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Orchestrator release notes

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 21, 2025

June 2021

28 June 2021

Terminate Attended Jobs Using Orchestrator

Empower administrators to keep a closer eye on attended automation in your company with a feature allowing termination of attended jobs from Orchestrator. Untangle stuck automations with a few clicks by navigating to Automations > Jobs and selecting More Actions > Stop or Kill to terminate the attended job.

Note: You can only terminate attended jobs in Orchestrator for v2021.6+ Robots.
Important: Terminating attended jobs from Orchestrator requires that SignalR is enabled and that the Robot can connect to Orchestrator's SignalR channels using WebSocket. Make sure that SignalR is enabled and WebSocket is selected on Settings > Scalability.

User Creation Made Easier

A Manage Accounts & Groups button has been added in the top-right corner of the Orchestrator' Users page (Tenant > Users), which links to the Admin > Users and Groups page in Automation Cloud.

Note: Before you can add a user or group to Orchestrator and assign roles to them, you must create it in Automation Cloud (Admin > Users and Groups). This link helps you quickly add them so that you can continue the setup in Orchestrator.

Additionally, on the Orchestrator Users page, the Check Permissions button has been renamed to Check roles. This is because you actually assign roles to users or groups; permissions, on the other hand, are the building blocks of roles and you do not assign them separately.

Update Existing Queues

You asked, we listened. We bring you the power to update an existing queue by:

  • Renaming it while keeping the existing queue information. Ditch the previous hassle of deleting and recreating the queue (including queue items) in basic cases of spelling errors or changing your mind about the initial name.
  • Changing the Auto Retry option from No to Yes or vice versa. You are now able to reconsider if your failed transaction may be retried automatically or not.
  • Setting a new value as the Max # of retries. Give transactions several second chances to reach Successful status when you have the Auto Retry option enabled.
Note: Although you may alter these settings after the queue creation, keep in mind that only future transactions are influenced by the changes you make.

Read more details in our Editing Queues article.


  • When a tenant is in maintenance mode, API calls for that tenant now return the status code 423 instead of 503.
  • Debug processes more easily as we changed the trigger alerts severity. Reaching the maximum number of jobs for a process is now displayed as Info. The pop-up message you may encounter in this case is:

Folder <FolderName>: #trigger <TriggerName> for #process <ProcessName> could not create jobs. The maximum number of jobs for this Process has already been reached. Please check your trigger settings, robot availability and running jobs. (#1693).

Note: To find these types of alerts on the Alerts page, make sure to change the State filter to All.

Bug Fixes

Robots installed in user mode did not receive stop/kill commands from Orchestrator - killing or stopping a job left the robot in a Terminating state.

16 June 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Users: To prevent losing administrative rights in Orchestrator, it is no longer possible to delete a user if it is the last user with the Administrator role assigned and there are no groups with the Administrator role. It is also no longer possible to delete a user group that has the Administrator role assigned if there are no other users with this role and no other groups with this role.
  • Email validation: When testing the email setup, a success message was displayed when no SMTP port was specified. This behavior no longer occurs, and the email validation fails in this scenario.

7 June 2021


  • Orchestrator API: We improved the GetFolderNavigationContextForCurrentUser endpoint of the FolderNavigation API by adding the IsPersonal boolean property. This property is displayed in the endpoint response body and it checks if the returned folder is a personal workspace. For more details, check the API reference documentation.
  • Users: The Manage users in other services option that used to redirect to the Admin > Users and Groups page in Automation Cloud has been removed. Because Orchestrator is now embedded into Automation Cloud, you can now click Admin in the left rail from any page in Orchestrator.

Bug Fixes

Elastic Robot Orchestration:

  • If more than one Cloud Machine Template was assigned to a folder, when a new machine was required to run a job, a machine would be requested from each pool. Now, if a Cloud Machine Template is allocated to a folder, you can no loner assign additional machines or templates to that folder because of the nature of the cloud machine template.
  • When running a job, if the Cloud Machine Pool was based on a VM template with UiPath Robot version 2020.10 or older, the latest Robot version (2021.4) was automatically installed on the created machine.

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