  • Automation Suite on Linux Release Notes
    • 2023.10.0
    • 2023.10.1
    • 2023.10.5
    • 2023.10.6
    • 2023.10.8
  • Automation Suite on EKS/AKS Release Notes
    • 2023.10.0
    • 2023.10.1
    • 2023.10.2
    • 2023.10.3
    • 2023.10.4
    • 2023.10.5
    • 2023.10.6
    • 2023.10.7
    • 2023.10.8
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Automation Suite release notes

Last updated Feb 27, 2025


Release date: October 17, 2024

Support for Amazon Linux 2023

Erratum - added January 27, 2025: Automation Suite on EKS now supports Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023).

Introducing FQDN update procedure

We are excited to announce that you can now update the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your Automation Suite cluster.

For details about the FQDN update procedure, see Configuring the FQDN post-installation.

Improved migration to Automation Suite

We made the following improvements to the migration workflows:

  • When moving the Identity data of your tenants from standalone Orchestrator to Automation Suite, the tenant name in Automation Suite is now the same as the original tenant name in standalone Orchestrator. Previously, the Automation Suite tenant name was automatically generated in the tenant_xxxxxxxx format, where xxxxxxxx signified the first eight characters of the Automation Suite organization ID. For more information, see Step 1: Moving the Identity organization data from standalone to Automation Suite
  • We updated our documentation of the migration steps to clarify that you have the option to migrate multiple standalone product tenants to either a single Automation Suite organization or multiple Automation Suite organizations. For more information, see Step 1: Moving the Identity organization data from standalone to Automation Suite and Step 4: Merging organizations in Automation Suite.

  • We updated our documentation of the post-migration steps to clarify that you can clean up the old Redis keys for both Orchestrator and Identity from the cloud-based Redis console. For more information, see Removing old cache keys.

Bug fixes

  • Running a health check on AKS led to an [ARGOCD_REDIS_PODS] failure for ArgoCD Redis HA, although ArgoCD Redis HA is no longer used in Automation Suite on AKS. The behavior no longer occurs.
  • In a proxy environment, if the proxy server used the same port as the TCP port of any other service in the Istio service mesh, such as port 8080, pods could not communicate with the FQDN, and an error message was displayed. The behavior no longer occurs.
    Note: If you previously created a service entry according to the workaround in Pods cannot communicate with FQDN in a proxy environment, we recommend that you delete the service entry after you upgrade to Automation Suite 2023.10.6 or later. To delete the service entry, use the following command:
    kubectl delete serviceentry proxy -n uipathkubectl delete serviceentry proxy -n uipath

Known issues

Fluentd logs transmission failure

Erratum - added February 13, 2025: An issue prevents Fluentd from sending logs to remote locations due to a lack of memory buffer. To address this issue, you must add a memory limit for Fluentd to prevent disruptions or delays when transmitting logs to a remote location.

This issue is fixed in Automation Suite 2023.10.8.

Microsoft Entra ID limitations

Erratum - added January 20, 2025: Insights and Task Mining do not currently support Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) authentication configuration for access to SQL, storage, and other resources that support Microsoft Entra.

Cannot migrate between Automation Suite flavors when Apps is enabled

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: In an offline environment, you cannot migrate from Automation Suite on Linux to Automation Suite on EKS/AKS when Apps is enabled. The issue occurs due to a version discrepancy affecting the business-apps/ba-migration-k8-utils image.
To address the problem, update the existing version for the business-apps/ba-migration-k8-utils image in the versions.json file from 2023.10.4 to 2023.10.6 before running the migration command.

We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.10.7.

Insights volumes created in two different zones following migration

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: When you migrate from Automation Suite on Linux to Automation Suite on EKS/AKS, Insights-related volumes are occasionally created in two different zones. As a result, you may encounter issues when bringing up the Insights service. To address the problem, see Troubleshooting.

We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.10.7.

Failing EKS backup related to Velero version

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: A Velero version-related issue causes the Automation Suite on EKS backup to fail. To address the issue, you must manually modify the Velero deployment. For details, see the Troubleshooting section.

We fixed the issue in Automation Suite 2023.10.7.

Upgrade failure due to overridden Insights PVC sizes

Erratum - added December 18, 2024: An issue causes upgrades to fail when the existing Insights PVC sizes are inadvertently overridden. To address this problem, you must manually change the PVC sizes in ArgoCD UI. For details, see the Troubleshooting section.

This issue is fixed in Automation Suite 2023.10.7.

Insights dashboards backup issue

Erratum - added December 18, 2024 We have identified an issue with the backup logic in Automation Suite for AKS/EKS. Specifically, this defect excludes the backup of Insights dashboards. However, all historical data is successfully backed up.

We are working diligently to resolve this issue. We aim to develop and implement a mitigation approach as early as possible.

If you are using Automation Suite on AKS/EKS along with UiPath Insights, this defect may affect your operations. While we address this issue, we suggest manually exporting your dashboards as a preventive measure.

Note that backups are mainly used as a recovery method in the event of a disaster-level incident or in preparation for an Automation Suite upgrade. This is particularly useful if an upgrade fails and stored data needs to be restored to its previous state.

Test Automation SQL connection string is ignored

Erratum - added October 17, 2024: When you provide an SQL connection string under the orchestrator.testautomation section of the input.json file, the uipathctl binary ignores the connection string and uses the one under the orchestrator section instead. To address the problem, see the Troubleshooting section.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

Bundling details

Product versions

To find out what has changed on each Automation Suite product, visit the following links.

If the product is greyed out, this new Automation Suite version does not bring any changes to it.


Automation Ops 2023.10.5

AI Center 2023.10.6Action Center 2023.10.6
Task Mining 2023.10.6AI Computer Vision 2023.10.6Insights 2023.10.6Apps 2023.10.6
Document Understanding 2023.10.6Orchestrator 2023.10.7 
  Test Manager 2023.10.6 

Internal third-party component versions

For the Kubernetes versions that each Automation Suite version supports, see Kubernetes compatibility.

This Automation Suite release bundles the following internal components:











Fluentd & Fluent-bit

logging-operator: 4.9.1

logging-operator-logging: 4.9.1







Migration tool version

The migration tool version you need depends on the standalone products you plan to migrate and the targeted Automation Suite version. For more details, see Migration compatibility matrix.

For instructions on migrating a standalone product to the current version of Automation Suite, see Full migration.

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