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Manage Alerts
- Alert Name: The name of the alert.
- Threshold: The current threshold of the specific alert.
- Severity: The severity of the specific alert.
- Details: More details about the alert.
- Recipients: The person who receives the alert.
- Last Triggered: A time stamp of when the alert triggered recently.
- Edit/Delete/Snooze: You can choose to edit the alert, delete it, or snooze it.
In the Configure Alerts section, you can have an overview on all created alerts, and their settings. You can sort them by Alert name, Threshold, Details, Recipients, and Triggered.
Folder level permissions: If you see N/A in an alert, this means you don't have access to that specified folder in UiPath Orchestrator. This means that if an alert is created that specifies folder A and B in it, and you have access only to folder B in Orchestrator, in alert management you'll see only folder B then N/A.
From here, you can also Edit (by selecting the pencil icon), Delete (by selecting the bin icon) or Snooze an alert. The snooze button snoozes the alert indefinitely until un-snoozed. Using the Search option, you can find a specific alert and also filter them by Type and Time. From the Time drop-down box, you can select a predefined time interval, or a Custom one. You choose your Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time and confirm your selection by selecting Apply.
- Select Create Alert, from the upper right side of the page.
- Input a Name for your alert.
- Select the type of the alert you wish to create. You can select between Job Alerts, Queue Alerts, and Machine Alerts.
- Choose the Snooze period form the drop-down list. This is a time range to snooze the alert after the first delivery.
- Select your Severity from the drop-down list. This can be Error, Info or Warn.
- Set a filter from Select Filters section. The filters available are different depending on what type of alert you've selected. It can be Folder Filter and Process Name Filter, Folder Filter and Queue Name Filter, or Machine Filter. This helps you minimize or maximize the scope of exactly which folders or process you want the alert to trigger. Select
the needed value for the filter from the dropdown list.
Note: If no folders, processes, machines, or queues are selected within the alert, then by default all folders/processes/etc. you have access to in Orchestrator will be populated, but this does not include personal workspaces.
- In the Send Alert To box, select who should receive the alert. Search by name or email, and choose a result from the drop-down list.
- Select Create.
- Process AlertsWith the following thresholds:
- Number of Jobs for a Status (Faulted, Pending, Resumed, Running, Stopped, Stopping, Successful, Suspended, Terminating)
Note: For the moment, the number of Jobs or Queue Items alert tend to be more noisy as any newly added jobs/queue items over the threshold will re-trigger the alert unless auto-snooze is selected.
- Jobs Duration in an Uncompleted Status (Pending, Running, Suspended, Any)
- Jobs Duration in a Completed Status (Faulted, Stopped, Successful)
Note: Alerts (unless otherwise specified in the time range) are computed in a one minute frequency. For example, this could mean that if a job or queue items goes from started, pending, and completed all within a minute time range, then it wouldn't get counted towards a jobs > 3 pending state alert. - Number of Jobs for a Status (Faulted, Pending, Resumed, Running, Stopped, Stopping, Successful, Suspended, Terminating)
- You can also select a Folder Filter and Process Name Filter found below Set Threshold.
Note: Filters can be treated as AND functionality with the threshold being computed based on jobs from folder a + jobs from folder b.Note: Leaving the Folder Filter blank, by default, it populates it with the folders you have access to, but not including personal workspaces.
- Queues AlertsWith the following thresholds:
- Number of Queue Items for a Status
- Queue Items in an Uncompleted Status
- Queue Items Duration in a Completed Status
- Queue Items Near Deadline
- Queue Item has breached SLA time
You can also select a Folder Filter and Queue Name Filter found below Set Threshold.
- Machines AlertsWith the following thresholds:
- Machine Unresponsive Time
- Machine Template Has Become Disconnected
You can also select a specific machine, using the Machine Filter found below Select Filters.
Each Threshold has it's own characteristics that needs to be configured for: status, operator, minutes, and aggregation.
In this scenario we're creating an alert for jobs over 30 minutes in pending.
- Select the Name box and enter Jobs over 30 minutes in Pending as a name for the alert.
- Select Process Alerts from the Type section.
- From the Set Threshold section, select Job Duration in an Uncompleted Status
- Set the Status to Pending, from the dropdown list.
- In the Minutes box, input 30 minutes.
- From the Select Filter section, select a Folder Filter and a Process Name Filter from the dropdown boxes.
- Select Create, and the alert is now visible in the alert table from the Manage Alerts view.
In this section the widget displays the number of alerts triggered for Process, Queues, and Machines. You can filter this by using Type, Time, Folders and Severity. From the Time dropdown box, you can select a predefined time interval, or a Custom one. You choose your Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time and confirm your selection by selecting Apply.
Below the widget, a list displays all the alerts history. It's possible to sort them by Time Stamp, Alert Name, Threshold, Severity, Details, and Recipients.
To find a specific alert by its name, use the Search option, and the results are displayed as you type.