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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 21, 2025

About Apps

Apps are always published to an Orchestrator tenant, similar to processes.

The Apps page enables you to deploy a published app, manage previously deployed apps, keep all your apps up to date with the most recent versions, run a deployed app, and go directly to an app project.

The table below contains field descriptions for the Apps page.

NameThe display name of the app.

You can sort the apps list by Name.

App projectThe name of the project. Clicking on this name leads you to the app itself in UiPath Apps.

If the app is a web app project, clicking on it leads you to the app in Studio Web.

  • The docs image icon next to this field indicates that a newer version of the app is available.
  • If you are using the latest available version, the docs image icon is displayed.
VersionThe app version deployed.
ProcessThe process used within the app. Only populated when the app is a web app project designed in Studio Web.
DescriptionA custom description for the app. It is recommended that you populate this field, especially when dealing with multiple users and apps in Orchestrator.

Apps Permissions

To perform various actions related to apps in Orchestrator, you need to be granted the corresponding permissions:

  • Apps - folder-level permission with the following options:

    • View - Allows you to run a deployed app in a folder and to view apps deployed in a folder.
    • Edit - Allows you to upgrade an app deployed in a folder or edit the app details.
    • Create - Allows you to deploy a version of an app in a folder.
    • Delete - Allows you to delete an app deployed in a folder.
  • App Versions - tenant-level permission with the following options:
    • View - Allows you to view the list of apps published to a tenant.
    • Edit - This option does not grant any rights at this moment.
    • Create - Allows you to publish an app to a tenant.
    • Delete - Allows you to delete an app from a tenant.
The following roles have App Versions permissions enabled by default:
  • Administrator (View, Edit, Create, Delete)
  • Orchestrator Administrator (View, Edit, Create, Delete)
  • Allow to be folder administrator (View)
The following roles have Apps permissions enabled by default:
  • Administrator (View, Edit, Create, Delete)
  • Personal Workspace Administrator (View, Edit, Create, Delete)
  • Folder Administrator (View, Edit, Create, Delete)
  • Automation User (View)
Note: When Apps or App Versions permissions are revoked for a user, it can take up to an hour for the changes to reflect.
Read more about roles.

Version Management

If a new version of an app is available, it is indicated with the icon.

If the latest available version of an app is deployed in the folder, the icon is displayed.

You cannot delete an app in UiPath Apps before removing it from the folder.

Accessing the versions of a published app

Once an app was published to an Orchestrator tenant, you can manage its versions.

To access the versions of a published app:

  1. At the tenant level in Orchestrator, navigate to Packages > App versions. A list of all published apps is displayed.
  2. For the desired app, click View versions at the end of the row. This opens the App Versions window, displaying all the published versions for the selected app.

Exporting an app version

You have the option to export a specific version of a published app:

  1. Access the version history of the selected app.
  2. For the desired app version, click More Actions.
  3. Select Export as file. This operation downloads a .uiapp file to your local machine.
docs image

Deleting an app version

To delete one or more app versions:

  1. Access the version history of the selected app.
  2. Select the checkboxes for the versions you want to delete.
  3. Click the Remove icon at the top of the version list.
    Alternatively, to delete a version, click More Actions, then select Delete version.
    Note: Only app versions with the Inactive status can be deleted. To delete an Active app version, you need to stop it from executing.
docs image

Sharing a Deployed App

To share a deployed app, add the user or user group to the folder where the app is deployed.

Make sure that the user has the View permission on Apps for that folder.

  • Apps Permissions
  • Version Management
  • Accessing the versions of a published app
  • Exporting an app version
  • Deleting an app version
  • Sharing a Deployed App

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