reports endpoints available for audit logs, robot logs, and queue definitions are now deprecated. As such, we advise against using the following:

  • GET/odata/AuditLogs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.Reports

  • GET//odata/RobotLogs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.Reports

  • GET/odata/QueueDefinitions({key})/UiPathODataSvc.Reports

The endpoints listed above will be removed in December of this year.

If you would like to retrieve such reports, we recommend these steps:

  1. Initiate an export by calling the appropriate endpoint:

    • For audit logs: POST/odata/AuditLogs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.Export
    • For robot logs: POST/odata/RobotLogs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.Export
    • For queue definitions: POST/odata/QueueDefinitions({key})/UiPathODataSvc.Export
    • This operation returns an ID that is necessary for the next two steps.
  2. Get the status of the report by calling the GET/odata/Exports({key}) endpoint and appending the ID returned at step 1 to it.
  3. Once the status is Completed, get a download link for retrieving the exported archive, by calling the GET/odata/Exports({key})/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetDownloadLink endpoint and appending the ID returned at step 1 to it.

Queue processing records limit clarification

The QueueProcessingRecords resource used for returning statistical information on queues and transactions via API returns data that is maximum 90 days old. You can request data by day, hour, and minute, but it is only displayed if it has been recorded within the last 90 days.

This does not affect the UI functionality, where information recency is still capped at 30 days.

19 June 2023

Automation Cloud Robots available as a trial service

As an Enterprise or Pro user, if your license plan does not contain a Robot Units bundle, you can ask for a free trial and discover the functionality of Automation Cloud Robots, either the Serverless or VM type. The 60-day trial license allocates you 12,000 robot units/trial, in batches of 6,000 RUs/month, which are shared between the two cloud robot types.

Read more details about our licensing plans, and learn how to request a trial service.

14 June 2023

Apps in folders

Apps are now readily available in Orchestrator: they are always published to a tenant, and can subsequently be deployed in folders, enabling you to get up and running at lightning speed.

The Apps page allows you to deploy a published app, manage previously deployed apps, keep all your apps up to date with the most recent versions, run a deployed app, and go directly to an app project.

As part of this feature, two new permissions are available in Orchestrator: Apps and App Versions.

13 June 2023

Local users updates

Updating the name of or deleting local users as an Automation Cloud admin now propagates to cloud Orchestrator user list and audit across all tenants.

The Orchestrator audit logs the update of the user name as: "User System Administrator updated/deleted account {user_mail}". Click the View Details button to see the exact changes.
docs image
In case of user deletions:
  • the associated robots are also deleted, and

  • the associated personal workspaces become orphaned. You can continue to explore them, or convert them to modern folders.


    Expect a delay in synchronizing the administrative updates from Automation Cloud to Orchestrator.

    For local users or users that have been invited to join the organization, updated names show up in cloud Orchestrator right away.

New machine key parameter

We have added a new parameter to the GET/odata/RobotLogs endpoint, namely MachineKey. As the name suggests, this stores the machine key, which was previously held by the MachineId parameter.
MachineKey, which has a GUID format, was introduced in order to persist robot logs in tenant move scenarios. MachineId has a dynamic number format, meaning that it cannot be persisted in such cases.
While the two work in parallel for now, we highly recommend using MachineKey, as MachineId will be removed in April 2024.

Handling months in cron expressions

We have changed the way we treat months that are less than 31 days long when a cron expression uses the 31W subexpression in order to indicate that a job should be executed on the last day of the month or on the closest weekday to the last day of the month.

The current behavior is as follows:

  • For months with 31 days, the 31W subexpression leads to the job being executed:
    • on the 31st of the month if it falls on a weekday

    • on the nearest weekday to the 31st if the 31st falls on a weekend

  • For months with less than 31 days, the 31W subexpression prevents any jobs from being executed, thus skipping the month entirely. In this case, we recommend using LW instead. This triggers the job on the last weekday of the month, regardless of the number of days, meaning that no months are skipped.

6 June 2023

Cloud robots now support live streaming and video recording

Upon upgrading your UiPath Robot to v2023.4, your cloud robots (both ACR-VM and elastic robots) can live stream and video record unattended executions, for troubleshooting and debugging purposes:

  • With the video recording option you can choose to either record all jobs or only those that are failed, and you have access to these recordings for up to 7 days.

  • The live streaming allows you to watch an unattended execution while it is happening, and, if problems arise and debug is needed, to take remote control of the execution and try to fix it.

Multiple runtimes on your Automation Cloud Robot - VMs

Now, your Automation Cloud Robots VMs support multiple runtimes. This means you can execute multiple jobs at the same time on a single VM. There is no need to add new VMs for each workflow you want to execute in parallel. Additionally, this helps optimize your machine infrastructure management.

Here are some take-aways of this capability:

  • Both automatic and manual pools support multiple runtimes.

  • Additional runtimes have additional costs, which vary according to the pool environment.

  • One runtime is included in the original machine configuration. Fees apply starting with the second-added runtime.

When can I see these changes?

The date when a change is first announced in the release notes is the date when it first becomes available.

If you don't see the change yet, you can expect to see it soon, after we roll out changes to all the regions.

Deprecation Timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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