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Automation Hub Ideas and Idea Ageing
Dimension |
Description |
Autogenerated-ID |
Unique ID generated when creating the idea in Automation Hub |
Is Current Phase Status (Yes / No) |
Indicates whether the phase & status combination is the current one for the idea |
Last Change Time |
Time the idea was updated to the indicated phase & status |
Repeated Phase & Status (Yes / No) |
Indicates whether the idea was in the indicated phase & status combination before. In case the idea was in the indicated phase & status before, the information around the timestamp and the time spent on that phase & status before are not exposed in the data model. |
Time in Phase Status |
Time spent by the idea in the indicated phase & status |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Count of ideas corresponding to the selected idea ageing filters |
Dimension |
Description |
Phase is Active |
Showing if the Phases are in use or not:
Phase Name |
Phase Name as displayed in the user interface |
Phase Order |
Phase Order in the idea's lifecyle |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of times the phase appears for the selected pool of ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Phase Status is Active |
Showing if the Statuses are in use or not:
Status Name |
Phase Status name as displayed in the user interface |
Status Order |
Phase Status order |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of times the status appears for the selected pool of ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Average of Reviews |
Average of the ratings given by the reviewers |
Benefits |
Benefits of the component |
Compatibility |
Versions of the products added as dependencies of the component |
Component URL |
URL of the component |
Creation Date |
Date when the component was created |
Dependencies |
Dependencies of the component |
Description |
Description of the component, as defined by the author |
Is Active (Yes / No) |
Showing if the component is deleted or not (Yes = component is not deleted, No = component was deleted) |
Name |
Name of the component, as defined by the author |
Number of Applications |
Number of applications referenced to be used by the component |
Number of Categories |
Number of categories for which the component is available |
Number of Comments |
Number of comments added in the component’s profile |
Number of Manuals |
Number of manuals uploaded by the author in the component profile |
Number of Media Files |
Number of media files uploaded by the author in the component profile |
Number of Reviews |
Number of reviews added by the users who downloaded the component |
Slug |
Component’s slug used to construct the URL. It is unique, auto-generated from the name of the component. |
Summary |
Summary of the component, as defined by the author |
Type |
Type of component: custom activity, snippet, workflow template, connector, dashboard, ML model, solution |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of components |
Dimension |
Description |
Application Full Name |
Concatenation of the application name, version and language for easier search |
Application Language |
Language of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Application Name |
Name of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Application Version |
Version of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Business Area“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Business area name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Number of Downloads |
Number of component downloads performed by the users |
Status |
Status of the component's version |
Version |
Version number for the component |
Version Creation Date |
Date when the component's version was created |
Version Last Update Date |
Date when the component's version was last updated |
Version Publication Date |
Date when the component's version was published |
Measure |
Dimension |
Count |
Count of component's versions |
Dimension |
Description |
Auto-generated ID |
Unique ID assigned to each idea, in the Tenant DataBase. |
Creation Date |
Idea Creation Date. Can be different than the Submission date, in case of ideas saved of draft first. |
Idea Name |
Idea Name, as defined in the field Automation Name. |
Idea Slug |
Idea's slug used to construct Idea URL. It is unique. |
Idea Source |
The source type. |
Idea URL |
URL of the idea. |
Last Update Date |
Last idea update - can be a change in the Phase, Status, details in the automation profile, Cost-Benefit Analysis, documentation. |
Priority |
Idea's Priority |
Submission Date |
Idea Submission Date |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of submitted Ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Application Full Name |
Concatenation of the application name, version and language for easier search |
Application Language |
Language of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Application Name |
Name of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Application Version |
Version of the application as defined in the Application Inventory |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Business Area“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Business area name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of categories on Level 1 |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Category“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Category name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of categories on Level 2 |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Sub-category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Sub-category“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Sub-category name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of categories on Level 3 |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Sub-category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Sub-category“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Sub-category name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of categories on Level 4 |
Dimension |
Description |
Category Creation Date |
Date when the Sub-category was created |
Category Level Name |
Default name “Sub-category“ - can be customized in the user interface - find here the latest name |
Category Name |
Sub-category name |
Category Order Number |
The order in which the categories are displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of categories on Level 5 |
Dimension |
Description |
Phase is Active |
Showing if the Phases are in use or not:
Phase Name |
Phase Name as displayed in the user interface |
Phase Order |
Phase Order in the idea's lifecyle |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of times the phase appears for the selected pool of ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Answer Data Type |
The Answer's data type |
Answer Display Value |
The Answer value as displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Answer Raw Value |
The Answer's backing raw value as stored in Automation Hub |
Creation Date |
Date when the Answer was submitted |
Last Update Date |
Date when the Answer was updated |
Question Assessment Source |
This will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.) |
Question Key |
The unique identifier of a Question of type date, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique. |
Question Title |
The Question Title as configured in the Assessment |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Count of unique answers |
Dimension |
Description |
Answer Display Value |
The Answer value as displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Answer Raw Value |
The Answer's backing raw value as stored in Automation Hub |
Answer (DateTime) Date |
The Answer converted to a DateTime value |
Creation Date |
Date when the Answer was submitted |
Last Update Date |
Date when the Answer was updated |
Question Assessment Source |
This will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.) |
Question Key |
The unique identifier of a Question, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique. |
Question Title |
The Question Title as configured in the Assessment |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Count of unique answers |
Max Date |
Maximum date from the answers of date-type questions |
Min Date |
Minimum date from the answers of date-type questions |
Measures |
Description |
Count |
Count of unique answers |
Currency saved / year per Company (Final) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in currency/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment. This also includes change requests for additional benefits. |
Currency saved / year per Company (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in currency/year, from the Detailed assessment |
Currency saved / year per Company (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in currency/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it) |
Currency saved / year per Employee (Final) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in currency/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment |
Currency saved / year per Employee (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in currency/year, from the Detailed assessment |
Currency saved / year per Employee (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in hours saved/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it). This also includes change requests for additional benefits. |
FTEs saved / year per Company (Final) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in FTEs/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment |
FTEs saved / year per Company (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in FTEs/year, from the Detailed assessment |
FTEs saved / year per Company (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in FTEs/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it) |
FTEs saved / year per Employee (Final) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in FTEs/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment |
FTEs saved / year per Employee (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in FTEs/year, from the Detailed assessment |
FTEs saved / year per Employee (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in hours saved/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it) |
Hours saved / year per Company (Final) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in hours saved/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment. This also includes change requests for additional benefits. |
Hours saved / year per Company (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in hours saved/year, from the Detailed assessment |
Hours saved / year per Company (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per company, measured in hours saved/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it) |
Hours saved / year per Employee (Final) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in hours saved/year. Revised value from Cost Benefit Analysis takes precedence (if set) over the value from Detailed Assessment |
Hours saved / year per Employee (Initial) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in hours saved/year, from the Detailed assessment |
Hours saved / year per Employee (Revised) |
Estimated benefit per employee, measured in hours saved/year, from the Cost-Benefit Analysis page (in case of updates in it) |
Dimension |
Description |
Answer Display Value |
The Answer value as displayed in the Automation Hub user interface |
Answer Raw Value |
The Answer's backing raw value as stored in Automation Hub |
Creation Date |
Date when the Answer was submitted |
Last Update Date |
Date when the Answer was updated |
Question Assessment Source |
This will indicate the type of Assessment the question belongs to (Overview, high-level assessment etc.) |
Question Key |
The unique identifier of a Question of type numerical or percentage, corresponding to the Variable name in the user interface. Title is not guaranteed to be unique. |
Question Title |
The Question Title as configured in the Assessment |
Measure |
Description |
Average |
Under the Average measure, we average all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering |
Count |
Under the Count measure, we count all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering |
Sum |
Under the Sum measure, we sum up all the answers from the various questions of type numerical and/or percentage - this requires additional filtering |
Dimension |
Description |
Phase Status is Active |
Showing if the Statuses are in use or not:
Status Name |
Phase Status name as displayed in the user interface |
Status Order |
Phase Status order |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of times the status appears for the selected pool of ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Tag Name |
List with all the Tags created. When associated with an Idea Name, reflects the tags applied for the idea. |
Measure |
Description |
Count |
Total number of tags used; Can be filtered by ideas |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login Date |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
Dimension |
Description |
Active User |
User is active:
Business Unit |
User’s Business Unit |
Creation Date |
User’s Creation Date |
Deleted User |
User is deleted:
Department |
User’s Department |
User's email address |
First Name |
User’s First Name |
Invite Status |
User’s invite status:
Job Title |
User's Job Title |
Last Login Date |
User's Last Login |
Last Name |
User’s Last Name |
Last Update Date |
Last update/change on user's profile |
Location |
User's Location |
Measure |
Description |
Automations |
Total number of Automation Ideas submitted by the user; A submitter can have more than one idea submitted |
Collaborations |
Total number of Automation Ideas where the user is assigned as a collaborator |
Components |
Total number of Components uploaded by the user |
Count |
Total number of users |
Documents |
Total number of Documents uploaded by the user |
Following |
Total number of Ideas followed by the user |
There are 2 Automation Hub explores - Automation Ideas and Idea Ageing, each one giving access to a set of views:
Automation Ideas |
Idea Ageing |
- AGEING HISTORY Users - Change Author
- COMPONENT Applications
- COMPONENT Categories
- COMPONENT Users - Author
- COMPONENT Users - Curator
- COMPONENT Users - Updater
- COMPONENT Versions
- IDEA Applications
- IDEA Category - Level 1
- IDEA Category - Level 2
- IDEA Category - Level 3
- IDEA Category - Level 4
- IDEA Category - Level 5
- IDEA Phase
- IDEA Q&As - All Types
- IDEA Q&As - DateTime Types
- IDEA Q&As - Default Benefits
- IDEA Q&As - Numerical Types
- IDEA Status
- IDEA Tags
- IDEA Users - Process Owner
- IDEA Users - Submitter
- METADATA - Latest Data Refresh
- USERS - All Users
- Automation Hub Explores