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Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Test Manager Additional Examples


The Test Manager Additional Examples dashboard helps you measure and better understand important metrics related to Test Manager, such as top machines with errors or results grouped by their status.

Inside the dashboard, there are different widgets for you to work with. For example, in the Manual Execution by COunt widget, you can track how many tests were executed manually by each user.

Figure 1. Test Manager Additional Examples dashboard


You can filter the information from the dashboard based on the following:
  • Host Machine Name: allows you to choose the host machine for which you want to visualize data.
  • Reporting Date: allows you to choose the time period for which the information is displayed.
  • Executed By: allows you to filter the information to only display tests executed by certain users.
  • Assignee Email: allows you to filter the information to only display tests assigned by certain users.
  • Reporting Year: allows you to choose the year for which the reporting information is displayed.
  • Project Name: allows you to choose the project for which you want to visualize data.
  • Test Execution Name: allows you to filter the information to only display certain test executions based on their name.


Table 1. Test Manager Additional Examples dashboard metrics
Top 10 Machines with ErrorsThe top 10 machines that encountered errors.

The information is displayed in the form of a pie chart.

Result By StatusThe number and percentage of results split by their status. This information is displayed in the form of a pie chart with the following the following categories:
  • Passed
  • Failed
  • None
Execution TypeThe number and percentage of results split by their execution type. This information is displayed in the form of a pie chart with the following the following categories:
  • Automated
  • Manual
Robots by machines and execution countThe number of executed tests by each robot grouped by their host machines. The information is displayed in the form of a table with additional information:
  • Host Machine Name: the name of the machine hosting the robot.
  • Robot Name: the name of the robot used to execute the tests.
  • Total Count: total number of executed tests for each robot.
Manual Execution by CountThe number of manual tests executed by each user. The information is displayed in the form of a table with additional information:
  • Executed By: the username of the tester who executed the tests.
  • Total Count: total number of executed tests by each tester.
Results Count Per ProjectA graphic displaying the total number of tests for each project, split by their result:
  • Passed
  • Failed
  • No result
  • Overview
  • Filters
  • Metrics

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