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Automation Hub User Guide for Public Sector
In the History tab, you can keep track of the changes made to an automation idea of any source.
With View permissions for an automation idea, you can see the History tab. However, the changes to the sensitive information in the assessments are only visible if you have View sensitive information permissions assigned.
In a timeline format, you can see the automation idea changes with a timestamp and date, starting with the most recent change. The date format can be changed in the Account Settings.
Changes made to the automation idea are shown next to the user who performed the action.
The actions recorded and displayed in the timeline are:
- Phase and status changes - The initial phase and status the idea was in, and the new phase and status the idea was transitioned to.
- Assessment field change - Name of the field (question or KPI) for which the value changed with the initial value and the new value.
Changes to automation ideas start to be visible on the History page only for the actions done after December 12th 2022. Actions made before that date aren't available.
Current limitations
Changes done on the below pages are not yet reflected in the History tab:
- About page - Assessment version change.
- About page - Similar automations change.
- About page - Media change.
- About page - Tags.
- About page - Publish - Publish Automation to Store.
- Documentation
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Components
- Collaborators
- Comments - Not needed as it has a proprietary history section.