  • Release notes
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Orchestrator release notes

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 21, 2025

June 2022

29 June 2022

What's New

You can now choose from a wider selection of plugins to store your Orchestrator credentials, as we have added support for Thycotic Secret Server. For details about the newly supported credential store, see Thycotic Secret Server integration.

Important: Erratum 26 July 2022: The alerting mechanism now delivers separate alerts for Attended and Unattended robots. Therefore, the unattended robots alerts are prefixed with "Unattended". Likewise, attended robots alerts are prefixed with "Attended". In addition, the Fatal and Error severity levels for attended robots alerts are reduced to Info.

The following table summarizes the changes:

Previous alert

New alert - Attended

New alert - Unattended

"Robot is disconnected."

Severity level: Fatal

"Attended robot is disconnected."

Severity level: Info

"Unattended robot is disconnected."

Severity level: Fatal

"Robot is unresponsive."

Severity level: Error

"Attended robot is unresponsive."

Severity level: Info

"Unattended robot is unresponsive."

Severity level: Error

"Robot is available."

Severity level: Info


"Unattended robot is available."

Severity level: Info

Added 23 September 2022

As of August, we removed the Attended robot is available alert, due to performance and efficiency issues.

17 June 2022

Added 23 September 2022


You can now set the Output and Analytics data of a transaction whose status was set to failed via the Set transaction status activity. Previously, you had to set it to successful first, and then set the Output and Analytics data.

15 June 2022


The text of the 1002 error message, Get Asset Value: Could not find an asset with this name, has been changed to Get Asset Value: Could not find the asset '{0}', which makes it easier to identify and troubleshoot missing assets.

Bug Fixes

For Cloud Robot - VM, it was possible to set a VM password that included the username. This is not allowed by Windows password requirements and therefore caused machine provisioning to fail. We have improved password validation when creating a VM to also check for this requirement.

3 June 2022

New Machine Sizes for Serverless Robots

We have added to the available machine sizes for running processes with UiPath Automation CloudTM robots - Serverless.

Sizes and costs

Medium was the existing size, costing 4 RUs (robot units) per minute of job execution. Three new sizes are now also available:

Choosing the machine size

Because each process has particular needs, you set the machine size in the configuration of a process.

For any cross-platform process, the Cloud Robot - Serverless list is available on the Additional Settings tab when creating or editing a process.

The option is available for all cross-platform processes, which are candidates for being run using serverless robots, but the option has no effect unless it is executed by a serverless robot.

Automatic machine size selection

All your cross-platform processes have the Cloud Robot - Serverless option set to Automatic, which selects the appropriate machine size for the process.

The amount of robot units consumed to run the process is based on the machine size and the number of minutes it takes to run.

Note: If you want to preserve your current RU consumption, you must manually change this setting to Medium for existing serverless processes. Medium was the only machine size used previously.

For choosing the size, the criteria listed in the below table are evaluated in order. As soon as one criterion is satisfied, the corresponding machine size is chosen and the remaining criteria are not evaluated:



Machine size


Process depends on the UiPath Document Understanding activities



Remote debugging job



Process depends on UI Automation



Other unattended process


Increased Concurrency Limit for Serverless

For Enterprise customers, we have increased the maximum number of serverless robot jobs that can run at the same time for one tenant from 20 to 50 concurrent jobs.

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