- Release notes
- Getting started
- Installation
- Configuration
- Integrations
- Authentication
- Working with Apps and Discovery Accelerators
- AppOne menus and dashboards
- AppOne setup
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 setup
- TemplateOne menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 2021.4.0 setup
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator menus and dashboards
- Order to Cash Discovery Accelerator Setup
- Basic Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connectors
- Introduction to SAP Connector
- SAP input
- Checking the data in the SAP Connector
- Adding process specific tags to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding process specific Due dates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding automation estimates to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding attributes to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding activities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- Adding entities to the SAP Connector for AppOne
- SAP Order to Cash Connector for AppOne
- SAP Purchase to Pay Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connector for Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator
- Input Data of the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator
- Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator
- Configuring the activity code
- SAP Connector for Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator
- Superadmin
- Dashboards and charts
- Tables and table items
- Application integrity
- How to ....
- Working with SQL connectors
- Introduction to SQL connectors
- Setting up a SQL connector
- CData Sync extractions
- Running a SQL connector
- Editing transformations
- Releasing a SQL Connector
- Scheduling data extraction
- Structure of transformations
- Using SQL connectors for released apps
- Generating a cache with scripts
- Setting up a local test environment
- Separate development and production environments
- Useful resources

Process Mining
Input Data of the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator
The input data consists of two parts: transactional data and master data. Below is an overview of the SAP input tables and input data fields for the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following table is the standard SAP Purchase requisition table.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Purchase Requisition Data |
The following tables are the standard SAP Purchasing document tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Purchasing Document Header Data |
Purchasing Document Item Data |
History per Purchasing Document Data |
Scheduling Agreement Schedule lines data |
"MANDT" , "EBELN" , "EBELP" , "EINDT" , "SLFDT" | |
Account Assignment in Purchasing Document data |
The following tables are the standard SAP invoice tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Document Header Invoice Receipt Data |
"MANDT" , "BELNR" , "GJAHR" , "BUKRS" , "CPUDT" ,"CPUTM" , "USNAM" , "WAERS" , "KURSF" , "BLDAT" , "BUDAT" , "ZFBDT" , "ZBD3T" , "BLART" , "ZLSCH" , "LAND1" , "ZBD1T ", "ZBD1P ",
"ZBD2T ", "ZBD2P ", "ZTERM" |
Document Item Incoming Invoice Data |
The following tables are the standard SAP accounting tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Accounting Document Header Data |
Accounting Secondary Index for Vendors Data |
Accounting Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items) Data |
Additional Data for Document Segment Clearing Information Data |
The following tables are the standard SAP change log tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Change Document Header Data |
Change Document Item Cluster Data |
CHANGENR >= '\))\))<value>' AND CHANGENR <= '\))\))<value>' (For example,
CHANGENR >= '0001299707' AND CHANGENR <= '0001507899')
The following tables are the standard SAP invoices master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Document Type Texts Data |
Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment Data |
"MANDT" , "TEXT2" , "ZLSCH" , "LAND1" , "SPRAS" |
Own explanations for Terms of Payment Data |
"MANDT" , "ZTERM" , "SPRAS" , "TEXT1" |
The following tables are the standard SAP user master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
User Name/Address Key Assignment Data |
Persons (Business Address Services) Data |
Person/Address Assignment (Business Address Services) Data |
Logon Data |
The following table is the standard SAP supplier master data table.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
General Vendor Master Data |
"MANDT" , "LIFNR" , "NAME1" , "NAME2" , "LAND1" , "REGIO" , "XCPDK" | |
Country Names Data |
"MANDT" , "LAND1" , "LANDX" , "SPRAS" |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
Taxes Region Key Texts data |
"MANDT" , "LAND1" , "BLAND" , "BEZEI" , "SPRAS" |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
\* Language is the language setting you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following tables are the standard SAP customer master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
General Customer Master Data |
"MANDT" , "KUNNR" , "NAME1" , "NAME2" , "LAND1" , "REGIO" |
The following tables are the standard SAP material master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Material Descriptions Data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
Material Group Descriptions Data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
Storage Locations Data |
"MANDT" , "WERKS" , "LGORT" , "LGOBE" | |
Assign Internal to Language-Dependent Unit Table and Data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
\* Language is the language setting you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following tables are the standard SAP organizational structure master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Cost Center Texts data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
Company Codes Data |
"MANDT" , "BUKRS" , "BUTXT" , "WAERS" | |
Plants/Branches Data |
"MANDT" , "WERKS" , "NAME1" | |
Purchasing Groups Data |
"MANDT" , "EKGRP" , "EKNAM" | |
Purchasing Organizations Data |
"MANDT" , "EKORG" , "EKOTX" | |
Business Area Names data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
\* Language is the language setting you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following tables are the standard SAP purchasing document master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Texts for Purchasing Document Types Data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
\* Language is the language setting you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following tables are the standard SAP block & cancellation reasons master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Blocking Reason Names in Automatic Payment Transactional data |
SPRAS = 'Language' *
\* Language is the language setting you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
The following tables are the standard SAP currency master data tables.
Table |
Stores |
Fields used in Process Mining |
Filtering |
Exchange Rates data |
KURST = 'Exchange rate type' *
Conversion Factors data |
KURST = 'Exchange rate type' *
Decimal Places in Currencies data |
\* Exchange rate type is the type you define in the Connector Settings file. See Configuring the SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator.
- Introduction
- Transactional data tables
- Purchase requisition tables
- Purchasing ocument tables
- Invoice tables
- Accounting tables
- Change log tables
- Master data tables
- Invoices master data tables
- User master data tables
- Supplier master data table
- Customer master data tables
- Material master data tables
- Organizational structure master data tables
- Purchasing document master data tables
- Block & cancellation reasons master data tables
- Currency master data tables