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Automation Hub User Guide for Public Sector
Customizing the idea flow
To start the Idea flow customization, select Customize in the upper right corner. Three main columns are available:
- Phases & Statuses
- Can transition to
- Transition
- In the Idea flow, select Customize, on the right side of the page.
- Select the pencil icon near a Phase, from the Phases & Statuses column. A side panel appears.
- Select the Title box and fill in the desired name. 150 characters limit; mandatory field.
Note: Phase titles need to be unique within the same idea flow but this doesn't apply to different flows.
- Statuses allow you to rearrange them according to your preferences or delete them using the three-dotted menu.
- In the Assessments tab, by checking/clearing the box, you can select which assessments will be displayed in the Automation Profile when the idea is in the edited phase.
- The Access to the sections of the automation profile tab lets you select which roles have permissions to edit the automation idea profile pages in the current phase.
Tip: Each role that is checked in the Who can edit ideas in this flow permission in the idea flow’s settings is automatically populated in each drop-down permission of in the Idea access page at the flow level.
- Access to the actions on the automation profile lets you select who can access specific actions based on roles, in the automation idea profile.
- To exit without saving the changes made, select Exit in the upper right side of the page.
- To save the entire idea flow customization, select Save in the upper right side of the page.
- Select a Status and click the pencil icon. A side panel is displayed.
- Select the Title box and fill in the desired name. 150 character limit; mandatory field.
Note: Status titles need to be unique within the same idea phase.
- Select the appearance box and from the drop-down list, choose one of the colors available for the status. The selected color is reflected on the status chip that is displayed in the Automation Pipeline tables and in the Phase & Status drop-down list from the Automation Profile page in view mode.
- Emails section let's you configure the email that will be sent when the status is transitioned to.
The email is sent each time an idea is transitioned to respective status. This means that if the same idea is transitioned to the same status, the email is sent every time.
- In the Access to the actions on the automation profile tab, you can see the default values set for the actions in the selected/edited status and the roles that have access to those actions.
- Depending on the idea flow, the following actions are available:
- Jira connection
- View Jira ticket
- Start Development in Studio
- Convert to a change request
- Publish to Store
- Start Development in Studio Web
- Change idea flow
- Select Save to remember your settings.
- To save the entire idea flow customization, select Save in the upper right side of the page.
- To exit without saving the changes made, select Exit in the upper right side of the page.
- Select a status in the Phases & Statuses section. A one-way link between the two statuses is displayed.
- If the Show only linked transitions toggle is set to ON, you can see the transitions currently set. If the toggle is set to OFF, you can see all transition options available, and by clicking the checkbox in front of the status you can link it to the status from the Phases & statuses column. The Transition section appears on the right.
- In the Transition column, you can set a specific title for the selected transition in the Transition name box. This lets you relabel the Transition to text displayed in the Phase & Status dropdown list picker from the Automation Profile page. It's a mandatory text field with a 150 character limit.
- Below, in Who can make this transition?, you can choose from the drop-down list, what roles are permitted to make the transition.
- The Ideal path option makes it easier for decision making users to understand which is the next step in the flow when looking at an automation
Note: Each transition that has the toggle ON for this setting, will be displayed as the first option in green in the Phase & Status drop-down list on the Automation Profile.Figure 1.Figure 2.
- Make a selection using the OFF/ON toggle of Mark as ideal path.
Note: Only one transition can be marked as the ideal path per one status. If you mark a second transition as the ideal path, the initial one is automatically de-selected.
- If for a certain status there is no transition marked as the ideal path, then the list of transitions is displayed in the same order in which they are vertically displayed in the Can transition to column.
- In the Pop-up window section, you can customize the pop-up screen that appears when the transition is performed. You can add, edit or delete a current pop-up. To learn more, check the Pop-up Modals section.
- The Success screen section is where you can customize the screens that appear after an idea was successfully submitted. You can set the Default success page add a custom one, or reorder them. To learn more, check the Success screen section.
- If you wish to remove a transition, you can do this in two ways:
- Clear the checkbox from the Can transition to column that corresponds to the transition.
- Click the Delete transition button from the side panel.
Note: Once a transition is removed, the settings are lost and the Automation Profile will no longer reflect the transition in the Phase & Status drop-down list. - To save the entire idea flow customization, select Save in the upper right side of the page.
- To exit without saving the changes made, select Exit in the upper right side of the page.
- Select + New phase button in the Phases & Statuses section. A side panel is displayed.
- From the displayed list, you can select any of the commonly used statuses to pre-populate the new phase. This step is optional. Select Next.
- You can add an assessment from the displayed list. Overview assessment is selected by default and it's mandatory. The selected assessments will be displayed in the About page of the Automation Profile. Select Next.
- Name your new phase by filling the Title box. It's a free text field with 150 characters limit. Select Add.
- Select a Status and click the pencil icon. A side panel is displayed.
- Select Delete phase from the three dotted menu in the upper right side, and a pop-up message is displayed requesting delete confirmation.
- Select Delete to confirm, and the phase is deleted.
- You can delete any phase (default or custom) except for the Submission phase. Submission phase will stay as the first phase in any idea flow.
- You can delete a phase only if there are no transitions and zero ideas in that certain phase part of the flow you are editing. If there is at least one idea in a certain phase or a transition assigned and you try to delete the phase then a warning message is displayed.
Page | Impact |
Automation Profile > About page | If a phase is deleted from a certain flow, the phase is no longer reflected on ideas that belong to that flow in the Update the phase and status dialog box, or in the Phase & Status transitions list. |
Automation Profile > Cost Benefit Analysis | If one or multiple implementation phases (Analysis, Solution Design, Development, Testing) are deleted from a certain flow, this is not reflected in the Cost Benefit Analysis page of ideas belonging to that flow. User with editing rights to the CBA can still fill in dates for the Project Plan for the deleted phases and can still select the deleted phases in the Implementation People Costs table. |
Automation Profile > History | If one phase is deleted from a certain flow and there have been ideas in that specific phase at some point, the name of that phase is still displayed in the History page. |
Import Pipeline |
Import Pipeline functions with the Employee-driven idea flow assessments: Overview and High-Level assessment. If a certain phase is deleted from this default idea flow, e.g. Analysis, then if you try to add this phase in the uploaded csv, you will get an error when trying to sync the changes: Invalid Phase. Select a Phase from the list. |
Automation Program Performance Dashboard | Deleting an implementation phase (e.g. Qualification) from all the idea flows created in a tenant impacts the dashboard as
Planning report |
Deleting an implementation phase (e.g. Analysis) from all the idea flows created in a tenant is not reflected in the Planning report table header. The data from this table has its source in the Cost Benefit Analysis pages which have the limitation described above. |
Customize Assessments |
The setting Hide before Live phase works only with phases that have the title Live. Once the default Live phase is deleted, the setting no longer works for assessment versions that are used in that flow. |
- Select + New status button in the Phases & Statuses section. A side panel is displayed.
- Add a Title for the new status, in the title field. It's a free text field with 150 characters limit, mandatory field.
- Choose the Appearance from the dropdown list with 5 color codes available to be selected. It's a mandatory setting and the selected color will be
reflected on the status chip that is displayed in the Automation Pipeline tables and in the Automation Profile view mode -
Phase & Status dropdown.
Figure 3.
- Emails section let's you configure the email that will be sent when the status is transitioned to.
- In the Access to the actions on the automation profile tab, you can see the default values set for the actions in the selected/edited status and the roles that have access to those actions.
- Select Save to finalize the creation of the new status. The created status is now available in the phase category from which you've selected to add a new status.
- Select a Status and click the pencil icon. A side panel is displayed.
- Select Delete status from the three dotted menu in the upper right side, and a pop-up message is displayed requesting delete confirmation.
- Select Delete to confirm, and the phase is deleted.
- You can delete a status only if there are no transitions and zero ideas in that certain phase/status part of the flow you are editing. If there is at least one idea in a certain status and you try to delete the status then a warning message is displayed.
- You can delete a status only if there are no transitions and zero ideas in that certain phase/status part of the flow you are editing. If there is at least one idea in a certain status and you try to delete the phase then a warning message is displayed.
Page | Impact |
Roles page | All permissions that are related to idea flows have been removed from the Roles page. These permissions can now be granularly assigned at the level of individual idea flows. To do this, access the Customize idea flows page from the Platform Setup menu. |
Import Pipeline | Works only with the default Employee-driven idea flow, even if it's renamed or disabled. |
Automation Profile | Renaming the Implementation phases (Analysis, Solution Design, Development, Testing) will not be reflected in the Cost Benefit Analysis page. |
Planning report | Renaming the Implementation phases (Analysis, Solution Design, Development, Testing) will not be reflected in the Planning report table header. The admin user can rename a certain phase only in a certain flow, therefore the system has no indication of the phase name that should be displayed in the header. |
Customize Assessments | The setting Hide before Live phase works only with phases that have the title Live. Once the default Live phase is renamed, the setting will no longer work for that phase. |
The pages or features listed in the table are impacted by the changes brought to the idea flows. Most of the impact takes place when you actually change, update or create a new flow.