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Automation Hub User Guide for Public Sector
Completing the User Account Form
The Add/Update User Form is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen as soon as you click or select the user account to be updated.
This section allows you to enter all the user's basic information, like First and Last Name, email address as well as job-related details such as Job Title, or Business Unit.
- First Name: 50 characters;
- Last Name: 50 characters;
- Email: 64 characters;
- Job Title: 50 characters;
- City: 50 characters;
- Business Unit: 50 characters;
Department: 50 characters.
To send an invitation email to the added user, make sure that the Status toggle is activated and it displays the text Send Email.
In case users do not receive your invitations ask them to check their Spam folder. To Resend the invitation email follow the below steps:
- Access the Assign Roles page.
- To check out the users status click the arrow icon (>) displayed next to the Add new member option
Use the filter option to select only the users with the status Pending.
- Click the bell icon corresponding to the user account.
Confirm the action.
The system offers the possibility to assign one or multiple default or customized roles to each user account. Furthermore, you have the option to define the automation categories that they can access, in order to better control their rights to create, view, edit, and manage the ideas and components in Automation Hub.
Details about each Role and its designated permissions are available in the platform by accessing the Admin Console > Manage Access > Roles > Roles or in the Role Description and Matrix from this User Guide.
The All Categories option is marked by default for all the roles. This provides the user access to exercise the permission granted by the assigned Role in all categories of the automation pipeline and components gallery. To restrict the access to create, view, edit and manage the ideas and components in Automation Hub, select one or more Categories where the user should have access to. The Categories available in the drop-down list are the ones previously set up in the Admin Console > Platform Setup > Categories page. For details please check the Setting up and Managing the Categories page.
When adding new users, the Standard User role, and All Categories are assigned, by default. To assign other roles you can follow one of the below options:
Search for the additional roles in the Role drop-down list displayed next to Standard User and check the needed role(s).
Use this method if you need to assign the same Categories to all the selected roles.
Click the Add New button corresponding to this section. A new Role section is displayed allowing you to select the additional role from a drop-down list.
Use this method if you want to assign different Categories for each of the selected roles.
Note:- The Account Owner role is not available to be assigned to users, as it is automatically assigned only to the tenant's first user.
- You can select as many options as you want from 1 to all 5 category levels, depending on the level of access you want the user to have.
By selecting Collaborator Roles, this enables the user to be assigned as a collaborator in Automation Profiles, gaining specific view and editing rights within the automation. Similar to the Roles section, you have the option to define the automation categories where they can be selected, in order to better control the user's rights to create, update and delete the content in the ideas where they are assigned.
Details about each Collaborator Role and its designated permissions are available in the platform by accessing the Admin Console > Manage Access > Roles > Collaborator Roles or by accessing the Collaborator Roles Information and Matrix page from tis User Guide.
The All Categories option is marked by default for all the added Collaborator Roles. This makes the user eligible to be added as a Collaborator for all the automations or ideas, regardless of their categories. To limit the possibility of being selected as a collaborator for automations or ideas from a certain category, select one or more Categories where the user should have access. The Categories available in the drop-down list are the ones previously set up in the Admin Console > Platform Setup > Categories page. For details please check the Setting up and Managing the Categories page.
To assign multiple Collaborator Roles follow one of the below options:
Search for the additional Collaborator Roles in the Role drop-down list and check the needed role(s).
Use this method if you need to assign the same Categories to all the selected roles.
Click the Add New button corresponding to this section. A new Role section is displayed allowing you to select the additional Collaborator Role from the drop-down list.
Use this method if you want to assign different Categories for each of the selected roles.
- Do not confuse the Roles assigned to a user account with the option to designate specific Collaborator Roles that provide specific rights within certain Automation and Idea Profiles.
- The Employee Idea Submitter, CoE Idea Submitter, and Process Owner collaborator roles are not available to be assigned to users when adding/editing users, as these collaborator roles are automatically obtained following the submission of an idea, respectively assigning a Process Owner to help with the detailed assessment.
- The Citizen Developer Submitter and Citizen Developer collaborator roles cannot be manually assigned to users. These are automatically assigned following the submission of an automation, respectively when a Citizen Developer clicks the Start Development option.
- You can select as many options as you want from 1 to all 5 category levels, depending on the level of access you want the user to have.