- Open API
- Introduction to Automation Hub API
- Generate your Token from Automation Hub
- Input for Automation Pipeline
- Input for Submission Type
- Input for Phase
- Input for Status
- Input for Phase and Status Update
- Input for Business Unit
- Input for Applications
- Input for Category
- Input for Cost Benefit Analysis
- Input for High Level Assessment
- Input for Detailed Assessment
- Input for Automation Idea Creation Date
- Input for Users
- Input for User Status
- User Status Table
- Input for Collaborators
- Output Dictionary
- Automation Hub Open API Power Query Data Parsing
- Automation Hub Custom Connector

Automation Hub API Guide
Input for Detailed Assessment
Used for Submitting CoE-driven Ideas
Key |
Key Type |
Value |
Use Case |
Mandatory? |
Automation Idea Name = process_name |
Text input |
Enter the name of the idea using the template. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Automation Idea ID = orchestrator_automation_uuid |
Text input |
Enter the ID number you want to assign to your idea using the template. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Description = process_description |
Text input |
Enter the idea description using the template. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Automation Idea Area = category_id |
ID input from Categories |
You can easily extract Category ID by using the GET category call. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Pain Points = process_pain_points |
Text input |
Enter the pain points using the template. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Negative Impact = process_negative_impact |
Text input |
Enter the negative impact using the template. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Automation Idea Goal / Primary Reason to Automate the Process = automation_goal |
Response choice |
Cost = automation-goal-cost Quality = automation-goal-quality Productivity = automation-goal-productivity |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Process Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months = task_stability |
Response choice |
No change expected = task-stability-no-change-expected Minor change expected = task-stability-minor-change-expected Some change expected = task-stability-some-change-expected Several changes expected = task-stability-several-changes-expected Major change expected = task-stability-major-change-expected |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Applications Changes Expected in the Next 6 Months = application_stability |
Response choice |
No change expected = application-stability-no-change-expected Minor change expected = application-stability-minor-change-expected Some change expected = application-stability-some-change-expected Several changes expected = application-stability-several-changes-expected Major change expected = application-stability-major-change-expected |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Average Working Days/Year = employee_average_working_days |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average working days/year. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Working Hours/Day = employee_working_hours |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the working hours/day. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Average Employee Full Cost/Year = employee_average_full_cost |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average employee full cost/year. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Task/Process Frequency = frequency |
Response choice |
Daily = frequency-daily Weekly = frequency-weekly Bi-weekly = frequency-bi-weekly Monthly = frequency-monthly Quarterly = frequency-quarterly Yearly = frequency-yearly |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Activity Volume Average = volumes |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the activity volume average. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Average Processing Time/Transaction = average_handling_time |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average processing time/transaction. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Average Error Rate (% of Total Volume) = average_error_rate |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average error rate. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Average Rework Time/Transaction (min) = average_rework_time |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the rework time. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Average Work to be Reviewed/Audited (% of Total Volume) = average_work_to_be_reviewed |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average rework time/transaction. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Average Review or Audit Time/Transaction (min) = average_review_audit_time |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the average review or audit time/transaction. |
POST request parameters |
No |
Number of Employees Performing the Task = number_of_employees |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the value corresponding to the number of employees performing the task. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Process Peaks = process_peaks |
Response choice |
Regular (e.g. month closing) = process-peaks-regular Rare but predictable event (e.g. winter holidays/ yearly closing) = process-peaks-rare-predictable Rare and unpredictable event = process-peaks-rare-unpredictable There are no peaks = process-peaks-no-peaks |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Average Number of Steps = process_length |
Response choice |
Less than 20 steps = process-length-less-twenty Between 20-50 Steps = process-length-between-twenty-fifty Between 50-100 Steps = process-length-between-fifty-hundred Between 100-150 Steps = process-length-between-hundred-hundredfifty More than 150 Steps = process-length-more-than-hundredfifty |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Number of Ways to Complete the Process = decision_complexity |
Response choice |
Process is completed the same way every time = decision-complexity-same-way There are >=2 but <5 ways to complete the process = decision-complexity-between-two-five There are >=5 but <8 ways to complete the process = decision-complexity-between-five-eight There are >=8 ways to complete the process = decision-complexity-greater-eight |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
% of Digital Data Input = digital_inputs_percent |
Type: positive integer (rounded) |
Enter the number corresponding to the % of digital data input. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Scanned Data Input = scanned_inputs |
Boolean value |
Yes = scanned-inputs-yes No = scanned-inputs-no |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
% of Structured Digital Data Input = structured_input |
Response choice |
>= 80% = structured-input-greater-eighty 60%-80% = structured-input-between-sixty-eighty 40%-60% = structured-input-between-forty-sixty <40% = structured-input-lesser-forty |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Applications Used = applications |
ID input from Applications |
You can easily extract the Application ID by using the GET appinventory call. |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
Process Owner = owner |
Process Owner email address |
POST request parameters |
Yes |
"process_name": "Coe Submission",
"orchestrator_automation_uuid": "100024",
"process_description": "automate the submission process",
"category_id": 85,
"process_pain_points": "painpoints_nostyle",
"process_negative_impact": "not applicable",
"automation_goal": "automation-goal-productivity",
"task_stability": "task-stability-some-change-expected",
"application_stability": "application-stability-several-changes-expected",
"employee_average_working_days": "25",
"employee_working_hours": "15",
"employee_average_full_cost": "8934",
"frequency": "frequency-weekly",
"volumes": "7",
"average_handling_time": "928",
"average_error_rate": "3",
"average_rework_time": "4",
"average_work_to_be_reviewed": "12",
"average_review_audit_time": "76",
"number_of_employees": "8",
"process_peaks": "process-peaks-rare-predictable",
"process_length": "process-length-between-twenty-fifty",
"decision_complexity": "decision-complexity-between-five-eight",
"digital_inputs_percent": "7",
"scanned_inputs": "scanned-inputs-yes",
"structured_input": "structured-input-between-forty-sixty",
"applications": [68,45],
"owner": "[email protected]"
"process_name": "Coe Submission",
"orchestrator_automation_uuid": "100024",
"process_description": "automate the submission process",
"category_id": 85,
"process_pain_points": "painpoints_nostyle",
"process_negative_impact": "not applicable",
"automation_goal": "automation-goal-productivity",
"task_stability": "task-stability-some-change-expected",
"application_stability": "application-stability-several-changes-expected",
"employee_average_working_days": "25",
"employee_working_hours": "15",
"employee_average_full_cost": "8934",
"frequency": "frequency-weekly",
"volumes": "7",
"average_handling_time": "928",
"average_error_rate": "3",
"average_rework_time": "4",
"average_work_to_be_reviewed": "12",
"average_review_audit_time": "76",
"number_of_employees": "8",
"process_peaks": "process-peaks-rare-predictable",
"process_length": "process-length-between-twenty-fifty",
"decision_complexity": "decision-complexity-between-five-eight",
"digital_inputs_percent": "7",
"scanned_inputs": "scanned-inputs-yes",
"structured_input": "structured-input-between-forty-sixty",
"applications": [68,45],
"owner": "[email protected]"
UI Correspondent: Submitting a CoE-driven Idea