- Open API
- Introduction to Automation Hub API
- Generate your Token from Automation Hub
- Authentication to the Automation Hub API
- Add users in bulk to Automation Hub using OpenAPI
- Bulk edit users in Automation Hub using OpenAPI
- Input for Automation Pipeline
- Input for Submission Type
- Input for Phase
- Input for Status
- Input for Phase and Status Update
- Input for Business Unit
- Input for Applications
- Input for Category
- Input for Cost Benefit Analysis
- Input for High Level Assessment
- Input for Detailed Assessment
- Input for Automation Idea Creation Date
- Input for Users
- Input for User Status
- User Status Table
- Input for Collaborators
- Output Dictionary
- Automation Hub Open API Power Query Data Parsing
- Automation Hub Custom Connector
Bulk edit users in Automation Hub using OpenAPI

Automation Hub API Guide
Last updated Jul 3, 2024
Bulk edit users in Automation Hub using OpenAPI
- Get the users you want to edit
- The list of the users to edit can be fetched by using the GET Users API.
- An easy way to get it closer to a CSV is to export the response from the API and import it into Excel or connect an excel directly to the API.
- If you have users with multiple roles, they need to be parsed manually, as this generates different entries in the excel file.
- Once you get the API data, make sure for the headers to mapped to the variable names you have in the API requests (for example role_id needs to be renamed to role_id1)
- Perform the changes in the file as needed and then save it with the name
- Edit users to Automation Hub
- Download the Postman Collection.
- Open the Postman collection in to your workspace. This example contains only one role, but you can add as many roles as you want to the array.
- Once you have the file ready, go to Postman and open the Postman Runner.
- In the Run Order page, select the Edit User (Variables) call only.
- In the right, click Select file and upload the editusers.csv file.
- Check the number of iterations on the right to be the same as the number of rows in your file (headers excluded).
- Click Run. Postman runs the requests one by one and show a correspondent status for each one.
- Successful runs have the 201 - Resource Updated message.
- Now you can check your edits in Automation Hub.
For more information, check the following documentation references: