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Automation Hub User Guide for Public Sector
Submitting a CoE-driven Idea
As per your current permissions, you are now asked to select a Business Area for your automation. From the dropdown list, choose one that applies. Continue with a Category, Sub-Category, if the case. Based on the selection and according to your permissions, the system loads the list with available idea flows (e.g. Employee-driven idea, CoE-driven idea, Citizen Developer automation, Change request) that can be selected in Idea type.
In the first section of the form, the Overview, you can set an Automation name, add an Automation ID, a description of the process in the Description field.
- In the Automation name field you are allowed to enter alphanumerical characters and the following special characters: dash (-), exclamation mark (!), hash sign (#), comma (,), underscore (_) and a limit of 100 characters.
- A Potential Duplicate message is displayed if the title and the automation category you added for your ideas are similar to other ideas. Before going forward please check the profile of the idea displayed as duplicate. The below options are available:
- My idea is a duplicate: mark your idea as duplicate and suspend the submission process.
- Continue with my idea: continue the submission process.
In the Detailed Assessment section, you can reply to a set of questions specific to your idea that will help the system compute a general idea score, as well as two scores regarding the suitability of your automation idea and how ready the task or process is to be automated.
The sections from this form are mandatory, except for the Average Employee Full Cost/year, Error Rate, and Review/Audit related questions.
To learn more about the Detailed Assessment, check the Detailed Assessment page.
In the third section you can assign and invite a Process Owner to add more information for the automation idea once the idea is approved.
A Process Owner can be any user that is part of the specific Automation Hub tenant and has the Active or Pending status in the Assign Roles page.
After providing information for all the questions, the last step is to click Submit.
After submitting it, your idea is reviewed by the assigned Process Owner.