- Release Notes

Apps Release Notes
March 2024
The enhanced Add to queue rule brings new configurations for the main transaction events, such as transaction start, completion, and failure. This new capability extends beyond simple item addition, allowing you to monitor the status of queue items post-processing.
This continuous monitoring of the queue facilitates the dynamic interaction between Apps and unattended automations, as the rule leverages the scaling strategy within Orchestrator queues.
Additionaly, the output parameters of a queue are available for VB expressions, and you can bind the queue item result. Basically, when a queue item is processed successfully, the result is send back to the app.
For Upload File to Storage Bucket rules, now you use image URLs and base-64 image data, with the following syntax:
Image URLs
new AppsFile("https://imageURL.png")
new AppsFile("https://imageURL.png")
Base-64 image data
new AppsFile("...")
new AppsFile("...")